Chapter 02

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"And now I'm shaking, wearing thin."


"W-What?" I ask, dumbfounded by her statement.

"I-I want to break up, Y/n"

"What are you talking about? You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking, Min." My voice starting to crack due to the feeling of unfamiliar emotions.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I don't think I can bear the weight of a relationship right now. You know how busy I am, and now we're nearing our comeback, I won't have a day off in over 5 months! I'm sorry, but I can't let your love be in vain." She says as tears start to roll down her cheek.

"M-Minji, please, don't do this. We can make this work. I'll wait for you, whether it be 5 months or 5 years, I don't care. W-We can call every night, Min. Please, don't break up with me" I plead as I start to sob quietly.

I look up to see her softly smiling with tears on her cheeks, she caresses my face and pulls me into a deep hug. I can feel her heart slowly beating, it calmed me down, momentarily distracting me from the heart-wrenching moment we're having.

"Did you even love me?" I quietly ask.

"Of course I did, Y/n. Just... not anymore."

Those words were enough to completely shut me down, as if a dagger was stabbed into my heart and stopped my entire blood flow.

"These past 2 years have been amazing, Y/n. But now, I just don't feel the same anymore. We tried to make it work, but I just got busier and busier. I'm sorry. We have to break up, this is the best thing for both of us." She says as she stands up and walks away from me.

And there she goes... gone with the wind. The love of my life, walking away from everything we've built.

*2 hours later*

As I lay sit on my bed, head in hands, running out of tears to cry...She was my everything, my entire existence... and now, I'm barely hanging on.

"Best thing for both of us, huh.... More like best thing for you." I exclaim, feeling the frustration taking over me.

What is this overwhelming sensation? Is it rage? Is it hate? Is it... heartbreak? I don't know the answer to that question yet, maybe I will once this is all behind me. Come to think of it, a college student majoring in communications dating a worldwide superstar... doesn't exactly make sense. This introduction of unfamiliar feelings have opened my eyes as to what I need to do.

*a week later*

"That is all for today, you all are excused" The professor says.

Making my way out of the classroom, I was suddenly stopped by the most annoying girl in class aka the professor's pet, Nakamura Kazuha.

"What do you want, Kazuha?" I annoyingly ask.

"Why are you suddenly coming to class? And why are you suddenly getting good grades? You haven't cared about college for the past 2 months, what's with the sudden change? It's like you're drowning yourself in work to distract you from something. Did you get your heart broken or something?"

She was right, I've been drowning myself in my assignments to keep my head off Minji.

"None of your business. I'm just trying to get through this semester." I say while walking away, feeling a tug on my shirt, I turn around to see Kazuha smiling.

"Do you want to join the student exchange program?" She suddenly asks.

"W-What? Where is this coming from?" I nervously say.

"I mean... with your current grades, I would say you're the best fit. Plus, it could help you get over what you're going through."

As much as I hate to say it, she was right. A new environment could help me in getting over Minji. This place reeks of Minji, everywhere I go... all I can think about is her.


"Great! Follow me, I'll help you with the submission documents." She smiles, suddenly taking my hand and leading me somewhere.

"Woah woah, hold on" I say as I stop in my tracks, causing her to stop as well.

"What?" She cluelessly asks.

"Where does the student exchange program take me? Where am I even going?"

"Oh! You're going to New York!"


"I don't recall a single word. You hit me faster than I hurt"

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