Chapter 07

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"Drown me, beside you..."



Today has been so boring. There were no classes so I just stayed in my dorm all day, at least I got to call my members and catch up with them. According to Manchae, people on the internet are shipping Kkura-unnie with SEVENTEEN's Kim Mingyu-sunbaenim? That's pretty random, I wonder where people got that from. Anyways, it seems like Yunjin-unnie will come to New York in a couple months! So I'm pretty excited to see her again. I wonder what she'll think about Y/n. Speaking of Y/n, he told me that he would be hanging out with Vernon-sunbaenim today. I don't know until when, but considering it's like 9:30 PM, he should be in his dorm by now. Should I go check up on him? Nahhh I should let him should rest up, he just got home so I would just be a burden to him... Screw it, I'm going.

Walking up to his dorm dressed in a simple outfit of sweatpants and hoodie, should be fine, right? As I was about to knock on his door, I hear him speaking to someone.

"I can't tell you where I am.... You should probably go back to practice.... I always remember your schedule.... I have to go now, goodbye...."

Who is he speaking to? Why does he remember that person's schedule? Weird. Anyways, I knock on his door and I hear him say.

"Who the fuck is that? I just want to lay down and rest."

He opens the door with an annoyed look on his face, but as soon as he saw me, his demeanor changed.

"Hi, Y/n."

"Hi, Zuha."

"Is this a bad time? I can come here tomorrow morning." I worryingly ask.

"No, it's fine. Come in." He reassures.

"Really? I heard you what you said in there."

"You coming in or not?" He sighs.

I walk past him into his dorm and look around. Wow, it's surprisingly very clean. I expected it to be a little messy because boys are usually very messy, but no, this is really well kept.

"What's up, Zuha? Why did you suddenly come here?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Well... I'm good." He puts on a fake smile.

(Y/N's POV)

I'm definitely not.

"You know... even though we've only been friends for almost two months. I can instantly see whenever you put on a fake smile." She said, looking at me with an "I told you so"-esque face.

"I'm not-"

"Stop lying and tell me about it."

"Okay.... As you know, Minji is my ex-girlfriend." I say as she nods to my remark. "Like 10 minutes ago, she texts me out of the blue. Apparently about getting her stuff from my apartment back in Seoul. So I respond accordingly and tell her that I wasn't available right now... and then she just straight up called me. Asking me why I was being cold to her. So I just poured my heart out and yeah... here we are now."

"Do you still like her?" She asks out of nowhere


"You heard me."

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