Chapter 19- Dumbledores Death

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I tiptoed out the common room . My wand was the only source of light available . I wore a black robe so none of the paintings recognised me if they happens to be awake.

The walk to the Astronomy tower was painful as my nerves were devouring me.

Once I'd arrived I slid through a trap door. I looked up through the floorboard above me and saw Dumbledore stood looking outside . It was pitch black and I almost screamed when a hand grabbed my shoulder. I turned my head around to see Harry ! He placed his hand over my mouth and shushed me.

"What on earth are you doing here !" I whispered as loud as I could.

"I could ask you the same thing " Harry said scowling.

Before we could talk anymore I heard a loud ear piercing cackle. I recognised it all to well. I looked up and saw my aunt enter the room followed by Draco and other death eaters.

"Dumbledores in trouble ! " Harry hissed "Have you known all this time ?" He said with watery eyes .

I shook my head as tears formed .

Suddenly a tall black cloaked man walked in and shushed me and Harry. It was professor Snape.

He pointed to upstairs and began walking up the stairs towards the room with the death eaters .

"Snape's going to stop them" Harry said hopefully with a small smile.

I forced my self  to smile. Then Harry and I continued watching the scene above.

" You don't have to do this " Dumbledore said softly while  Draco pointed his wand at him . His hand shaking slightly

"I have to do this ! " Draco said loudly .

"Expelliarmus!" He shouted .

The elder wand  flew out of Dumbledores hand to the ground .

"Well done Draco" Bellatrix whispered in his ear

"Now do it" she cackled , her eyes widening.

Draco looked more scared than I had ever seen him . He glanced down to the floor , knowing I'd be there looking up at him. I tried to smile at him but I was unable to.

Bellatrix grew impatient and stamped her foot on the ground.

Snape then barged in the tower and pointed his wand to Bellatrix. She whimpered and pretended to act scared. I knew it was an act but Harry seemed convinced which only saddened me more.

Harry looked at me and nodded . I couldn't bare to see the hope in his eyes. A silent tear rolled down my cheek.

But then Snape turned his wand sharply to face Dumbledore and Bellatrix began to laugh once more. Harry gasped and was about to run off but before he got the chance Snape said the words I was waiting for Draco to say.

He pushed Draco out the way and shouted " Avada Kedavra" .

For a second everything went still. A cold breeze wrapped around me.

Harry opened his mouth to scream  but I used my wand to silence him. Thankfully no one heard him over Bellatrixs loud cackle.

Dumbledore body fell lifelessly out the window and onto the ground. Draco stared blankly.

"Did you know " Harry blurted out .

"No I promise you I didn't, I never wanted this " I lied as I tried to calm Harry. He just looked at me but nodded briefly to show he believed me.

Draco and the death eaters ran out the tower following Snape .

Harry ran out of the room and followed them, I could tell he was angry at Snape . I tried to stop him but couldn't . I went outside to see Dumbledore's  body surrounded by professors. I fell to the ground and cried . I didn't realise how much Dumbledore meant to the school.

Hermione and Ginny came running out and hugged me . Soon the whole school was gathered round in silence .

I saw Harry and Snape fighting in the corner of my eye but ignored it .

It had been done . Dumbledore was dead . And there was no going back . Draco had helped . I had helped .

I sat in silence .

I couldn't go home . Not now. Not with everything going on . I had to help Harry , he needs me. I put my family in to much danger by staying home. I'm sick of always hiding . It's time to choose a side .

And I choose Hogwarts .

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