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Celestes pov:

     A week had passed, and once again, I couldn't sleep. Cedric discovered the first task, making me more nervous than ever. Dragons. Who in their right mind puts four kids against bloody dragons?

------- Flashback (earlier this morning)

         I was walking around the courtyard when Cedric appeared with his friends. I had decided to leave him alone with my worrying as I had bothered him almost every day since his name was chosen. I talked to Hermione once, and she also talked about Harry. They don't even know how his name got put in. He claims to not know, and she believes him, but Ron, on the other hand, is furious. He's giving the silent treatment to Harry. While sitting in the courtyard, I saw Harry come outside. I felt terrible for him; everyone wore "Potter Stinks" pins and talked badly about him.

          Then I saw Harry approach Cedric; this was odd. I've never seen Harry and Cedric talk before. I wasn't close enough to hear their conversation, but I saw Harry pull Cedric away from his friends. I could hear Cedric's friends yelling things at them, but Cedric seemed confused about what Harry was saying to him. Once they separated, I approached Cedric and pulled him aside just like Harry did.

     "What was that about?" I asked him.

     "Harry knows what the first task is," He replies.

     "Well? What is it?" I ask nervously.

     "You're not going to be happy."

     "Just tell me!"

     "It's dragons..."

     "Dragons??" I yelled. Cedric was quick to slap a hand over my mouth.

     "Shush, yes, it's Dragons."

     "They're throwing a bunch of 17-year-olds and Harry against a Dragon?"

     "Well, he said they have a dragon for each of us, so it will be just me against a Dragon."

     "That has to be all sorts of illegal!" I exclaim.

     "But it's not look I'm gonna be fine. I promise." He says, pulling me into a hug.

     "You better be, or I'll kill you myself," I say, hugging him back.

   "I'd like to see you try. I'm going to let my friends know, okay? Don't worry too much." He says before departing away from me.

     Just as I was about to head back into the castle, I heard Draco's voice yell out. "Why so tense, Potter?" He asked. I saw that Harry had walked past Draco while he was up in a tree. Why on earth was he in a tree? "My father and I have a bet, you see; I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament." Harry looked in his direction but kept his mouth shut. Draco jumped down from the tree and landed effortlessly on his feet. "He disagrees; he thinks you won't last five minutes." He added as he, Crabbe, and Goyle walked towards Harry.

     "I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy," Harry yelled, walking closer to Draco. He shoved Draco hard in the chest, causing me to open my eyes wide in shock. "He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic." Harry spat out angrily. Just as Harry turned to walk away, I saw Draco pull out his wand. He was quickly stopped by Professor Moody coming out from behind a pillar.

          "Oh no, you don't, sonny!" He yelled as he shot a spell toward Draco. Draco screamed and turned into a white ferret. This caused me to giggle with most of the courtyard who witnessed it. A white ferret? Fitting. "I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned." He added as he approached ferret Draco and his friends. "You stinking, cowardly, scummy..." Moody continued as he used his wand to lift ferret Draco.

     Professor McGonagall quickly approached the situation. "Professor Moody! What- What are you doing?" She asked as her eyes followed the ferret going up and down in the air. 

          "Teaching," Moody said without even looking away. He just continued to wave ferret Draco in the air.

     "Is that a- is that a student?" McGonagall asked in disbelief.

     "Technically, it's a ferret." He said as he grabbed ferret Draco and shoved him into Crabbe's waistband of his pants. Oh, poor Draco, I thought to myself. Goyle quickly reached into Crabbe's pants and pulled Draco out. I'm assuming Draco bit him as Goyle screamed and threw him onto the ground.

     Professor McGonagall quickly turned ferret Draco back into human Draco as he lay on the ground. He promptly stood up, his hair all messy, as he looked around frantically. "My father will hear about this!" he yelled. He ran around the tree as Professor Moody chased him around it.

    "Is that a threat?" Moody asked. Once Draco got around the tree, he ran off and ran past me. "I could tell stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair, boy!" Moody shouted as Draco ran. I wonder what he meant by that. As McGonagall lectured Professor Moody, I decided that now would be a good time to head back into the castle.

------ Present time

     I sat near the pond again, but this time, I was sketching in my journal. "What are you drawing?" I heard. I turned my head to see Draco.

     "I don't think you'll like it," I said honestly. This is the first time I've seen Draco since a few nights ago in the same location. We had passed by each other in the halls and had classes together, but I had never seen him one-on-one.

    "Well, can I see it?" He asked as he sat on the bench next to me.

     "Fine... but you can't be mad," I say as I hid the picture with my hands.

     "I won't get mad." He said. This caused me to move my hand, revealing a sketch of a ferret. The exact ferret he had been turned into hours ago. "You were there for that?" He asked, shocked.

     "You ran right past me, I'm surprised you didn't notice."

     "I was too busy running from mad eye Moody. He's crazy, and my father thinks so too." He said.

     "You actually told your dad?" I asked.

     "Of course I did; I got turned into a bloody ferret."

     "Well, to be fair, you did try to curse Harry while his back was turned."

     "He deserved it." Draco spat out.

     "Well, hey, at least Professor Moody turned you into a cute animal and not an ugly one," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

     "Yeah, then he shoved me into Crabbe's pants, I'll never get that scene out of my head." He said, shivering.

     "Did you hear what the first task will be?" I asked.

     "No, I didn't. It's tomorrow, isn't it?"

     "Yeah, the first task is Dragons. I don't know what they have to do, but I'm nervous about Cedric." I sighed.

     "I'm sure he will be fine; you should go get some sleep so you can be well-rested to support him."

     "I guess you're right," I said,, standing up. "Goodnight, Draco," I said as I began to walk away.

     "Goodnight Celeste" 


A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter! Never did I think I would be writing fanfiction in a coffee shop but here I am!

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