#23: Death is inevitable

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A message from the Redonean headquarters came that the leader of the Demetor, the mind controler is on its move and some spies have seen him proceed towards the Gergona Castle. He have mobilised all his troops in there in a day.

Gergona castle was the nearest from the Redonean capital. The headquarters think they would make an ultimate strike at the capital. They have deduced that someone with strong teleportation ability helping them. No way they can reach that castle so soon.

Gergona castle is the same castle Priyanshi and her team attacked the earlier day. They were asked to move back to the headquarters as soon as possible so was the A team going to do.

As they heard the news they prepared for returning. And they reached the headquarters in almost 3-4 hours. As they reached, they saw Gia's team and Gia's both arms have torn off. She is brave lady. She had huge scars on her body which their healer was not able to heal properly. Viraj healed her a little better, which was enough for her to bear the pain now.

The higher ups from the Earth contacted them. The Redonean army now needs an army which will be dispatched by another friendly planet. They were asked to return back as their work was done, their Commander said, "Gia don't be sad brave girl, you fought well, this mission is a success as you have taken down 5 of them, their powers have diminished, now return home safely"

They wished luck to their Redonean friends and sat on the hyperloop and came back to the juction. Gia was taken directly by the medical team.

The group was given a week leave due to the physical and mental toll. Viraj returned to his home. He felt bad for them and slept it out. The next day he went to Dilip sensei's place. He didn't went to college, this was his first mission he couldn't complete. Dilip sensei said its ok sometimes things like this also happen. Dilip sensei then took out his report from the last two missions and mentioned that there was a common name called Priyanshi Bhardwaj. He also got a call from Mr Samar who said Viraj went to Indore coincidentally it was the hometown of Priyanshi Bharadwaj. He asked Viraj what is going on in his life.

Viraj felt a little embarrassed but told Dilip sensei everything. Dilip sensei was surprised and said, "You young people got into a relationship in a week, that's crazy and asked him not to go on missions with her frequently as this will sometime backfire him emotionally and mentally and make him vulnerable. Actually he was literally vulnerable in the last mission. Dilip sensei said he would like to go on a mission with both of them someday.

Viraj had the next RSP checking the next day. Priyanshi had checked her RSP which 0.589 Million it means she was eligible for the Admiral Level Astral Test (ALAT), Priyanshi got a rank now as Knight A*, the star denotes that she is eligible for being an Admiral as per RSP.

Viraj went to the Astral office Miss Molina also teased him on Priyanshi's name. She said she was the one who got him, when he kept looking his phone at the time of choosing missions. So she looked into the team members and found a common one. She said she was happy for him and warned him not to break that beautiful girl's heart ever. He said he wouldn't. Viraj checked his RSP, everything kind of kept on rotating in his mind. He felt time is so different, how much he have learnt during this one month and grew as an Astral Knight. After the test he had to wait. After waiting for about 3 hours his results came. Ot was 0.513 Million RSP he grew more than 3420% in one month. It was a world record for Spen growth earlier it was 2860% and holder was from Fugimoto family of Japan who were also an absorption type user family. Viraj also hold the record to be youngest to have awakened 7 attributes, Wind, Telekinesis, Healing, Electricity, Fire, Soil and water. Priyanshi also got an world record of being the youngest to activate Gravity attribute which is very rare even among the strongest soil attribute users.

Viraj also got the new rank, Astral Knight A*. He was also eligible for the ALAT, which happens at the mid of every month. Many Rank A* candidates prepare for almost 2-3 months and don't apply instantly. But Dilip sensei asked him to apply the next month and keep on trying each month untill he succeeded.

If they succeed and become an Admiral, they will have to attain a training of 3 months which will be in a planet having 1 day as a month in Earths time.

A group of astral users have attacked a School in Delhi, it was Karan, with Demetor leader and Demetor 1st Commander. He have an army, of 300 admiral level astral users, summoned from different realms. They have perfectly choosen the school as it had the sons and daughters of 6 noble families of the Indian Astral Community. They were taken hostage. The normal school students were all frightened to their soul as those entities came infront of them. There were 9 students who knew about them and saw them before they manifested their bodies infront of them.

The news reporters and police could see them, but couldn't do anything. The special forces tried to enter and attack thinking them to be mere to some terrorist groups wearing realistic costumes and prosthetics to create an hysteria. But the tossed heads of those Special Forces. They also engraved the names of Viraj, Priyanshi, Gia and all the team members who attacked them in Redona.

The Head Minister of Indian Astral Government called the PM office and explained that these were extraterrestrial entities and they cannot tackle them. Let them deal with these. The PMO office responded with affirmation but they want a written memorandum on what they are and what is this. They accepted it and took over the area. They prohibited any intervention of media. Anyone trying to click photos of the school even from a 1 km radius will have their devices damaged. It was actually done by an Admiral named Raju K Iyer with lighting ability.

Viraj and all heard the news and also got another sad news. The Redonean Empire has fallen and Demetors took it over with the help of some army which came from a different realm. The army sent by them from a different planet was also vanquished.

All the team members of the Redonean assassin team were called upon. The attackers want the team and they have assured to leave after they got them. As assembly was called upon where 6 ministers, 16 noble family heads (actually 17 now) and 12 Marshals have to attend.

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