#16: Return of the Lords

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Viraj got a week break again, his missions were mostly draining so he was asked not to put so much strain on his body. They still don't know much about the effects of so much spen absorption. He looked muscular, then earlier. It was most probably the effect of absorbing from that telekinetic user.

Viraj learned from Dilip sensei that the Marshall can use the basic attributes upto a level but there is always one or two attribute they very much excel. They also have some special attribute that make so special that they can turn the consequences of a battle alone. And there are also huge gaps between RSPs of the Marshalls which was not measurable.

Mr Samar has sent invitation to the all the Dilip sensei and the Astral Office Gauhati, he personally came the next day to invite Viraj parents to the fortress and explained them about their heritage. He also secretly checked Viraj's parents DNA and his father is lineage of Bisakha. So he was considered as the king of Chandranagar and his Raj Abhishek was due. Viraj's parents were surprised but joyful on the arrival of such a uncommon but good news. They agreed, they all went to Chandranagar on a Private Jet the next day.

Dilip Sensei also accompanied them. The reached the fortress and they were welcome in a grand gesture. They were stationed at the fortress. Viraj roamed the fortress at night and noticed someone was also roaming. He followed him and reached outside of the mansion. As he looked around he couldn't see anyone.

He went to his bed, and this time used his astral form to look out. As he roamed he could sense that someone was there in fortress, apart from them. Viraj started to hear wailing of a lady. He followed the voice, but whenever he felt like reaching the source of the voice. The voice changed its direction and felt like coming from a different place.

Viraj broadened his telekinetic domain and searched the fortress. He could precisely pin point the location of the girl. He activating his lightning speed almost instantly reached the soul. Its the soul of a lady, it didn't tried to run away this time.

They looked at each other and then Viraj asked, "Who are you?"
The soul looked at Viraj and then at a huge picture of Yogendra Chandravardhan and she said, "You look a lot like my father, you must be strong like him too have found me, I have been evading the likes of you for a long period." She continued after she walked towards a portrait of a little girl smiling as a butterfly sat on her palm and she said, "I am Bisakha, I am a distant ancestor of yours, I am glad that you came to get what is rightfully yours."

Viraj asked politely, "Why are you still here Great great Grandma."
Bisakha smiled hearing Viraj calling her great great grandma, she said, "When I died, I had a regret of not knowing my parents and not able to live with them, so my soul got attached to only living non cremated part of mine, my finger, I was pulled in this fortress and roamed in here, my presence is meek so the soul walkers cannot sense me, but today I wanted to meet you, I somehow knew you are related to me, I felt a happiness like meeting my sons and grandsons, I had 3 sons, they never got to know who they really were."

Viraj said, "Don't worry Great great Grandma, I will establish our house again, What should I do, to provide you with eternal peace."

Bisakha said, "My job is done here, Viraj you have to cremate my last finger and release the ashes in the river Maa Ganga."

Viraj replied, "Alright great great grandma, but how you know my name, I haven't told you yet."

Bisakha smiled and replied, "My essence in you told me about you and your journey." Then a glowing butterfly came and sat on the palm of Bisakha like in the portrait. Bisakha warned him about Lyasa and Karan and asked him to be very much careful.

Viraj the next day talked with Mr Samar and asked him if he can cremate Bisakha's finger, as it no longer necessary to keep a finger away from its nature. Samar agreed and the procedure of cremating it was employed. The Raj-abhisekh was also going on. By the end of the day, Raj abhisekh of Viraj's father was done, and cremation of Bisakha's finger, he took the ashes and rode with Dilip sensei and Mr Samar to the banks of Ganga and also did puja for Bisakha's peace. Then as Viraj was releasing her ashes her spirit came in a soothing peaceful light like the moon and kissed Viraj on his forehead and said, "My essence will always protect you, stay happy and live your life to the fullest my son." She vanished after that and Viraj felt a happy emotional moment. He bowed to spirit of his ancestors and returned to the fortress.

Viraj asked a plate maker to engrave the named at the portrait of Queen Bisakha in gold as, "Bisakha: Queen of Chandranagar (1780-2019), A Spirit of the Moon, Protector of the Chandranagar". The plate maker was confused yet did as he was directed. Mr Samar and Dilip sensei got it. A portrait of Viraj's father, mother and him were also in progress.

After 4 days of trip to Chandranagar, Viraj and his family were dropped at Gauhati, all the property papers and assets documents were handed over to Viraj's father. Now legally they own the fortress and a vast land around it. Their family will get a royalty allowance of 2 lakh rupees each month from the government (as told by Mr Samar, but it would be provided by the Indian Divine Astral Government, and the amount is 10 lakhs, Viraj had asked to direct 8 lakhs to his Astral Bank Account, as 10 lakhs would be too much all of a sudden and raise suspicion).

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