Chapter 3: One more!

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Jeonghan, lost in his locker, suddenly feels a tap on his shoulder, turning to see Joshua jogging over, looking like he just stepped out of a K-drama. "You're early today?" Joshua leans coolly against the locker, sipping on his boba tea like it's the elixir of life.

Jeonghan, always ready with a comeback, snickers, "Got a problem with that?" as he fumbles with his locker, trying to look nonchalant. Joshua just waves it off, too busy being effortlessly cool.

"You're coming with me, right?" Joshua asks, swinging his bag like it's a fashion statement. "Where?" Jeonghan feigns ignorance, playing along with the charade.

"To Minnie's match, you doofus, where else!" Joshua rolls his eyes, reminding Jeonghan of the plans they made ages ago. Oh, right, it's Seokmin's match against the rival school.

"I don't know, I still have to prepare for my test," Jeonghan shrugs, trying to play the responsible student card. But Joshua won't have any of it.

"You can't do this to me, you promised you would!" Joshua whines dramatically, launching himself onto Jeonghan, who recoils in horror, pushing Joshua away with a disgusted expression.

"He's your boyfriend," Jeonghan deadpans, finally managing to fend off Joshua's clingy embrace. "You go watch his match," he insists, shutting himself in the classroom and locking the door, effectively shutting out Joshua's protests.

But Joshua, ever the schemer, won't give up that easily. "On a second note, I heard Wonwoo's playing," he teases, knowing exactly how to push Jeonghan's buttons.

"So?" Jeonghan raises an eyebrow, feigning disinterest.

"Wonwoo's friends with your math whiz," Joshua smirks knowingly, watching as realization dawns on Jeonghan's face.

"If Wonwoo's playing, it means he'll be there to support his friend—"

"On a second note, my studies can wait!" Jeonghan bolts out of the room, leaving Joshua laughing triumphantly as they head back to the lockers.

"I hate you," Jeonghan grumbles, playfully jabbing Joshua in the ribs.

"No, you don't," Joshua retorts, grinning as they reach their lockers, ready for whatever antics the day throws their way.

Joshua, unable to resist the temptation to pry, wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at Jeonghan. "Come on, spill the tea, Jeonghan! Who's the secret admirer leaving those lovey-dovey notes for you?" he prods, practically oozing curiosity.

Jeonghan, trying to play it cool despite his rosy cheeks, chuckles and shakes his head. "Sorry, Josh, detective work isn't my forte," he replies with a smirk, opening his locker to reveal a neatly organized chaos of books and papers.

"They totally are love notes, admit it!" Joshua insists, slapping Jeonghan on the back a bit too enthusiastically. "I bet they're even scented with rose petals or something equally cheesy!"

Jeonghan shoots Joshua a playful glare. "And I suppose you're an expert on cheesy romantic gestures now?" he retorts, arching an eyebrow.

"Please, I practically invented cheesy romance," Joshua boasts, grinning mischievously. "But seriously, Jeonghan, whoever it is must have it bad for you. Like, 'writing poetry under the moonlight' bad!"

Jeonghan rolls his eyes, but a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "Sorry to disappoint, but my heart's already taken," he teases, enjoying Joshua's relentless teasing a bit too much.

Joshua gasps dramatically, clutching his chest in mock horror. "Taken? By who? The ghost of Isaac Newton?" he quips, unable to resist poking fun at Jeonghan's academic inclinations.

Jeonghan playfully flicks Joshua's head. "Hey, don't diss Sir Isaac! He's a legend," he defends, grinning. "Besides, my crush is not only a math whiz but also a chess master."

Joshua recoils in mock horror, pretending to shiver. "Oh no, Jeonghan, imagine spending your days solving math problems and your nights playing chess," he says, pulling a face of exaggerated terror. "Sounds like a recipe for a very nerdy wedding!"

As Jeonghan rummages through his locker, he suddenly freezes, a puzzled expression crossing his face. "Uh, Joshua, did you put this in here?" he asks, holding up a folded piece of paper adorned with heart stickers.

Joshua leans in, curiosity piqued. "Let me see!" he exclaims, snatching the note from Jeonghan's hand and unfolding it eagerly. "Oh my gosh, another one! This mystery admirer is persistent," he declares, eyes scanning the handwritten message with exaggerated drama.

Jeonghan peers over Joshua's shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of the note. "What's it say?" he asks, unable to contain his curiosity.

Joshua clears his throat dramatically before reciting,

"To the one who shines brighter than the stars, your smile lights up my world like nobody else. --CS"

He finishes with a flourish, looking up at Jeonghan with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

Jeonghan's cheeks flush a deeper shade of pink as he reads the cheesy lines. "Okay, this is getting out of hand," he mutters, a mix of embarrassment and amusement evident in his voice.

Joshua grins mischievously, nudging Jeonghan playfully. "Looks like someone's really smitten with you," he teases, enjoying his friend's flustered reaction a little too much.

Jeonghan lets out a soft chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. "Well, whoever it is certainly knows how to lay it on thick," he remarks, tucking the note into his pocket with a bemused smile. "Guess I'll have to keep playing detective to solve this mystery."

Jeonghan and Joshua then made thier way over to the field, jeonghan's cheeks still hued with the blush as he touches the note that was present in his pocket.

Who is it? --- He couldn't help but wonder.



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