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Celeste's pov:

     Once we arrived at school, Ophelia and I walked Luna to her common room, and we quickly retreated to our own. We had planned to meet outside our common room with Luna as soon as we were unpacked and wrote to our families so we could head to the great hall. Once we had all met and begun the walk to the Great Hall, we saw many students run towards the pillars to look out. We quickly followed and saw a carriage pulled by 7 Pegasus and a giant boat appear from under the water. As the carriage flew past the window, I heard one of the pegasus say, "My back hurts," causing me to chuckle.

     "What's so funny?" Ophelia asked.

     "One of the Pegasus said his back hurts. Now, come on, let's go to the Great Hall." I say, grabbing Luna and Ophelias hands and running towards the Great Hall. Once we arrived, we said our goodbyes to Luna so she could go to the Ravenclaw table, and we headed toward the Hufflepuff table. Only some people were here, so I took the opportunity to talk to Cedric. I walked up behind him, and I smacked his head before he could even turn to me.

     "Ow, what was that for?" He asked, rubbing his head. I took the opportunity and sat next to him.

     "How dare you not tell me what happened at the Quidditch World Cup," 

     "Fred and George told you. Look, I knew you'd be worried sick, and I didn't want to scare you." He exclaimed, holding his hands up in defense.

     "You're absolutely right. I would have, what if something had happened to you or Uncle Amos."

     "But nothing did happen, so do I get a hug from my favorite cousin, or are you just going to leave me with a swat on the head." He said, holding his arms out.

     I sigh but eventually give in, pulling him in for a hug, "You're lucky I love you." I said.

     "Love you too, now go back to Ophelia; Professor Dumbledore just walked in." He said, gesturing to the doors by the head table. I got up, headed back towards Ophelia, and plopped beside her. Just as Professor Dumbledore started his speech, the Great Hall door creaked open, and Filch came running towards him as if you can even call it running. This causes most students to look at or laugh at him in confusion. Ophelia and I fell into the look of confusion category. I loved Filch, and our cats had even become friends, but some things he did always seemed to confuse me, this being one of them. He then reached Dumbledore and began whispering back and forth with him. Then Filch was back out the door, and Dumbledore continued his speech.

     "So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore explained. This caused many people to whisper cheerfully as Dumbledore continued explaining the tournament. Then, he introduced one of the schools that would be joining us. "The lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their Headmistress, Madame Maxime." He continued. Just as he spoke, the Great Hall doors opened, and a group of girls entered. They were beautiful as they walked through the tables and sang to some students. Behind them followed a very tall woman. She looked to be taller than Hagrid, and that said something. Once they arrived at the front of the Hall, most students applauded them.

     Quickly after the applause started, Dumbledore waved his hands to shush us. "And now, our friends from the North. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their High Master Igor Karkaroff," and just like before, the Great Hall doors opened, and a group of men walked through. Following behind this group was Viktor Krum, the best seeker in all of Quidditch, along with their High Master. After Igor and Dumbledore hugged, he quickly told us to welcome them in 'the best way we can.' We all stood up and began to sing. It was definitely not everyone's favorite thing to do and nothing compared to the entrance the other schools made, but it was Hogwarts. It was a very Dumbledore thing to do, in my opinion.

     After the song, food appeared on the tables, and we all dug in. I was observing the other tables and people as I often did. When my head looked towards the Slytherin table, I saw Draco's eyes on me. I quickly looked away and looked towards the head table. I saw Hagrid staring at Beauxbaton's Headmistress, and it looked like he was in love. I pointed it out to Ophelia, and we giggled like little school girls. When I glanced back at the Slytherin table, Draco's eyes were still on me, but this time he looked away before I did. After we ate and dessert came out, I watched Filch and a few others wheel up a golden statue-looking thing to the front of the room. This led Dumbledore on to another speech. Dumbledore claimed they would be implicating a new rule and introduced us to the ministry's head of international magical cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch.

     Just as he had come out, rain began to pour down in the Great Hall. It was quickly stopped by a spell from someone who looked familiar. I knew who that was; he was an Auror, Alastor Moody, or, as most people called him, Mad-Eye Moody. He was known for putting some of the worst Death Eaters into Azkaban. He had even lost one of his legs and one of his eyes in a battle with them. This led him to get a fake leg and a glass eye, which is how he got the name Mad-Eye Moody. He greeted Dumbledore and then took a swig from a bottle of something. Before we could even know why he was there, Mr Crouch approached the front of the golden statue.

     "After due consideration, the Ministry has concluded that for their own safety, no student under the age of 17 should be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard tournament. This decision is final." He exclaimed. This caused many students to groan and shout things out; the most recognizable one for me was one of the Weasley twins yelling that this decision was rubbish. The twins were both 16, and most of the kids in their year were 17, including Cedric, but due to a late birthday, they had yet to turn 17.

     Dumbledore quickly shut us all down by yelling, "Silence!" He used his wand and revealed what was under the golden statue. It was a giant chalice, the Goblet of Fire. The chalice then let out a small blue flame. I glanced over to Cedric and saw him talking and nodding with his friends, I knew he would enter, and I was worried sick. Soon enough, we were dismissed, and I excused myself from Ophelia and ran to catch up with Cedric. Once he noticed me, he crouched down and let me jump onto his back, something we'd done ever since he could carry me.

     "So, are you going to enter?" I ask him.

     "Of course I am." He said, laughing as he carried me towards the common room entrance. Once we arrived, he whispered the password and set me down.

     "Please just be careful, I can't risk something happening to you. Then I'll only have two friends instead of three." I said.

     "I promise." He said. After this, we both went our separate ways toward our rooms, and I plopped onto my bed.

     "So, is Cedric going to enter?" Ophelia asked.

     "Of course he is," I said, sighing.


A/N, Hi! I also just released a Tom Riddle book, please feel free to check it out!

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