Chapter 16- Christmas Party

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Time flew by and before I knew it, it was Christmas. I jumped out of bed and ran to Dracos bedroom.

"Wake up for Merlin's sake" I shouted as I barged into Dracos room.

"Shut up"he groaned as I turned his lights on

I yanked the duvet of him and pulled him off his bed. Once he'd stopped complaining I grabbed his hand and escorted him downstairs.

In the drawing room underneath a large white tree lay two piles of presents wrapped in velvets and silks. A smile spread across my face.

Draco asked Nimsy to make us some tea as we waited for our parents to come downstairs.

I grew impatient and started feeling the gifts. Hoping to guess what they could be. Before I got too invested in working out my presents I heard footsteps. I walked outside the room to see my parents walking towards me in their silk dressing gowns.

"Happy Christmas " my mother said as she kissed me on the forehead

"Yes, happy Christmas Arabella" echoed my father from behind.

I followed them in and allowed them to get comfy before we opened gifts.

I gave my parents both a present which I'd bought for them. I got my mother a book about famous fashion witches and got my father a new tie.

After a hug and thankyou I got straight into my pile of gifts.


After a while me and Draco had finished unwrapping the gifts. I'd been given lots of beautiful pieces of clothing, jewellery and robes. Draco has got a broom, suits and books.

We both thanked our parents and chatted for a while. But before we knew it, it was time to get ready for the party.

I sprant upstairs and pulled my dress out my wardrobe.

I noticed one of Dracos shirts was lying on my bed so I went to his room to return it. I knocked but no one answered so I just walked in. I placed the shirt in his dressing table and went to leave but something caught my eye. Underneath his bed lay an amber stone which shone brightly. I picked it up to reveal a beautiful silver chained necklace attached to the stone in a locket. I attempted to open it, expecting to see a picture of Draco and a past girlfriend but it seemed jammed shut.

Without thinking I put it in my pocket and took it to my room. I opened a draw in my dressing table and placed it inside.

I then decided to get changed . I quickly washed my hair and body. I used a fast drying hair spell and did my makeup. Then I stepped into my Dark Green dress. I felt so much older and mature in it.

The necklace my mother had gifted to me matched perfectly so I put it on , alongside some long silk white gloves. I curled the ends of my hair and finally decided I was finished.

It was time for the party to begin. I peeked out my door to see white and green Christmas decoration devour the entrance hall. Chandeliers were drowned in mistletoe and the walls were enveloped by silvers and whites.

Draco was also staring at the sight and smiled at me. It was tradition for use to enter the party together with our arms linked while we walk down the stairs.

My mother came in my room and did some final touches on my dress . She summoned Draco in my room and took a picture of us stood next to each other. She then left and told us to come out when Nimsy told us to.

We waited as guests flooded the manor . I saw Blaise enter with his family and felt butterflies in my stomach. I tried to hide my excitement from Draco.

Suddenly I heard Nimsy knock on the door. It was time. Me and Draco linked arms and walked out the room together.

"You suit green " he said whilst smiling

"And you suit black. Despite the fact  you never wear any other colour " I said with a smirk .

We reached the top of the staircase and the chatter grew silent. Many faces turned to stare at us in awe.Gasps and smiles filled the room.

My mother's warm smile made me feel less embarrassed. I caught Blaise's eyes and blushed.

As we made it to the bottom of the staircase my father raised his glass of wine.

"Merry Christmas " he said "may you join me in this toast "

Everyone raise their glasses of alcohol.

"Thankyou for joining us in this fine evening. I hope you are all well" my father continued " please raise your glasses for my beautiful , intelligent daughter and handsome and brave son. "

"To Arabella and Draco" everyone said cheerfully

Everyone went straight back to their conversations . My father took Draco to join him in a conversation with ministers and my mother took me to join her group of fashion designers and wife's of ministers.

We chatted about girly things and Hogwarts. Compliments of my outfit were made all night long . I grew more and more tired as the night rolled on by. But I was quickly awoken again when I saw Blaise approach me.

"You don't mind me coming over here. I've just managed to escape a ridiculous conversation about the deprivation of muggle borns. " he said whilst smiling.

"Sorry if my father has managed to bore you" I said giggling .

He offers me a drink and I hesitated. I'd never drank alcohol before but my parents never said I wasn't allowed to . I downed a glass of fizz and instantly felt refreshed. After that I kept on drinking and talking to Blaise. Unaware of how drunk I was becoming.

We chatted and laughed for the remainder of the night. His family was the last to leave and when they did I made a big sigh.

I stumbled across the floor to wave them off.Draco noticed straight away that I was drunk and laughed. I fell over my heels and almost landed smack on the floor but my mother fortunately caught me . 

She helped me up the stairs and assisted me to my bed. I groaned and slurred my words. She laughed and stoked my hair.

"You were amazing tonight. I wish you'd stop growing up so fast" she whispered.

I was too tired to answer.

I fell asleep instantly and feared the upcoming hangover awaiting me.

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