#3: The Talking Spirit

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Chapter 3: The talking Spirit.

Nishiket took Viraj to GMC Hospital, which was fortunately the nearest hospital. In the hospital, the doctors tried to resuscitate Viraj. He was flatlined.

The doctors tried again... After 3rd attempt, his pulse came back. Viraj's mom was a nurse at that hospital. The doctors put him in the ICU. He was in a coma.

In the subconscious mind, Viraj was experiencing a different saga. He saw himself in shackles and a demon pulling his shackles. He was taking him to a cave from where he could hear cries.

"Why am I here?" Asked Viraj.
"It's your mistake sacrifial human you were sacrified because you were too naive." Said the demon.
"I was sacrificed", Viraj was shocked.
"Yes," the demon answered.
"By whom?" Viraj asked.
"By someone who wanted power", said the demon.
Viraj could see a bright butterfly roaming around him and sat on his shoulder.
"What was the name of the person who sacrificed me?" Viraj asked again.

"Her name is Lyasa", said the demon.

Viraj had lost hope, he knew he was dead because of his mistake. He and Karan shouldn't have gone to that cave.

Suddenly the butterfly started to glow brighter and it moved in a very fast manner around Viraj. His metal shackles suddenly broke and the butterfly became a spear in the hand of Viraj.

Viraj was astonished by this happening and the demon noticed the sudden weight change in shakkles and looked backwards. As soon as the demon turned Viraj pierced the spear through its neck piercing his upper skull.

The demon died and its body's spiritual energy was being absorbed by Viraj. Viraj felt stronger but couldn't understand a single thing.
The spear again turned into the butterfly and it started to fly backwards. Viraj understood its indications and started following it. He ran and ran and ran and suddenly everything turned white.

And he opened his eyes... In the ICU...
He looked at his surroundings... He could move his hands. He was alive. He was not hearing voices anymore. He was feeling very light and soothing.

He noticed it was night. The other adjacent patients were sleeping too so he closed his eyes too and slept. After some time of his sleep, he woke up and sat on his bed. He looked behind and saw his body still sleeping... He was in awe. He looked at the heart monitor. His pulse 88... Bp 82/124... It was quite normal for him. He could not touch anything but see everything... Even he could see the nurse in the nurses' station. He went outside and saw an old man standing in the corridor. He was looking inside a ward, he was sad.

As Viraj was walking past him the old man turned his head and looked at Viraj.
"Are you lost, Son???" The old man said.
"No, I was just roaming", Viraj said.
"You are you to be a soul, what happened?" Asked the old man.

"I had an accident", Viraj said. The old man thought Viraj was dead.
"O it's sad, I died of a heart attack, I have lived my life, but I wanted to see my son for the last time", he said.

"Is he not here," Viraj asked.
"No, he lives in Germany, he is an engineer there. I am proud of him. He may come after hearing my death" the old man said.

"Yeah"... Viraj replied.
The old man and Viraj talked for some more time and then slowly the old man's essence faded away. It was almost morning.

Viraj returned to the ICU. The nurse was already checking the patients. He went and slept on his bed and opened his eyes.
The nurse noticed him and immediately hurried to call the on-call Doctor. The doctor came and checked him.

His vitals were all right so he was shifted to the general ward that evening. He had 4 broken ribs... His right patella broke and also his femur.

His parents were so joyful that day. Nishiket got tears of joy on seeing him alive that day. All his friends came to visit him from college and his school.
They had lost Karan 8 days ago they didn't want to lose another of their friends.

The police came to question him after a few days...
"Were pushed by somebody that day?" the inspector asked.
"No, Sir", Viraj replied.
"Were you intoxicated somehow", he asked again.

"I guess not Sir," he replied.
"Were you trying to kill yourself", he asked again.

"No Sir, I was just weak and sick those days, I am better now", he said.
"Your friend also committed suicide, he wrote it was due to failures hopefully you are depressed due to your failures?" the policeman said was leaving.
Viraj didn't reply anything just shook his head gesturing 'no'.

The policemen left and Viraj kept thinking about his friend's death and also about his newly found powers and also about his failures.

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