#14: Battle of Torea

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Viraj and his regiment dismounted the Hyperloop. A lot of A and B rankers were there and a Commander level knight too.

All 150 B, C and D rankers were seating on the ground as the A rankers and Admiral Knight speaking.

Admiral Knight Sung-Min-Park addressed the soldiers,"Our mission here is to protect a state or you can also call it a kingdom of Tortorea, we have landed on its outskirts and we have to make a perimeter surrounding the castle and the town full of common people. These commoners won't be able to see us but of course the rogue wielders will be able to see us. Don't manifest yourself infront of the commoners, they might get scared thinking you to be a ghost, the soldiers who can fight wielders of Tortorea have a strength of 1100. Some are good as much as a B-ranker so respect them and help them defend their homeland."

The people in Torea are very much like humans only have their ears more pointed. The rogue warriors were in the number of ten thousands but were strong according to the intel. They have been slaughtering the castles and Tortorea is the last stronghold against them.

The Captain of Tortorea army met our commander and had chat, he must have a little upset on the number of soldiers. Our commanders said, "Quality always wins over Quantity." It took them 5-6 hours to form barricades around the town. Tortorean soldiers also helped. Then Viraj saw Pedro A ranked knight from his earlier mission. He was the only similar face he remembered. Pedro also saw Viraj and waved a hand in gesture, Viraj also did the same.

It was night and no sign of enemy, it was snowing in Tortorea, Viraj never experienced snowfall, it was his 1st time. It was high midnight, suddenly pointed metal blades started to shower. One pierced Viraj's thigh went through. He thought in his mind, injury even before battle what a great way to start.

Viraj healed himself and looked across the horizons and saw a attackers running towards him, he jumped and crossed the barricade and started to battle taking out his sword. He induced electricity on his sword and pierced one through its heart. He pulled out and slit another one by his neck. Then fire user girl attacked him, he blocked it with his aura but the attack was strong enough to force Viraj thrown backwards. He rose up and threw some wind slashes which another girl blocked with a mud barricade. Great a fire and soil attribute user. Viraj was taken aback because they were attack from long range and Viraj always preferred closed range fights. It was perfect counter for Viraj. As Viraj was struggling he telekinetically pulled all the nearby metalic blades and released them on the two girls inducing them with electricity, the girl with mud attribute blocked them well but Viraj counter it with a surge of electricity directing towards the blades engraved on the mud wall. This blasted the mud wall and created an opening, Viraj instantly ran towards them and slit the throats of those two girls. After absorption he moved forward to battle other attackers, then he saw attackers which looked like large bears with armors. There many of them, Viraj saw Pedro killing a Bear just by punching and bursting its abdomen from inside. Pedro had the ability activates when he punches his opponent and the opponents inside cells transform into explosive cells and then  burst as soon as he retracts his hand. A deadly ability to have.

Viraj was fighting an armoured Bear who could also use telekinesis. The bear faced his palm towards a tree and it brought down a tree towards him which he used like a huge hammer to strike Viraj. With lightning technique cut down the tree hammered at him, he flew upwards and beheaded the bear. Then jumped to strike another bear. After a few minutes he heard a trumpet and all the attackers started running backwards. It was almost dawn.

Almost 200 Tortorean soldiers died and 9 Earth's Astral knights. Viraj could feel the surge in his abilities. He met Pedro and greeted him.

"You fight like a A ranker without any fear, its nice", he said in a spanish accent.
Viraj also appreciated his ability of Blast and both noded and went on their ways. Knights don't talk much, they don't want feel connected to anyone as who knows who might die the next moment.

Viraj went to the nearby forest, he custom made a weapon for him, a blade joined connected to a long chain. This weapon will help him to extend his range. Then he practice his wind slashes, they were enough to slice small trees but not the big one. He tried to slice a rock while lighting it with his telekinetic powers. He kept on doing it. The whole day.... But couldn't pierce the rock, he actually chose a big rock and also using telekinesis simultaneously to lift it. He was truly challenging himself. He got tired and the home star was also setting in that planet.

He went back to their camp outside the town and ate his share of food provided by the local soldiers. He sat on the ice and started to move his hands on ice. He saw small water droplet moving according to the movement of his hand. He realised he must awoken another attribute. The water attribute, he tried to attract the water out of the ice but only a few droplets of water flew towards his palm. He felt exhausted and slept on the ice. By the time he woke up it was night and he thought he was lucky not to be killed by someone while he passed out.

He also tried to flicker the fire and mud, which he was also able to. He was growing very fast. He have awakened all the major attributes necessary to become a Marshall. Now he had to train and improve them. That night no attack was there. According to the Tortorean captain they were regrouping and also calling forces from darks realms. When Viraj heard dark realms he remembered Lyasa and Karan. Could they be present on the next battle. He was anxious and also excited for it.

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