Chapter 21: Secrets under the leaves

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"Hi, I think these notes are stressing you about who I am. If you would like to find out, please meet me at the university garden after the lunch break." - CS

Jeonghan stared down at the note with wide eyes, feeling a rush of curiosity mixed with apprehension. How did this person know that Jeonghan was actually stressed about them? They probably saw him, but the thought sent shivers down his spine.

"What does it say?" Joshua peeked into the notes, his brow furrowing with intrigue, as he slammed his locker shut after grabbing his books.

"It says they are going to reveal themselves today. Should I go?" Jeonghan bit his lip, his mind racing with possibilities, as he stuffed the note into his pocket before making his way to class with Joshua.

It was just another day at university for them, the chatter of students and the rustle of papers filling the air. But for Jeonghan, the mystery of the notes lingered like a ghost, refusing to fade into the background.

It would be a lie if Jeonghan said that he wasn't waiting for one. But he didn't expect the anonymous writer to reveal themselves suddenly like this. Should he go and find out? Or just ignore it? Joshua would be all over his throat if Jeonghan didn't go to see who is behind all these notes.

"You should go and see. We will finally be able to find out who it is!" Joshua snapped his fingers excitedly, his eyes gleaming with anticipation, and Jeonghan just rolled his eyes at him, his heart pounding with uncertainty.

"Let's go, otherwise Ms. Anderson will be all over our heads again," Joshua suggests as he drags Jeonghan to their class. Jeonghan huffs, knowing very well that his attention will be anywhere but in class today.

"Did you do her assignment?" Joshua whispers in Jeonghan's ear as they both enter the class after receiving a convincing nod from the blonde professor, who has her eyes glued to her book.

"No, did you?" Jeonghan bites his tongue as they both sit at their desks. Joshua turns to him, a smile present on his face.

"Well," he starts, clearing his throat before showing his phone to indicate that he hasn't submitted the assignment yet either.

"We're both in trouble."

"Seungcheol, you're shaking, bro. Is everything alright?" Seungcheol raises his head to look at Taehyung, who is frowning at him.

"Yeah, yeah," Seungcheol says with an awkward smile, and Taehyung nods. Today is the day he will tell Jeonghan the truth about everything. To be honest, Seungcheol is scared shitless. How will Jeonghan react? Will he accept it? Will he cut ties with Seungcheol? Well, it's possible that Jeonghan might not want to be friends with Seungcheol anymore.

"You're spacing out," Taehyung nudges Seungcheol in the waist as he glares at him. "Yeah, sorry, what were you saying?" Seungcheol says in an apologetic tone, but Taehyung dismisses him with a wave of his hand.

"I was just asking if I should wear green or blue for my date today," Taehyung says as he sneaks his phone below the table to show Seungcheol two pictures of clothes.

"Date? Who are you going on a date with?" Seungcheol says as he keeps glancing between the professor ahead and Taehyung's phone.

"Wonwoo's brother, that cutie pie--"

"Mr. Kim! What is so much more interesting and important than my lecture for you?" The chalk slips between Taehyung and Seungcheol, hitting the locker stand behind as Taehyung immediately stands up. Seungcheol shakes his head as he sits straight at his desk.

"You too, Mr. Choi."

Well, today might officially be an unlucky day for him now.

""Are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Joshua's voice echoed in the empty classroom, filled with concern etched in every syllable. Jeonghan's nod felt feeble against the weight of anticipation gripping his chest. Finally, the lunch break had arrived, the appointed hour where Jeonghan would confront the enigma behind the cryptic notes.

"Yes, Shua, go now. Seok is waiting for you," Jeonghan managed, his voice strained with nerves as he gestured towards Seokmin, who stood sentinel at the classroom door. Joshua's departure was a reluctant retreat from the looming confrontation that Jeonghan was about to face.

"Make sure to call if anything goes wrong or if that person tries to kidnap you--"

Jeonghan's incredulous scoff interrupted Joshua's warning. "Kidnap me? Why on earth would they do that?" The absurdity of the notion threatened to unravel Jeonghan's composure as he hastily packed his belongings. Joshua's casual shrug, his nonchalant demeanor, did little to assuage the tremors of apprehension coursing through Jeonghan's veins.

"You're Jeonghan: pretty, smart, and rich. Who wouldn't?" Joshua's words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities Jeonghan carried with him. With a final, fleeting glance, Joshua departed, leaving Jeonghan to wrestle with his doubts and fears alone.

As Jeonghan navigated the corridors of the university, each step felt like a precarious journey into the unknown. The weight of anticipation bore down on him, threatening to crush his resolve. The garden beckoned like a sanctuary, a haven of respite amidst the tumult of his emotions.

Finally, Jeonghan reached the designated spot, a secluded bench nestled amidst the verdant foliage. He sank onto it, his pulse racing with anticipation, his mind awash with a tumult of questions and uncertainties. Who was behind the notes? What secrets lay concealed within their cryptic messages?

"Who is it?" he ponders the question, lips forming into a natural pout as he looks around to see if he can find someone fishy or unusual.

There's no way it could be Seojoon from the IT department because, as per Joshua, he has a girlfriend. Then he sees Minjae standing under a tree, leaning against it with his phone in his hand. Is it him? Doesn't seem like it. Then his eyes travel to Junhui sitting on the swing with his phone attached to his ears. "Is it him? I swear I'll snap his neck--"

The tension coiled tighter around Jeonghan's chest, suffocating him with its relentless grip. And then, amidst the backdrop of uncertainty, a familiar voice shattered the silence.


Jeonghan's heart stuttered in his chest as he turned, his breath catching in his throat. Standing before him, bathed in the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves, was the last person he expected to see.




Seungcheol as a pirate and Jeonghan as a sea siren oneshot is coming up! Omg I'm so excited!!

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