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TW: very brief mentions of self harm, will not be putting a trigger warning before as it is only one sentence and not direct

Celeste's pov:

I woke up in a dark room with my head rested against Draco. I looked around and saw we were still in Snape's office. I must have cried myself to sleep and Draco stayed with me. I looked out the window to see the sky now black and littered with stars. I sat up and gently nudged Draco awake. "Draco wake up," I said quietly.

He moved around a little before finally opening his eyes. "What time is it?" He asked checking his watch, "God it's 3 am," He groaned quietly.

"We must have fallen asleep, thank you for staying with me," I said.

"Of course, would you like me to walk you to your dorm?"

"No, it's alright. We're already by the Dungeons so no point in you walking me all the way back."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure," I said as I stood up. I folded up the blanket I was using and handed it to Draco.

"Keep it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure, come on I'll at least walk you to the exit."

"Okay," I said as he took my hand. This was the first time we held hands since the Yule Ball. "Wait hold on," I said as I dropped his hand. I walked over to Snape's desk and found a blank piece of parchment and a quill. Thankfully his quill was already filled with ink. I quickly wrote down a thank you note and left it on his desk. "Okay I'm ready," I said walking back to Draco.

"What was that?" He asked as he took my hand again and led me out of the office.

"I wrote a thank you note."

"That was sweet of you, you're always sweet."

"I try to be."

"Not everyone deserves your kindness."

"I know," I say as we arrive at the exit of the Dungeons. "Thank you again for staying with me."

"Anytime, goodnight Celeste," Draco said as he kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight Draco," I said. I left the Dungeons and headed my walk back to my dorm. Thankfully I didn't see any prefects or professors. I walked into my dorm to see Luna and Ophelia curled up together in Ophelia's bed. They didn't wake up when I walked in so I changed my clothes and climbed into my bed.

The next morning I woke up to Ophelia and Luna sitting on my bed. "Well good morning guys," I said sleepily.

"We were so worried when you didn't come back last night, where were you?" Luna asked.

"I fell asleep in Snape's office with Draco," I said sitting up.

"How on earth did you get Snape to let you do that?" Ophelia asked.

"He said I could stay as long as I liked. He told me I reminded him of himself," I said.

"Snape has a soft side? That's shocking," Ophelia said.

"Enough about Snape, how are you Celeste?" Luna asked.

"I'm feeling a little better, not up for going to the great hall though," I said truthfully.

"That's fine," Ophelia said.

"I might go to an empty classroom and practice my skating," I said.

Too Sweet // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now