Chapter 03

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"I got a long term plan with short term fixes"


"New York?!" I exclaim.

"Yeah? Is there something wrong with New York?" she asks.

"No... but that's like really far away."

I pull my phone out and start searching how long it will take to fly from Seoul to New York. Are you kidding me? 14 hours?????

"14 HOURS?? What am I going to do on a plane for 14 hours?!"

"Oh, that's a really long time. I didn't realize it'll take that long. Well, you can always hang out with me."

"You're going too?" I confusedly ask.

"Obviously, why do you think I offered you to join? Did you think I wasn't in the program?

"I mean... kinda?"

"Why?" She curiously asks.

"You're kinda the professor's pet so I thought you would get like extra points or something. I didn't actually think you were in the program"

"Yah! I am not the professor's pet!" she exclaims

"Sure you aren't" I sarcastically say, causing her to pout. Cute. Wait what? "Kidding! Now help me with the submission form"

"Fine, I'll let you off this time. Let's go." She says as she grabs my hand and leads me to the professor's office.

*30 minutes later*


"We're so happy you decided to join this program, Y/n." The professor smiles.

"Thank you for this opportunity, sir. I'm looking forward to get a fresh start in a new environment. Again, thank you." Y/n says as he stands up and bow to him.

"No problem, Y/n. The more the merrier. We are thinking of sending you guys to New York on the 11th of April, coming back to Seoul on the 12th of February. " I nod at the professor's remark.

"But, sir. What about the VISA and such? Would it be ready on such short notice?" Y/n worriedly asks.

"Don't worry, the board will take care of everything." He reassures.

"Where will we be studying?" Y/n asks.

"Columbia University, it's one of the universities that are in the Ivy League." The professor responds.

"Ahh okay. Thank you again, sir." Y/n says while walking out of the professor's office, while I follow him.

"Yay! You're going to New York!" I excitedly say as I close the door to the office. "You should start packing as soon as you get home, and you should probably tell your parents..."

"Oh shit! I forgot to tell them! Thank you for reminding me!" He says as he unexpectedly hugs me and start running for the exit. Leaving her stunned and confused.

"Why did he just.... what a weirdo." I thought to myself, walking to the exit and calling a taxi to go home.


Wah I forgot about my parents, will they get mad at me? Probably, right? Finally making it back to my apartment, I decide to facetime my mom. Hope this goes well.

The Story of Another Us | Kim Minji x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now