Chapter 18- Veil of innocnece

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3 terms later and I'd just finished my end of year exams. Everyone was relived they were over but to me that only meant one thing. Draco was now ready to complete Voldemort's task.

I stumbled back to the dorm . I wanted to hide my nerves . Before I could hide in my dorm I was stopped by Harry.

"Arabella, I need to tell you something" he said as he gestured to the sofas.

He sounded serious. I swallowed and followed him to the seats and sat down.

"What is it" I said , my face whitening .

"It's about Draco." Harry paused and I got even more nervous. If Harry know about Dracos task then he would stop him , meaning Draco would be killed my Voldemort for failing.

My throat tightened.

" I think he might be involved in some bad stuff. He seems shifty and occupied all the time"

"Oh Harry , your being ridiculous " I said quickly .

"I just wanted to make sure everything was ok with him" he said softly

"Trust me, if there was anything wrong with him then I would knew. I think he's just been nervous for the exams , that's all" I said trying to smile.

I said good night and went to bed. I didn't realise how noticeable Dracos nerves were. Now that Harry Potter was aware it came clear to me that we couldn't wait much longer. If I wanted Draco to live then we would have to do it much sooner .

The following day was a Saturday so I decide to meet up with Draco .

I waited for him outside the archway. He finally arrived and noticed how apprehensive I looked.

"What's wrong Ari" he said nervously

"You need to change the plan . Harry's already catching on to you. He knows your up to something and knowing him he'll find it out quickly " I said in a rush.

Draco paused for a while.

"We'll do it tonight then " he said bluntly.

I looked at him stunned.

"What !? " I said shocked " are you mad , there's no way we can get a an owl to tell the other death eaters by today "

Draco pulled up his sleeve.

"My Dark Mark makes me able to summon them, I'll get them to come tonight" he said whilst staring at his arm.

I hugged him and nodded .

The plan was for me to stay under the floor boards in the Astronomy tower where Draco would kill Dumbledore alongside the other death eaters.

Draco began to look at me again.

"Don't worry, if worst comes to worst then I've got professor Snape to help me " Draco said whilst hugging me.

"I knew it" I said " that explains why he's been following you like a hawk"

"Be at the tower for 10" Draco said as we walked back inside" that gives us enough time to wait for Dumbledore to arrive.

I couldn't speak so all I could respond with was a nod .

After dinner I walked to the common room. I tried to act as normal as possible and went to bed early . I lay down, waiting for the clock to read 9:55. The ticking was a count down to death. I hoped my innocence would always remain and the truth of what me and Draco were doing would never be revealed.

Before I knew it, it was time to go. I sat up and looked at my desk. A moving picture of me and my friends laughing reminded me of the past, when I was unaware of my family's truth. I took a big breath and left the room silently.

It was time .

Protection, Love, secrets Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα