Chapter 10- Arrival to Hogwarts

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The train was long and tiring as usual. I chatted with Ginny and Hermione for most of the journey. They were my best friends ,despite my father's beliefs on family types.

"You really do need to change into your robe now" Hermione said to me as I stared out the window

" I guess I should " I said with  a smile on my face

I exited the carriage and went to a room at the back of the train. I grabbed my hand  luggage and pulled out my uniform. The bold red Griffindor colours making me beam. I quickly changed and returned to the carriage to find Harry there.

"Hi Harry" I said as I sat down

"Hi Bella" he said whilst helping Ginny find her ring which she'd lost in her bag

"So how was your holiday Bella" Hermione asked me as she rolled her eyes to Harry who had given up looking for the ring.

I paused slightly. I couldn't tell her the truth about Draco being a death eater or me counteracting one of the unforgivable curses.

"Interesting" I said whilst giggling.

We left it at that and enjoyed the remainder of the journey as the scenery out the windows began to become  more familiar .

As soon as Hogwarts became visible I heard lots of gasps from 1st years echo about the train.

The train came to a gradual stop and I went with the others to get my bags. We loaded our belongings onto carriages which seemed to be pulled by the air. Although Harry and Luna made it very clear that they were being pulled by black scaly horse things or whatever.

Once the carriages came to a halt we were right outside Hogwarts. I glanced at the towering building and walked inside. We dropped off our bags in a corridor and followed Hagrid into the great hall . I went to go sit at the Griffindor table and smiled when I saw the Weasley twins sat next to me. I knew I was going to have some fun .

I caught eyes with Draco and smiled at him before concentrating on Dumbledores speech .
Apparently professor Snape had finally become Defence Against The Dark Arts ( DADA)teacher . I sighed for I now knew what my new least favourite lesson would be. Despite our parents being friendly with Snape we didn't exactly see eye to eye. Probably because I was friends with Harry Potter .

After Dumbledores speech dragged on it was finally time to eat. After the command of 2 claps the tables filled with mountains of food. All different meats, vegetables and flavours devoured the table cloth. I tucked in and filled myself to the brim. After the feast I rushed upstairs to the Griffindor dormitories, I was determined to get a good bed which wasn't right next to the door.

Much to my disappointment our beds had once again been picked for us as our luggage lay in heaps on beds. Thankfully my bed was next to the window and opposite the door. I moved my heavy trunk of my bed and lay down. This year was going to be different. I just knew it. I was told by my parents to look out for Draco and help him as much as I can. They don't realise that I know he's a death eater but I'm going to do what I can to make his job as easy as possible. Even though I have no clue what his task is . I'm sure it can't be that bad, right ?

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