#20: Assassin in Redona

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After their leave, Viraj was ready for his next mission, he went to his Astral Office and was checking the missions, Priyanshi sent a text message with a mission tag, Viraj type that tag on the computer he was searching found a mission. Its a mission in Redona, time ratio- 1 day Redona : 52 minutes Earth. He accepted the mission.

After which he was directed to go to junction 9A. He without wasting any time ran towards the lift and said to the operator, "To 9A."

Viraj reached 9A, met the guy with D ranker banner, took his sword, knife, gun and gears and searched for Priyanshi. He got another text from her stating she is in the hyperloop and asked him come fast. He got to the hyperloop and saw her, he instantly had a smile, she has kept beside her for him.

After all the wielders came, an A ranker name Gia told them about the mission. Its a mission to infiltrate in an enemy territory and take down their leader. Its enemy here is a militia name Demetors, they have occupied an area almost of the size of a country. These Demetors are Astral Users so the common army are not able to see them. The Redona Astral Forces are trying to battle them constantly and keep them from occupying more land. There target is Da-ulf, the leader of Demetors and 5 of his military commanders. There will be two groups, Gia and her 6 team members ( 2 Bs, 2 Cs and 2Ds) and Priyanshi and her 6 teams members of the similar ranks. Virak of course took under Priyanshi their objective was to locate and take down the 3 commanders, Gia will locate and take down the two and will execute it simultaneously, after they have taken down his commanders he will have no option but to come out of his hideout. He is a psychosis type Astral user. He can telepathically connect to his commanders actually controls them and carry out heinous crimes. He sacrifices the locals to a dark lord he prays.

Viraj after hearing this was very much agitated, Da-ulf might have some relation with Lyasa or maybe not but he is the same as her sacrificing humans.

Priyanshi saw Viraj agitated and hold his hands to calm him down. The hyperloop started and they reached the planet Redona. Its beautiful planet with lush vegetation and the locals are like human-like with tall stature 3 fingers on every appendage and a slight greenish hue in their skin. They have the capacity to photosynthesis through their skin and take a fluid with minerals and water. The team were allowed to hunt animals if necessary as their food won't be that helpful to humans, though it can be used as nutritious curry.

As they landed near the Astral headquarters of Redona, they met their two captains who would help them in their mission. They were carried near the Demetor territory on vehicles and they had to walk on foot almost 10 kms. They split their teams and went on. Viraj said we can reach their faster if we fly, Priyanshi was skeptical about it as the whole idea of stealth attack will be point less. Then one B ranker named Daniel of their team said he can make them invisible for a duration of 30 minutes after that he have to rest 1 hour to do the same again. The captain who accompanied them agreed on their idea. Viraj could carry 2 with him and fly but Priyanshi flexed by creating a flying saucer where all of them could accommodate. All of them decided to go on the flying Saucer and Viraj also did the same. They reached a camp where according to intel one of the commander was present. They have decided not create and havoc, the redonean captain, Viraj and Daniel will roam around together, the others will hide in the bushes and wait for them to find commander.
The trio searched the commander, it was a huge area to search almost 5-6 football fields full of demetor warriors. Demetors had a dark purple patches on their body, those might be tattoos or natural they never knew nor they asked. After half an hour, they hid inside a tent. After checking there was none. Then they saw a demetor suddenly opening a lead on ground and coming from underground. They realised that their are underground tunnels build inside.
The caption grabbed the demetor by his mouth and stabbed him directly piercing its heart and instant death. The captain also absorbed his spen. Seeing Viraj got a little excited to find another absorption type user. Then they entered the tunnels. Priyanshi being anxious in the outside of the military camp, sent a radio msg. Viraj replied with information they got and about the underground tunnel. Priyanshi instructed to proceed carefully.

Daniels invisibility effect was down. So they will have to kill anybody who sees them now. The tunnels were big but not well lighted. They had heat sensing scopes which will help them to sense any leaving body. They reach the inside and saw a chamber, it had a podium with seven king size chairs on them. They were peeking so no one catches them. They could see almost 10-12 gaurds, some talking some just lying on the ground. Viraj was waiting for Daniel to use invisibility again. The captain then saw the commander sitting on a chair on the far side of the chamber behind a pillar and checking something on his table. They waited for an hour. As the invisibility powers of Daniel came back, they attacked. They with their blades and swords slashed and stabbed the gaurds. As the gaurds fell the Commander got alert. He was unable to see them but was able to sense them. He had 4 attributes, metal, electric, telekinesis and strength. So Viraj threw wind slashes, he was able to sense the approaching slashes and dodge them, he has closed his eyes and also releasing attacks guessing their position. His has created metal blades and uses a thin string of metal conduction electricity and inducing electricity on it, its like using more than 10 kusarigama all at once. Daniels invisibility was over and the trio became visible to him. It was getting tougher for them and without the invisibility its going bad for them.

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