#7: Mission Servetrix

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On 7th May 2019 they went for the mission. Viraj was curious, how will they reach the destination. Then at the training hall of Mr Sinha he opened a lift and Mr Sinha and Viraj entered it. There was no numbers of floor only two buttons with Enter and Exit. Mr Sinha pressed the button Enter and the lift started to ascend. After a few seconds it stopped and reached somewhere like a junction. It felt like lots of lift getting oppened and closed and a lot of people coming and going. Their team was waiting for them and they gathered up. Mr Ahmed who was a B class knight gave a speech not to do anything reckless and complete the mission with flying colors.

They all lined up and went to a desk where all of them had show their weilder cards. After the formalities, they were asked to enter a 8 seater hyperloop. They sat and the loop started. It was controlled from control room not by any pilots. Hyperloop started accelerating and reached its full speed. Then suddenly the scenary changed. They had reached Servetrix. Its a planet like earth on a different dimension. There target is to get a gemstone described by the Wielder Office. Its like a big ruby, this stone had the potential to fuel the barriers on wormhole on earth which avoid the entering other alein species and entitites.

"What is your RSP new guy," asked Sahil. Who was of the same age as Viraj.
"Mine its 15000+ and yours?," asked Viraj.

"Mine in 17k+, how many missions have you completed", he again asked.
"Well its my first," Viraj said.

"Nice you got some potential. Hope you do well", said Sahil. Actually Sahil lied, his Rsp was in 14k he didn't wanted to be looked down by a newbie. He had accompanied his father in few missqions till now and its been almost a year since he enlisted, he carries a dessert eagle gun as his primary weopen and a knife.
The monsters destroyed this world and they are infesting on it. They could also see the astral projections and attack them and even kill. So the team need to be careful, extract gemstone and leave as fast as possible.

"Well master how do RSP increase with missions", asked Viraj.
"Its not well proven theory but a hypothesis which is most well established in our world, first there is a passive growth of RSP is directly proportional to the time you spent in a different worlds, it is hypothised that our spirit accumulate the SPEN from the nature and different world having different densities which can be both positive or negative energies. Second is the active growth which is because of the battles, as we fight in our astral form our individual soul is in direct danger of extinction so it tries to adapt with each battles and encounters and improving our SPEN points. But experience is more important than SPEN points, because if you don't have the battle techniques and a heart made of steel you cannot survive these battles. You might get a promotion to Knight of D-class after this mission because of your high RSP but another D-class knight with better experience than you will survive alone if necessary even having lower RSP than yours.", said Mr Sinha.

"What is the minimum necessary RSP for each level? Asked Viraj.

"For common weilders its 1000, its the bare minimum one should have to be enlisted. Then came the 10000 for D class Knight, 35,000 for C- Class Knight, 100,000 for B- Class Knight, 250,000 for A class Knight, 575,000 for Commander Knight, 1,000,000 for Marshall Knight. Above that the machine cannot rate. As how much high the Marshalls have RSP no one knows", said Mr Sinha and he continued, "Mr Ahmed have the highest among us 200,000+ RSP and he is at the age of 47, if he continous he might be Class A some day. He have carried out missions for almost 26 years now. Some of the newbies become ambitious and join into high risk missions but end up dead. Rarely someone achieves the level of Marshalls thats why there are only 13 Marshall level Weilders in our country. But you should try hard to do well and protect your teammates and push yourself to your limits in a battle", lectured Mr Sinha.

"Hey Dilip stop your boring speech man, its his 1st mission let him explore this new world", said Mr Ahmed.

They were invisible to the commoners of the Servetrix. Unless they manifest their body in front of them, but there were some astral users who might see them.

The commoners of Servetrix were huge almost 9-10 feet tall and their bodies were rough. They were ruled over by faction leaders. The Gemstone they were asked to extract was in the town Dezara controlled by a faction leader named Harok Deza. According to the Official intel he is an Astral User and maybe he have other subordinates who can also use them.

They were in the outskirts of the town named Dezara. The town had many houses shops and huts in the periphery and a castle in the centre.

Mr Ahmed devised a plan to wait till the night, a day in that planet was of 36 hours in Earths time, according to the intel. And 1 day in that planet was 24 minutes on Earth. So they need to finish the Mission as soon as possible.

The Astral Office never sends someone to a planet or dimension where the time is faster than earth. Only some Marshalls go there who can manipulate time and space according to their whims.

After 9 hours of scouting the area very nicely, they were ready for heist.
They decide to climb the castle walls. Mr Sinha could use flight technique but others couldn't. So he will go first and clear the area and lay ropes for climbing.

After a few minutes they were hiding in the walls of the castle. Now they have decide to be in two teams. One will lead by Mr Sinha with Viraj and Sahil and other lead by Mr Ahmed with Mr Doloi, Anwesha and Divya.

They don't know the exact location of the gemstone so they will search and inform the other group on radio if they find it or in case of any contact with the enemy forces.

They dispersed on their ways. Mr Sinha and his team was in the north side. The teams were provided with a device that can measure the intensity of the radiation coming from that gemstone. More the intensity nearer you are. Sahil was given the responsibility to moniter the device. They were very keen and trying to avoid gaurds of that castle. The gaurds might be an astral user who knows, so they were very cautious.

Then suddenly they heard on their earpieces, "Enemy in contact and in fight.... Enemy in contactttt...." The radio went silent.
Mr Ahmed's team is compromised. What should Mr Sinha do... Carry out the mission or go save them....

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