Chapter 13: Free pics!

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Hey, what's up? 🫣 It's Jeonghan!

Seungcheol's face lights up as he taps open the chat, his thumb hovering over the elevator button as he steps inside. The fluorescent lights flicker overhead, adding to the anticipation of their digital exchange.


Yo, did you find your room yet? I'm in the elevator on my way up...

Sorry for the random pic drop, but I couldn't resist sharing my latest snap

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Sorry for the random pic drop, but I couldn't resist sharing my latest snap...

Seungcheol smirks, tapping send as he tousles his hair and checks himself out in the elevator mirror. He knows Jeonghan will appreciate the pic; their banter is always a riot. It's like trading memes with your bestie, except now they're swapping selfies too.

Jeonghan's heart skips a beat as his phone buzzes, his eyes widening in excitement as he checks the notification. He nearly drops his ramen bowl in shock, scrambling to grab his phone and admire Seungcheol's selfie. Oh, this is epic! Not only are they trading jokes, but now they're exchanging pics too? Jeonghan's all in for this level of digital camaraderie!

"OMG!" Jeonghan exclaims, burying his face in a nearby pillow, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"What's got you all flustered? Did someone send you something scandalous?" Joshua's voice rings out as he strolls out of the kitchen, a bowl of ramen in hand. They had plans to binge-watch some animated horror flicks. "No way, dude! Get your mind out of the gutter," Jeonghan retorts, scooting over to make room for Joshua, who grins mischievously.

"Spill the tea," Joshua demands, snatching the remote from Jeonghan's grasp. "Seungcheol just sent me a pic," Jeonghan confesses, thrusting his phone into Joshua's face, who reacts with wide-eyed curiosity.

"Well, well, well!" Joshua exclaims, grabbing Jeonghan's phone and zooming in on the image. Oh, Seungcheol's got dimples! How cool is that! "He looks like he could star in an action movie and save the day," Joshua quips, admiring Seungcheol's rugged charm.

"Dude! You're taken, remember?" Jeonghan scolds, grabbing his phone back from Joshua, who shrugs nonchalantly.

"So what? If he asked nicely, I'd..."

"Gross! I'm telling your boyfriend about this," Jeonghan threatens, shooting Joshua a playful glare, but Joshua's already lost in the animated horrors playing on the screen, slurping his noodles with gusto.

"Go ahead! He'd probably think it's hilarious," Joshua retorts, and just then, Jeonghan's phone buzzes once more.


Hey there, still awake? Or did you crash?

Jeonghan bites his lip, realizing he left Seungcheol on read. He quickly types out a reply.

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