Chapter 05

360 26 3

"Memories are pay-per-view"


*April 20th, 2024*

It has now been over a week since I landed in New York, and it has been amazing. Everything in this city has exceeded my expectations. Well... except for the unhealthy food, the terrible weather, and the streets that reek of shit and alcohol. Everything is fine. I now find myself hanging out with Vernon-hyung and his sister, Sofia. Walking through the crowded confines of Times Square, conversing with the Chwe siblings, it seems I have found people that I can comfortably talk to, aside from Kazuha of course.

"Hyung, aren't you near your comeback? Why aren't you preparing?" I curiously ask.

"Oh, we already finished preparing a while ago. Since we had a couple weeks off, I figured I should visit my family."

"Ahh okay." I respond.

Looking up at the huge billboard above the police station, I see the one person I didn't want to see. Minji. Looks like she's having a comeback on the 24th of May. I've always adored all the members, but there's something about Minji that really entices me. I mean look at her, in all her beauty, how did I lose her? What went wrong? What could I have possibly done to make her fall out of love with me? What can I do to reignite the flame? Wait... do I want her back? We just broke up, there's no way she would want to get back together with me. Would she? ARGHH What am I thinking? Of course she doesn't! Why would she do that?

"Uhh, Y/n-oppa?" Sofia asks, snapping me out of my trance.


"Do you like NewJeans?" She suddenly asks me.

"Uhmm, sureeee. Why do you ask?

"You've been looking at that billboard of them for like 5 minutes." She chuckles as I scratch the back of my head.

"Yo let's go to a restaurant. We'll talk about it there." He says, walking away from us.

I confusedly look at Sofia, as if I'm asking her why her brother is so weird. She just shrugs it off and catches up to him. I quickly follow, and walk beside Vernon-hyung. After we arrive and ordered, Vernon-hyung suddenly speaks.

"Y/n, I think it's time to talk about it. I know I said that I won't push you for information, but you have to let it out. And I know you think so too." He said.

"Okay. Here goes..."

I proceed to tell them how Minji and I broke up, with every single detail. After I finished, Sofia had a look of shock and Vernon-hyung had a look of understanding. I don't know why but I kinda expected that from him, he's an idol after all, he would understand.

"Wow... so that's 2 years down the drain. She broke up with you because she couldn't handle it? That's pretty selfish." Sofia spoke up.

"I agree, but we also have to take Minji's point of view into account. I think it's understandable why she would want to breakup." Vernon-hyung said. "You should see things from both perspectives, Y/n. Have you thought about hers?" He asks.

"Yeah, I know. And yes, I've been thinking about everything for the past month so I understand her perspective. I've also kind of been in denial, you know, with her saying she didn't love me anymore. I thought that that was a way of letting me down easy, you know? Like how could she possibly fall out of love with me after 2 years? It makes no sense." I uncomfortably chuckle. "Now that I've thought things through, I realized that it's the worst way to let me down. And it does make sense." I sigh.

"Don't worry, Y/n-oppa. You got us." She chuckles.

"More like he's got you, I'm going back to Seoul in a week!" He laughs out.

"Yah! At least make him feel better, oppa!" She says as she hits his shoulder"

"Ow! Okay okay! Jeez."

I laugh at their sibling energy and go back to eating. Looking at the time, I realized that it was already 9 PM. I told the Chwe siblings that I needed to go soon, they just nodded in response. After we finished up at the restaurant, we said our goodbyes. After about 10 minutes of taking the subway, I finally get back to my dorm. I put my airpods on and play my comfort album as I lie down in this terribly uncomfortable bed, looking up at the ceiling, eyes slowly getting heavier. That is until my phone suddenly vibrated. I initially ignored it, until it vibrates again.

"Ugh who is texting me at this hour?" I groan in frustration. Grabbing a hold of my phone and looking at the notification.

"What the fuck?"

*Kim Minji*
2 notifications


"It costs too much to think of you"

(QOTD: What's your comfort album? Mine is "Immunity" by Clairo)

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