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Celestes pov:

     A week had passed and the school year was slowly coming to an end. After everything that happened with Susan and Athena I was ready to go home, but I couldn't. Not yet. Draco and I had gotten closer. Same with Pansy and I. Hermione and I never talked anymore. She yelled at me the first time she saw Draco and I walking together in the halls. Now all she does is send me dirty looks. I know he was an utter asshole to her, and I did confront him about that, but when he's around me he's a different person. 

     My first class of the day was Defense Against the Dark Arts, Dumbledore was still teaching it. Once we were all in our seats he began class. "Today we will be starting our final projects. This will be a pairs assignment so I will be assigning each group." He said. A few groans echoed throughout the room. I ignored most of the names until I heard Dracos, "Draco and Vincent," Lucky him, I thought. Most people got lucky. Blaise was with Pansy and Ophelia was with Goyle. Most people got paired with people they knew and liked. Until Dumbledore said my name. "Finally Celeste and Athena." He said. My heart sank, my breath came to a stop, my hands shook; I can't believe he did this. 

     I stood up from my chair quickly and spoke "No. Absolutely not." 

     "Mrs. Ellesmere this decision is final. Now sit down." Dumbledore spoke. I didn't even speak I just grabbed my bag and left the room. The tears began to flow as soon as I was out the door. I didn't even know where to go. I went to the one place I found the most comfort. The pond. I just don't understand how Dumbledore could do this. Not even two weeks ago she exposed me to the whole school. Yet Dumbledore thought it would be a good idea to pair us together. I was to far in thought to even hear that someone had sat next to me. I wasn't aware until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and let out a loud gasp, until I realized it was Draco. 

     "We're partners now. Crabbe is going to deal with Athena." He said. 

     "But how? Dumbledore said the decision was final."

     "I talked to Snape who talked to Dumbledore."

     "When? I've only been gone for like 10 minutes." I ask shockingly.

     "Celeste... you've been gone for almost two hours."

     "Two hours?!?!" I say almost yelling. "That means I missed my other classes."

     "Don't worry. Snape talked to them as well. All the Professors are pretty angry with Dumbledore for doing that. Even Professor McGonagall and she's like Dumbledores right hand man... well woman I guess." 

     I remained quiet for a second and just stared at Draco's face. Admiring his pale skin, his perfect complexion, blueish silver eyes... everything about him. "Thank you" I said quietly.

     "No need to thank me. Do you want to go to the library and start the project or would you like the wait?"

     "We can go now. Might as well be a little productive today." I said as I stood up. Draco stood up next to me and held out his hand for me. I gladly accepted it as we walked towards the library. We sat at a table towards the back, mainly to stay away from Hermione. She was sat towards the front when Draco and I walked in. She looked at me, then to Draco, and then to our hands. She scoffed and sent me a dirty look before whispering to Ron and Harry. Draco gave my hand a comforting squeeze and navigated us to the back to the library. "So what did Dumbledore want us to do research on?" 

     "He wants us to do the Aqua Eructo spell." Draco said as he laid out some parchment. 

     "Hmm I've never used that spell." I hummed. 

     "Me neither, I don't think I've seen anyone use it."

     "I guess we're going to need some books then." I said as I stood up. Hours had passed and we hadn't even realized. It was now dark out and I was slowly starting to drift off. We were finally disrupted when the Librarian came to let us know the library was closing. 

     "Come on, I'll walk you back to your common room." Draco said as he packed his bag. 

     "You don't have to." I said yawning.

     "Of course I'm going to." He held out his hand again and I accepted again. The walk to my common room wasn't that far and he insisted on taking me. "So what are your plans for the summer?" He asked as we walked.

     "I'm not sure to be honest. My family doesn't do vacation so I'll probably just relax out in my backyard, help my grandma garden, and read."

     "That sounds peaceful. I wish I could do something like that."

     "What does your family do?"

     "Well this year we're going to France. It's never an easy going break over summer. My family always wants to do something." 

     "France sounds beautiful. I've never even been out of the County, but I can assume it get's stressful always on the move."

     "It is beautiful. This is probably my fourth or fifth time going. Maybe I'll take you there sometime." He said as we arrived at my common room entrance. 

     "I'd really like that." I said as a blush swept across my face. "Thank you for walking me back." I said. He didn't reply just looked at my face; my eye, to my lips, to my other eye. Next thing I know his lips are against mine but before I could kiss back he pulled away. 

     "Goodnight Celeste," was all he said before he turned around and quickly walked away. By time I caught my train of thought he was to far gone for me to say anything. I walked into my common room and quickly up into my room. Thankfully Luna was already there with Ophelia. Luna practically lived with us at this point. 

     As soon as I shut the door I blurted out, "Draco just kissed me." Ophelia and Lunas jaw both dropped. 

     "WHAT?" Ophelia yelled before quickly slapping a hand over her mouth. We were supposed to be quiet at this hour.

     "He walked me back from the library and just kissed me." I said and I plopped down onto my bed.

     "Did you kiss him back?" Luna asked. 

     "I didn't even have the chance, he pulled away said goodnight and quickly walked away." I said groaning. 


A/N Hi I'm back!!! Finally back home from school and peacefully relaxing in my own bed. Sorry if this is kind of short, there will only be one more chapter until we reach The 
Order of the Phoenix!

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