Chapter 17- Return to Hogwarts

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After the party I was flat out. Draco wouldn't stop making jokes about me and Blaise being a cute couple. I secretly loved the idea of me and Blaise being together but I knew it was too soon to start a proper relationship. Besides , Blaise was in Slytherin and I was a Gryffindor.

Before I knew it, it was time to go back to school. This made me apprehensive as Draco's task was edging closer. The thought of loosing Dumbledore upset me but if he didn't go then my brother would. I hoped that one day my family would be normal and live a non evil life.

Once we were all packed we boarded the train the following day. I said goodbye to my parents, but this time I wasn't smiling . I was scared for what was coming .

I decided to sit with Draco . It was just me and him in a compartment so we used the time wisely to plan Dumbledores death. We wanted to do it near the end of the year so it was unsuspicious.

After a long journey we finally arrived. Me and Draco hugged before exciting the train . I joined Hermione and Ginny and walked with them to the great hall.

I enjoyed the feast and apprehensively walked to my dorm. I found it hard keeping such a big secret from my friends but I knew I couldn't tell them . What would they think of me if they knew I was helping someone kill Dumbledore ? What would Harry do to me?

I shivered at the thought and went to bed. I sobbed silently and longed for this year to come to an end.

The following morning I walked to breakfast but was stopped by professor Snape.

He looked me up and down with a look of disapproval.

"Arabella, I just want to check in " he said after a pause. I looked surprised." Your brother hasn't mentioned anything to you which you found shocking or hard to believe has he ?"

"No professor, not that I know of " I said , trying to act confused.

He looked at me and raised his left eyebrow

"Very well" he muttered before walking off.

Of course I knew exactly what was going on with my brother. But I had to act confused or it would become noticeable.


Later, after finishing all my classes for the day I walked to the great hall. I wasn't hungry, however I reluctantly attempted to fill my stomach up with food.

"You alright Bella, you've hardly touched your food" Hermione said anxiously.

"Yeah, just not that hungry" I said, trying to force a smile.

I knew the next few terms were going to be hard for me. I wasn't good at keeping secrets and acting innocent but I understood I had to for Dracos sake.

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