#5: Knowing the Unknown

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Chapter 5: Knowing the Unknown

Viraj the next day went to Mr Sinha's house. It was in the adjacent Locality. Mr Sinha stayed alone as his parents passed away in 2008. They were wielders too.
Viraj and Mr Sinha went up to the 1st floor. Where he had a huge room. It was an indoor gymnasium as Viraj looked in his surroundings.

"Mr Sinha, how can one build this huge gymnasium in here?" Viraj asked in awe.
"It's a dimension I created, if you also do the hard work you will be able to build one too, here time moves slower than earth's dimension, it's almost 1/10 slower", Mr Sinha said.

"Wow... You can slow time? That's cool", Viraj said.

"Yeah, this is a technique that has been passed in our family from generations, other techniques I have learned with time", said Mr Sinha, he continued, " You are the first person I met who has been induced these powers, most of the people in our field are from family lineages. This realm of ours has its own rules, dangers and mis happennings. Our world is ruled by a Minister of Astral Divinity, who are elected, Apart from them Some Nobles families also have reserved seats in our Assembly. As defence forces, we have Astral Marshall the strongest of Astral wielders. Astral Admirals, Astral Knights (A, B, C, D, E) and Common Wielders.

Our work is to stop the other-dimensional invaders, alien species and all the antagonistic entities. With the activated powers we have we can see them and any other organism in the universe which are not visible to normal eyes", Mr Sinha explained to Viraj about this vast world.

"What will happen if we don't fight", asked Viraj.

"It's simple that our planet will be destroyed but before that, we the will wielders perish", said Mr Sinha.

"Why?", asked Viraj instantly.

"Well according to the scriptures present in our libraries and elders, they mentioned that if we someday stop our activities of stopping these attackers, some of them who crave our spiritual and innate energy will come and find each one of us and kill us to the point of extinction. It's like food to these vampiric monsters. There had been a record. In the Philipines, almost 20 years ago, a wielder and his whole family were drained out of living energy. Their body was perfectly fine no injuries or disease, but void of life or spirit, that's why we have a philosophy of training whoever we find can be a wielder as they can put up a fair fight against these entities."
Viraj nodded and he looked around the huge room. He asked, "What are other techniques wielders have?"

"Well at first weilders have the astral projections, then the vision and touch. Then they have higher speed, strength, durability, healing, telekinesis etc.... Depending on Spiritual Energy or called SPEN is slang in our world. We who are trained by our family from an early age, enlist ourselves as wielders under our clan name." Said Mr Sinha.

"The United World Assembly of Astral Divinity  (UWAAD since 1904) organises everything across our world and denotes mission levels such as levels E, D, C, B, A, S and SS are classified to be understandable to all.
Welders have been on Earth for a long time. But it was in the 17th century that we started to communicate and learn from each other.
There had been confusions, battles and quarrels in the past among the Weilders but later they realised that it's better to stay united and fight the evil than fight amongst themselves. In 1901 it was proposed to have a united body and Countries as its representatives. Our Country Bharat joined in 1955, quite late because we were under British rule and our wielders were under-ranked. There was no Marshall-level Weilder from India before 1955. But now we have 13 the 2nd Highest after USA (25). To be an Astral Marshall one should be able to carry out S-level missions alone.

In our history, there have been only 5 recorded SS-level missions or dangers. One in the 1920s, another in 1938, and then in 1967, 1988 and 2004. SS missions are like open wars and we all join in like soldiers for battle.  My father joined in 2004 SS mission under an Astral Commander named Gagan JayShankar. Later he died on a mission in 2008, he was on a rescue mission for my mom, and they both died in that mission. I completed my training with the help of my other clan members and got enlisted. Since then I have been working and doing this work," completed Mr Sinha with a deep breath.

He almost covered all the aspects of their realm and its work.

Then he told him that they are paid quite decently in gold or valuable gems or other valuable metals. It's curious how they get so much gold, they might have mines in other dimensions.

"It's so an unknown world, battles we might not be prepared for but have to fight", said Viraj and Mr Sinha nodded.
"Those vampiric monsters haven't they attacked you, Mr Sinha?" Asked Viraj.
"No, but I have confronted them once, a lady named Rachaita was attacked by some of them, I was on patrol in her area. She was a retired Knight but because she was out of work for about 7 years her battle skills diminished.

I stepped in and saved her. After that event, I was promoted to C-class Knight myself. I am still in touch with that lady. She made me her sworn brother after that. She was grateful that she and her family were saved because of me. Her husband and kids were non-wielders they couldn't even see our battle with those monsters", Mr Sinha said, he continued by saying that these attacks are common.
The fate is mostly the wielders kill these monsters because of their battle IQ and muscle memory but sometimes even the wielders die. He also said wielders die more in the missions, especially the new ones because they overestimate their strength and join in higher-ranked missions for fast promotions.

Viraj asked, "How do we fight with, swords, guns something like that?"
"It's your weapon of choice, some use swords, some use spears, some even use guns but specially made to use your spen into bullets. Some use combinations depending on the enemy," said Mr Sinha.
"What do you use, Mr Sinha?" Asked Viraj.

"I should show you", said Mr Sinha with a smile.
Saying that Mr Sinha created a sword out of thin air and attacked Viraj. Viraj raised his hands in defence and an instant Mr Sinha positioned himself behind Viraj.
"You would be killed in an instant boy", said Mr Sinha.

"Train me Master," Viraj said bowing his head.

"Ok... Can you see this room, run hundred rounds of it", said Mr Sinha. Viraj started running and Mr Sinha sat in the middle playing mobile games.
After almost an hour his hundred rounds were complete. Then they started the hand-to-hand combat training. Viraj was getting his ass kicked. But he will learn...

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