Chapter 4: Delusions and Biceps

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Amidst the cacophony of loud hooting and cheers, Jeonghan reluctantly stepped into the bustling basketball match area. The atmosphere was electrifying, with people from various schools gathered to witness the epic showdown on the court.

"It's so crowded here..." Jeonghan grumbled, feeling like a minnow in a sea of roaring fans, as Joshua eagerly dragged him through the throngs of excited spectators towards the gate of the basketball field.

"Come on, just a little more!" Joshua urged, his enthusiasm undiminished by the press of bodies around them, until they finally reached the gate and he pushed it open, leading them inside.

"Are we even allowed to be here?" Jeonghan questioned, watching with a mix of apprehension and curiosity as Joshua breezed onto the field as if he owned the place.

"Yes," Joshua reassured him with a mischievous grin, his confidence unwavering as he made his way towards the benches where the players were gearing up for the game.

"Minnie!" Joshua called out, drawing the attention of one of the players, Seokmin, who turned away from the team meeting with a smile, only to have his cheeks turn a shade of crimson as Joshua sent a playful flying kiss his way. Seokmin's friends couldn't resist teasing him as he blushed furiously, turning away with embarrassment.

Jeonghan couldn't help but shake his head in amusement at Joshua's affectionate nature, marveling at how effortlessly he could brighten up any moment with his playful antics.

As the meeting wrapped up, Seokmin jogged towards them, his eyes lighting up like a kid in a candy store as he spotted Joshua. Without missing a beat, Joshua squealed with excitement and enveloped his boyfriend in a tight hug, while Jeonghan offered a warm smile and a casual side hug, like they were part of a heartwarming sitcom reunion.

"You guys are gonna rock this! Play well!" Joshua exclaimed, his hands cupping Seokmin's cheeks affectionately, as if he was coaching a team of world-class athletes.

"I think not, we're short a player," Seokmin sighed, pulling Joshua closer and explaining the predicament with the seriousness of a detective unraveling a mystery. "Mark won't be able to make it for the match today."

"What? Now? What are y'all gonna do?" Jeonghan's curiosity peaked, realizing the gravity of the situation. Losing this match could be as disastrous as forgetting your umbrella during a torrential downpour.

"Actually, Wonwoo--"

"Come here!" A sudden interruption broke their conversation, and Jeonghan turned to see Wonwoo waving frantically, signaling their savior's arrival like a knight summoning reinforcements.

"Ah, he's here!" Seokmin announced excitedly, letting go of Joshua and straightening up to greet the newcomer with the enthusiasm of a fan meeting their favorite celebrity.

Jeonghan's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets like they were on springs when he saw Seungcheol walking in with Mingyu by his side, replacing Mark for the match. Seungcheol, in his simple sweatpants and white t-shirt, looked effortlessly cool with his glasses perched on his nose bridge, like a fashion model on their way to a photoshoot.

"Thank you so much!" Wonwoo expressed his gratitude as he jogged over to Seungcheol, who simply smiled in response, radiating charm like a Hollywood heartthrob.

"It's okay, I'm just happy to help," Seungcheol replied in his deep, captivating voice that sent shivers down Jeonghan's spine, like a smooth jazz singer serenading a crowd.

Though not known for his athleticism, Seungcheol's presence alone was enough to boost the team's morale like a shot of espresso in the morning.

Jeonghan could already feel himself losing his mind imagining Seungcheol playing basketball, his muscles bulging in his jersey and shorts, with thighs that could save lives like a superhero in disguise.

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