#22: Killing is the only Motto

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Viraj was leading the battle, the others helped him, Priyanshi was helped by another girl who healed her but her output was not in the par of Viraj. He could have healed her better. But Viraj was not ready to give up the fight and retreat. He was willing to fight till his spen or blood runs out.

Viraj conjured 4 big fire balls and projected at the commander, the fire projections impacted the invisible shield of commander. She was a healing and buff type user who has an impenetrable shield. Viraj ran and flew towards her simultaneously releasing wind slashes.

And when he reached the huge open balcony of her palace. He could find see there was an army of souls waiting for him, among the souls there were giants, soldiers and also some attribute users. Viraj was not surprised of her being a soul user type. The first soul user type they encountered was Hasuke but he only had 4 souls. This commander has almost hundreds. Viraj knew the souls will not stop coming untill she dies.

Viraj released a wind torpedo at her, despite she blocking the attack she was hit by it and she had to couch. Viraj cannot release wind torpedoes instantaneously as it takes some seconds to make it strong enough to pierce the target, or the attack would be shallow and ineffective.

Then Viraj released multiple fire balls along with lightning release making a path for direct attack, as her souls were covering the direct path of attack. The souls were defending her too so now Viraj had little more advantage. He released another wind torpedo at her and his time she was pulled back and she had spilled blood. She had fear in her eyes now. Viraj was pulling another attack but suddenly she came running towards him and bowed before Viraj. All her soul soldiers were bowing too. She said, "You are not from here, we don't have any personal grievances but why are you trying to kill us", she said.
Viraj said coldly, "I don't care, you tried to kill Priyanshi, your fate has been sealed the moment you tried to kill her", he torpedoed her point blank and this time her shield was not on. She died in an instant... The second commander taken out and her unorganised foot army dispersed away.

Priyanshi was there she saw how cruelly and coldly Viraj killed her. His this side was scarring Priyanshi, Viraj came near her, and asked her if she was alright. He healed her, his output has been increased a lot. In a few minutes Priyanshi was completely healed. She didn't said a word to Viraj all this time and just stood there with plain and silent face. Then Viraj sat down on the floor, the whole team had disposed the remaining army who were putting a last resistance. Most of that army were weak astral users, the first camp had a huge number of good astral users but not in this castle.

Viraj tried to hold hands with Priyanshi who was also seating next to him and then she kept her head on his shoulder and asked, "Why are you so hungry for power Viraj, I know about your dangers from Lyasa, she might attack you but trust us we are with you, you are a noble, the government will provide you with the security if you ask for it, you have so many friends who will help you and protect you, I am there too. Your hunger for power and the eagerness to kill someone to gain their spen has become like a addiction that you driving into more. In today's fight you could have taken me out alone, I know you tried and you were stopped but you could have tried again and succeed the next time. You could have healed me better in the start itself. You could've retreat and regroup to attack the giant again later."

Viraj quietly listened to her and then said, "I don't know much about battle Priya, the only thing I have learnt from my master, kill the enemy and don't rest untill you do so. I could've retreat, but this would mean more fortification of the castle and also mean that backup might have been called upon. The time I was holding you after I rescued you, I had activated my healing output, that was enough to make you conscious again and I trusted the others would take care of you untill my job was done. And for the support from government, friends and you Priya, I know you all would do everything to protect me, but what if you all fall along with me and I don't want it. I don't want my loved ones die because of me, that's why I will fight, kill, absorb and repeat to grow as much as I can before I face them again. In my first mission itself I saw my teammates being slaughtered by them, I was weak and couldn't save them. If I would have stayed the way I was then, I wouldn't have able to save you today. I was able only because I was hungry, I know I am not doing good, but to defeat evil I need to become something on their par with any means."

After that Priyanshi hugged him and she had tears, she was afraid, she might loose Viraj, she was in love with him. Viraj was feeling so serene and peace with her.
"I love you, Priya, I wanna live and grow old with you", He said.
She replied,"It took you a week to propose me," she smiled and said she loves him too, after that they kissed.

It was night and Priyanshi ordered to leave the castle and camp a little away. She was recovered fully, thanks to Viraj's love healing. She created another saucer and took everyone away from that castle. They flew away to quite a distance from the castle and camped there.

The next day a group of astral demetors came into the castle and saw obliterated 5th commander. Seeing this a man who was addressed as 2nd commander was furious as hell. He transformed into a giant himself and roared. She was his wife. He promised to kill Viraj and his whole team. A background was seen where 1st commander's army were killing every soldier who came back after retreating the fight yesterday and couldn't protect there 5th commander.

Priyanshi contacted the other group, they responded that there team leader Gia was injured but healer was healing her. They have taken down two commanders, 2nd and 3rd. 4th and 5th were taken down by Priyanshi's team. Gia's team had to take down 1st commander, but they couldn't. He was that powerful. They had taken down 3rd commander earlier which was unexpected as he was with 2nd commander in his camp.

Now 1st commander was sending scouts to search for Priyanshi and her team and he have contacted the leader of Demetor who was on his way to the castle too. They want to take their vengeance.

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