Chapter 12

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"Could be the..."




His words rang louder than the sound of a jet engine being directed into your ear. I can't believe it... and I don't want to believe it. The chance to resume our postponed relationship... is well and truly gone. For the first time in what felt like a lifetime, life was finally starting to feel like it was tilting in my favor... I guess I was wrong.

"W-what?" I shakily said.

"I'm sorry, Kim Minji. My answer is no." He confirms.

"After the sleepless nights, the constant feeling of being alone, the aching feeling that prisoned me, after everything... I don't think it's in our best interests to continue this relationship." He explains.

"I've been yearning for those words to come out of your mouth for a very long time, and I'm so happy that I finally got to hear them... I will always love you and I will never stop loving you, my lovely Min." He admits, his words making me overflowing with tears.

"Maybe someday we can relight our fire and go back to how things were... but for the time being, let's grow up, yeah?" He says as he wipes the tears of my face.

"Let's venture into the unknown and find ourselves, let's experience new things, let's see what life has in store for us." He continues.

"Wh-what if I never find myself." I barely choke out.

"Trust me, you will... and when you finally do, I'm sure that the red strings of fate will lead us back together. That is, if we're meant to be, of course." He chuckles.

After he said those words, we were back to being silent... for almost an hour. Every time I would look at him, he was looking at the stars with a smile on his face. All of the sudden...

"I suppose it's time for us to go back, the others are probably worried." He says as he stands out and holds his hand out. I take his hand as we walk together for the last time.

I always wondered, if things had gone differently... would things be better or worse? I don't know the answer to that but what I do know, is that I'm at peace with Y/n's decision. Although it wasn't what I wanted, it was what I needed. I'm not exactly sure if you could call this closure... but whatever it is, I accept it.

Unknowingly, we already arrived outside of Kazuha's dorm. I can still hear Yunjin screaming, haha! I swear that girl's voice is crazy!

"We're here." He says.


"I should go. Wouldn't wanna ruin your girls night!" He laughs.


"Goodbye, Minji." He says as he tries to let go of my hand.

"Promise me we'll meet again!" I clasp his hand, making him unable to let go.

"You know I can't do that." He tries to reason.

"Promise me." I quietly say as I soften my grip on his hand.

"I promise" He says as he softly caresses my cheek until he finally lets my hand go and walks out of my life... forever.

*4 years later*

(Y/N's POV)

"Yah! Wake up!

"10 more minutes, Oppa." She hazily said.

"Everybody is ready except you, pabo!"

"I'M AWAKE!" She exclaims as she runs to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Is she awake now?" A sudden voice asks as I step out of the maknae's bedroom.

"Yeah, just about. Honestly, how do you guys deal with her?" I ask.

"I have no idea. She's been like this since our debut, and that was 6 years ago!" She chuckles.

"Oh, by the way... how are things going between you and Mingyu-sunbaenim?"

"Pretty good, he's coming back from military service in like 2 weeks so I'm excited to see him again." She explains.

"Wah... the feeling of love. I wonder how that feels."

"Aish, stop that, Y/n. You'll find someone soon."
Another voice interjects.

"You've been saying that for the past 2 years, Noona." I answer.

"Really? It's been that long since you've been our manager?!" She says.

"I know right? It feels surreal! I remember the day when you tripped up Kazuha on your first day like it was yesterday." The voice from before says.

"She still hasn't forgiven me for that, by the way."

All of the sudden, a screaming American caught all of our attention. Making us rush into her room. I caught sight of her huddled up in the corner of her bed.


I take a closer look and see that it's just a toy cockroach. As the gears shift in my head, this "prank" can only come from one person aka the youngest individual in this household.


"Yeah?!" She answers from the bathroom.


"I have my ways, Oppa!" She manically laughs.


"... story of another us."

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