Chapter 8- Diagon Alley

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No one mentioned the incident between me and Bellatrix and I was glad . Thankfully she didn't return so I could relax. The holidays were drawing to a close and we only had 2 weeks left. For the first time in forever I didn't want to leave home for Hogwarts. The idea of being away from my mother until Christmas made me feel sick.

I was busy talking to Draco about the newest nimbus 2006 when my parents walked in.

"Time to go" my father said , I could tell he was in a rush

I grabbed my wand and ran to the mirror in the hall to check my mascara hadn't smudged .

" Arabella!" My dad called from the drawing room

" coming " I shouted back

I joined my parents and my mother reached her arm towards me for me to hold. She squeezed it tight and lead me into the fireplace.

"Diagon Alley" she said as she chucked the flew powder to the ground.

Within seconds I arrived in diagonal alley, it was full of life as always . My mother didn't let go of my hand and I was glad . We walked into a top end robe fitting shop. It had completely white walls and flooring. Robes hung everywhere and gold chandeliers hung from the marble ceiling. Father spoke to a woman behind a counter and we were brought to a fitting room the size of a large bedroom.

Me and Draco stood on stools as people came and began measuring us. Draco was still slightly taller than me which didn't surprise me. Once we'd been measured thoroughly we bought 3 robes each. One for free time , one for during the school day and one spare .

We then went to the book shop to buy our school books . My father always buys us 2 of each book so we have spares in case we loose any . I believe he does this to show off but I don't really mind because I'm likely to loose one anyway.

We then went to a couple extra shops to buy some additional items a such as quills , home clothes and school uniform. My mother bought me a beautiful necklace with a diamond 'A' on . I hugged and thanked her endlessly.

Before heading home I went into the hair salon. My father decided I needed to get a cut before school started in order to look smart and tidy .

" Miss Malfoy , welcome " a friendly man bellowed as I entered

He sat me down and cut my hair without using magic . I still wanted it to be long so he cut around 3 inches off . It was now the same length as my mother's and looked lovely.

Draco also got a haircut in another shop and he looked much older. I laughed and he elbowed me which only made me laugh harder. My mother smirked at me when she noticed me laughing. I eventually stopped when my father glared at me sternly.

When we arrived home I ran upstairs to start packing. Every year my mother would help me pack and father would help Draco pack.

I placed all my shopping bags on my bed and began to fill up my trunk.

My mother chose all of the outfits I'd take with me and she used her wand to neatly fold everything. She placed my necklace in a velvet box and put it on the top of the trunk. Once I was unable to fit anything else in I closed it .

Father and Draco were busy arguing about which suits to take. I walked in the room and sat on the bed amused as my mother attempted to help. Both suits looked exactly the same which made me laugh.

I was so hungry after a day of shopping and packing so I was relieved when Nimsy informed me dinner was ready . It was steak, my favourite!
I ate the food in my plate extremely fast and found myself waiting for ages for the others to finish. Once we were all done we walked downstairs to the library and sat together.
We talked for ages about school and the ministry . Father was complaining about a recent raid. I sat in the middle of Draco and my mother. The fire made me sleepy and I yawned as Draco rested his head on my shoulder.

I scuffed up his hair and laughed as he sighed. Mother and father talked to eachother whilst I snuzzled up to Draco.

"Tired Ari?" He said softly in my ear

"Shut up dray ray" I said softly as I smiled up at him . I knew the name annoyed him but he let it slide.

Since we weren't in the same house at school it meant I wasn't able to hug or lye with him. Therefore I cherished this moment.

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