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Celeste's pov:

     Today was finally the last day before we all went home for the summer. Classes and exams were over but we were usually given two days in order to pack and get everything ready to go home. We all managed to pack in the first day so Ophelia, Luna, Pansy and I were going to Hogsmeade. These last few weeks Pansy and I have gotten even closer. She's even gotten close with Ophelia and Luna. She still spends most of her time with Blaise and the other Slytherins but she still hangs out with us. Draco and I still hangout but he hasn't mentioned the kiss, neither have I. I couldn't tell if he regretted it or not so I figured it would be best to ignore it for now. He still acts the same as before so it was a little confusing how he was acting. 

     Pansy finally arrived at my dorm and we headed towards Hogsmeade. I figured there was no point in hiding my scars anymore so I was finally wearing a short sleeve shirt. My friends reassured me that they would stick up for me if anyone said anything; even Crabbe and Goyle. I had also gotten closer with Blaise over the few weeks since he was practically attached to Pansy's hip. It was adorable how much in love he was. 

     On the walk to Hogsmeade we all talked about our plans over the summer. Honestly most of our plans were the same. Pansy was definitely more financially blessed then us but her family chose to save their money rather than flash it around. The walk wasn't as bad as it usually felt, but that's probably because I was finally wearing short sleeves in 70 degree weather. We finally arrived and walked around a few shops for a while. Everyone else decided to buy a few things but I kept my money saved for now. 

     The plan was to meet up with the guys around 6pm for butter beers. Right now it was only 5, so we had an hour to spare. We headed into Honeydukes to pick up a few treats. I knew this is where I would spend most of my money, my grandparents loved the sweets they had here but didn't have much time to come up here themselves. My grandma's favorite was crystalized pineapple and my grandpa's was chocolate cauldrons. While I was picking up some chocolate frogs for myself I felt someone bump into me. I assumed it was just an accident so I ignored it.

     "What are you doing here?" I heard someone scoff. It was Athena and Susan, of course. Unfortunately Ophelia, Luna, and Pansy all went separate ways when we entered; so I was all on my own. 

     "I'm shopping, what does it look like?" I said standing up straight. These past few weeks my friends have been teaching me how to stand up for myself. I guess today I would be testing this.

     "It looks like your being a fat ass. I mean come on do you need more food?" Athena said. I don't even know what she meant, we were probably the same size.

     "Yes I actually do need more food, so if you don't mind I'm going to continue shopping." I say. I tried to walk around them but ended up getting a shove from Susan.

     "Actually I d..." She began to speak but I cut her off.

     "What is your problem with me? Like actually, what have I ever done to you two?" I said. They went to speak again but I cut them off. "Actually I don't care. Athena you don't like me because I 'stole' Draco from you, which by the way I didn't. Susan you just hate me because Athena does. Your the definition of 'if they jumped off a cliff I would too'. Both of you are both just insecure mean girls who will peak in their teens." I say. I push past them and head to the checkout counter. Thankfully I already had everything I needed. 

     "Holy shit... you just stood up for yourself." I hear Pansy speak from behind me. I turn around to see Pansy with Ophelia and Luna.

     "I'm so proud of you!!" Luna says excitedly as she pulls me into a hug. I hear the cashier interrupt us with the total and I turn around to pay her.

     "Me to!!" Ophelia says. I thank the cashier and grab my bags.

     "I'm proud of myself. I don't even know how I did it." I say as we head to the door of the store. Soon enough it would be six so we decided to just head to The Three Broomsticks now. I guess the guys finished early because when we arrived they were already sat at a table waiting for us. They greeted us and we all sat down. Pansy next to Blaise, of course. Me next to Draco. Ophelia and Luna sat across from us, and Crabbe and Goyle sat at each ends of the table. 

     "Guys I have some amazing news!! Celeste stood up to Athena and Susan. You should've seen it. She called Athena out for the whole stealing Draco thing. Told Susan that she's just a follower. AND THEN called them insecure and that they would just peak in their teens. She was a badass." Pansy said excitedly. 

     Everyone congratulated me and Draco whispered in my ear, "I'm proud of you."

     "Thank you" I whispered back. 

     "Now you just gotta kick their ass like Ophelia and Pansy did," Blaise said.

     "Don't know if I'm ready for that, by the way did you guys order the drinks already?" I ask. 

      "I did, and don't worry it's all on me guys." Draco said. Sometimes he shocked me with how nice he could be to his friends, and then other times he would be a complete douchebag to them. He must be in a good mood today.

     "Are you sure? I can pay you back." I said.

     "I'm sure, don't worry about it." Draco said. We continued on talking about our days and what we had bought. I bought the least but I still didn't mind. I was definitely the 'poorest' out of the eight of us, but it didn't feel like it. No one here made me feel bad for my financial situation. Even though all I bought today was sweets, everyone seemed excited when I showed them. I was going to miss them over break. I knew I would see Ophelia and Luna over break but I didn't know if I would see anyone else. I finally had a good group of friends. Cedric would be proud of me. I wish he was here to see me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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