Chapter 1: My crush is not a freak

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Joshua's gaze lingered on Jeonghan, observing with a mixture of amusement and affection as his friend hurriedly crammed his belongings into his hobo sling bag. The sudden ring of the bell signaled the end of their literature class, prompting Joshua to interject with a playful barrier, extending his leg just enough to halt Jeonghan's progress momentarily.

"Where to?" Joshua's voice carried a teasing tone, his playful demeanor evident as he intercepted Jeonghan's path.

"Library," Jeonghan's response was swift, his determination palpable as he deftly sidestepped Joshua's leg obstruction and propelled himself towards the exit, a sense of urgency guiding his steps.

"To do what? Watch that maths freak solve his calculus questions?" Joshua's eyebrow arched inquisitively, his grin widening at the opportunity to provoke a reaction from his friend.

"He isn't a freak," Jeonghan's retort was accompanied by a sharp glare, his defense of the unnamed individual clear as he maintained his brisk pace towards their destination.

"People who love maths are a freak, my dear Hannie," Joshua's teasing continued, his arm slinking around Jeonghan's shoulder in a familiar gesture of camaraderie, their bond evident in the easy way they fell into step together.

As they traversed the hallway towards the library, shafts of afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow upon the polished floor tiles. The rhythmic click-clack of their footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter or playful banter exchanged between the two friends.

Despite the passing of time, their friendship remained steadfast, a beacon of comfort and familiarity in the midst of life's uncertainties.

"Look, your boyfriend is here. Hi Minnie!" Jeonghan exclaimed, his hand shooting up in a wave, a grin spreading across his face. Seokmin's eyes lit up with joy, and he effortlessly weaved through the throng of people towards Jeonghan and Joshua, his bright smile warming the room.

"Hi hyung!" Seokmin greeted, his voice a melody of enthusiasm as he approached them. Joshua, his affectionate demeanor ever-present, leaned in to peck Seokmin's cheeks, eliciting a charming blush from his boyfriend, who was still taken aback by Joshua's boldness, even after three years together.

Jeonghan couldn't resist teasing, making a mock gagging sound at Joshua's display of affection, which earned him a playful glare from his friend. "Do that again, and you'll feel the wrath of these holy hands," Joshua threatened in jest, miming a choking motion with his hands, prompting laughter from Seokmin and Jeonghan.

Curious about their plans, Seokmin inquired, "Where are y'all going?" Jeonghan, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, shook his head with a smirk. "I'm headed to the library, and your boyfriend here was pestering me. Take him away, please," he joked, sticking his tongue out at Joshua, who responded with mock indignation.

"Bitch, I won't save seats for you starting tomorrow," Joshua retorted, his voice echoing down the hallway as Seokmin attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to shush him. Jeonghan couldn't help but laugh as he bounded down the stairs, a quick glance at his watch revealing the time.

It was already 12:45 pm, and Jeonghan's heart sank as he realized he was running late. With a gasp, he sprinted towards the library, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridors as he raced against time.

Finally reaching the library, Jeonghan burst through the door, his chest heaving as if he'd been running a marathon. Disappointed glances from the patrons greeted him, but he paid them no mind; his sole focus was on the task at hand.

Approaching the counter table, Jeonghan leaned heavily against it, trying to catch his breath. "Good morning!" he managed to gasp out, meeting Mingyu's friendly smile with his own.

"Is my place—"

"No, it's not taken yet. I've saved it for you," Mingyu interrupted, gesturing toward Jeonghan's usual spot. Gratitude flooded Jeonghan's expression as he hurried over, carefully placing his belongings on the table before settling in with his history textbook.

As Jeonghan stole a glance from his book, his breath caught in his throat as his eyes landed on someone seated at the table opposite him.

Wavy locks styled into a soft, inviting bowl, strands of brown hair seemingly begging to be touched, round glasses delicately perched on his nose, and lips forming a subtle pout as he meticulously scribbled mathematical equations in his notebook—Choi Seungcheol, from the business department, once again captured Jeonghan's attention, sending his heart into a joyful dance with just his mere presence.

"Oh my god..." Jeonghan squealed lightly as Seungcheol tapped his finger over the calculator, entering numbers for equations.

Jeonghan sighed as he realized that even today, he couldn't talk to Seungcheol. The same thing had been repeated for a year now. He knew he liked Seungcheol, yet the guts to go up and talk to the older man were not present in him. All he could do was sit at the opposite table in the library from Seungcheol and admire him from afar, just like he had been doing for a year.

Joshua always teased him about this, mentioning how Jeonghan liked a math freak, but that it was okay because it was Seungcheol. Anything related to Seungcheol was okay, and Jeonghan had no problem with it. Except for the fact that he couldn't confess to the boy even after crushing on him for a year now.

Time passed by quickly, and soon Seungcheol was packing up. Jeonghan hurriedly closed his notebook and stuffed it in his bag as he watched Seungcheol collect his own belongings and put them in his bag. Jeonghan swung the sling bag across his shoulder and started to make his way right behind Seungcheol when something caught his attention: something fell down from the table.

A baby pink sticky note was attached to the table where Jeonghan sat. He frowned and picked it up to read it.

"Ribbons look so pretty on you, baby!" - CS

Jeonghan smiled as he lifted his hand to touch the red ribbons he had worn that day. That was when he started to receive these anonymous small love notes.



Welcome to another one of my jeongcheol story! 🎀

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Welcome to another one of my jeongcheol story! 🎀

Highschool love book/story always makes me squeal like a teenager 🥹🎀

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