Chapter 11

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"Take this heart..."


(Y/N's POV)

What. How. When. Where. Why. More specifically... WHY IS SHE HERE? Just when I thought that she had finally fled from my mind, she suddenly comes back uninvited. I got out of there as quickly as I can but when I thought I finally got away, the sound of her voice stops me in my tracks.


Her voice echoes through the empty hallway. Despite the noise of the passing cars and other students' voice coming out of their respective dorms, my mind has decided to drown it out, leaving me with nothing but the suffocating silence. All of the sudden, the sound of footsteps starts slowly getting louder and louder.

Until finally, an unexpected tap on my shoulder sends shivers down my body. With my heart going a million miles an hour and the dizziness in my head starting to get worse. I turn around.

"Umm, c-can we... talk?" She asks.

Her eyes glistening with hope, reaching out to me for an answer... Unfortunately, I don't think I have the answer she's looking for.

"I-I don't know." I answer, making her put her head down. Slowly starting to walk away, I thought I had finally escaped this nightmare of a situation. That is, until a soft hand suddenly grabbed mine.

"Please." She quietly says.

In all my years of knowing this girl, she has never been like this. The desperate-ness in her voice leads me to believe that she is serious about this. But... am I really about to let my guard down  that easily after she broke my heart? Screw it.

"Okay... follow me." I concede.

I start to walk, and she quietly follows. Weirdly, she still hasn't let my hand go... and for some reason, I don't want her to let it go.


We are now sitting side by side at the outdoor rooftop lobby and there has been zero talking, literally radio silence. The walk was extremely awkward to say the least, it seems that the Minji I have loved for all those years has ceased to exist. Only an unrecognizable shell is left.

The silence was starting to get on my nerves a little bit, so I decided to open the conversation.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask. My question earning no response as she was staring into the void. Starting to get annoyed with this situation, I sigh and start to talk even more.

"So, you said you wanted to talk but now that I'm here to listen to what you have to say... you say nothing?" I irritatedly say, but still getting no response.

"Look... if you're not gonna say anything, I'm going to leave." I explain.

"It was a mistake coming here... I have better things to do anyway." I say while getting up from the bench. Unexpectedly, she grabbed my hand and pulled me back down. Again, she still hasn't said a word. I sigh in defeat and just sit there staring at the city skyline.

 I sigh in defeat and just sit there staring at the city skyline

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(a/n: for context, the sun goes down at like 4:30 pm in nyc so... that's why it's nighttime even though it's still technically the afternoon.)

"It's beautiful, right?" She suddenly says.

"Yes... it is." I sigh.

"So... I-I just wanted to apologize." She confesses.

"For what?" I ask.

"For how things went, you know... when we broke up." She explains, then stopping to turn her head towards me.

"Go on..."

"I just... felt like I said the wrong things, it wasn't supposed to come out like it did. To be completely transparent with you, when I said that I didn't love you anymore... it was a lie."

"I was just trying to convince myself that I didn't anymore so it would easier... but it was still so hard." She continues.

"Honestly, I thought that I could forget about you if I had immersed myself into work but the tiniest things always reminded me of you. By the way, our song came on today... I had my spotify on shuffle but somehow it played it." She chuckled.

"...We make the rules
세상에 하나뿐인 규칙
바꿀 수 없어, not anyone..." I silently sang.

"You remember it?" She asks.

"Of course I do, we sang it together every time."

"More like you sang it every time." She says, making me chuckle.

"That's true."

"To clarify, I didn't follow you all the way up here so we could just reminisce about the good times. I wanted to tell you that... I made a mistake breaking up with you." She suddenly says.

What the fuck?

"Everything I do, Everywhere I go... it's like you're there with me. It took me a while to realize, but I don't think my life is complete without you, Y/n... if anything, my life is a complete mess without you."

"To be honest, I didn't think I would see you again, let alone speak to you. But now, you're here, we're here... I would be lying if I said that the words I've spoken haven't been bubbling up inside me for the last couple of months..."

"I love you, Y/n. I'm completely and utterly in love with you, more than I have ever been before... so I want to give this another shot, I want to give us another shot."

"So... what do you say?" She asks, her eyes gleaming with hope.



"... put yourself in it."

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