Chapter 9: Bets and cheats

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"Where to now?" they pondered, perched on the pavement opposite their university. The streetlights flickered on, casting an invitation to the impending night. The breeze tousled their hair as they surveyed the empty pavement, making it seem like even the wind was lost in indecision.

"I'm clueless," Seungcheol admitted with a sigh, his eyes scanning the surroundings as if hoping for inspiration to jump out from behind a tree. Unfortunately, no such luck. A playground beckoned beside them, its swings swaying gently as if whispering secrets to each other, while a highway hummed on the other side, a never-ending stream of cars racing to destinations unknown.

Jeonghan stole a glance at Seungcheol, feeling his heart do somersaults in his chest. If someone had told him he'd end up like this with Seungcheol, he'd have thought they were bananas. But here they were, sitting side by side, the world stretched out before them like an open book waiting to be written.

This moment felt so surreal for Jeonghan. Was he dreaming? Was Seungcheol a figment of his imagination? Was he morphing into a lovestruck lunatic? He had no clue, but he was enjoying every minute of it.

Jeonghan eyed the playground, empty and waiting, with an area for various ball games. It seemed to be calling out to them, daring them to come and play, promising endless fun and laughter.

"Follow me," he declared, rising from his spot and dusting off his jeans with a flourish that would have made even the most seasoned performer jealous. "Huh?" Seungcheol blinked in confusion as Jeonghan extended his hand, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"You said you're a basketball pro, right? Let's put that claim to the test!" Jeonghan pointed at the basketball court, Seungcheol trailing behind like a curious puppy, thoroughly entertained by Jeonghan's antics.

"You accusing me of lying?" Seungcheol scoffed, rising to his feet and stretching his arms above his head, his muscles rippling beneath his shirt like a Greek god in disguise. "Maybe," Jeonghan teased, striding towards the court with a confidence that bordered on arrogance.

"Let's see who can score more," Jeonghan proposed, hopping over the fence with the agility of a cat and grabbing the basketball with a flourish that would have made even the most seasoned magician jealous.

"And what's the prize for the winner?" Seungcheol asked, raising an eyebrow at Jeonghan, who shrugged nonchalantly as if he hadn't just proposed a wager that could change the course of their entire friendship.

"One wish granted," Jeonghan declared with a dramatic flair, his eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect of victory. If he won, he'd ask Seungcheol out on a date, consequences be damned.

"Is that a solemn vow or just hot air?" Seungcheol inquired, rolling up his sleeves with a grin that sent shivers down Jeonghan's spine and caused his heart to skip a beat.

"I never fib! It's a solemn vow, sealed with the blood of a thousand unicorns," Jeonghan declared, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he walked confidently to the starting line, the basketball cradled in his arms like a precious treasure.

"And why are you talking as if you're already victorious? What if I win?" Jeonghan challenged, his eyes narrowing in mock indignation as he shot Seungcheol a playful glare.

"Because we both know who the real winner will be," Seungcheol said with a smirk, standing opposite Jeonghan with a confidence that bordered on cockiness. Their frames juxtaposed: Seungcheol's broad and muscular, Jeonghan's lithe and agile, like a panther ready to pounce on its prey.

"Overconfidence is your Achilles' heel!" Jeonghan retorted, holding the basketball up like a trophy and shooting Seungcheol a competitive glare that promised only one thing: victory.

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