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Celeste's pov:

A few months later, it was almost time for the second task, two days away. Cedric had figured out that he would have to dive to the bottom of the Black Lake to retrieve something. He didn't know what he would be retrieving, though. I wasn't worried about this task as I knew Cedric could hold his breath for long. We would have contests to see who could do it longer, and he always cheated with a spell. He and I were walking the corridors, trying to find Harry. Since Harry had told Cedric what the first task was, he figured it was right to help him with the second task. While walking through the bridge, we see him and Hermione talking. "Potter!" Cedric yells out. Harry began to walk away; either he was rude, or he just didn't hear him. "Potter!" He yells out once more.

"Cedric," Harry says finally turning around.

"How- how are you?" Cedric asks.


"Look, I realize I never thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons."

"Forget about it. I'm sure you would've done the same for me" Harry said, seemingly very uninterested in the conversation.

"Exactly, you know the prefects bathroom on the fifth floor?" Cedric asked, Harry just nodded his head. "It's not a bad place for a bath. Just take your egg and mull things over in the hot water." Cedric finished as he began to walk away.

I quickly followed him and once we were out of ear shot I spoke up. "You know that was probably the weirdest way you could have told him that right?"

"Yeah, it did sound a little dumb, but I mean hey I still wanna win." He said.


It was the night before the task, and I was studying in the library. As I was walking to leave, I heard Hermione talking to Harry. "Are you guys talking about the task?" I questioned, peeking my head into the aisle of books.

"Yeah, Harry finally figured it out." She said

"So Cedrics clue was enough? I'm sorry he worded it so weird." I said. Just as they went to speak Professor Moody interrupted us.

"Hate to break up the skull session, Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office." He said to us. "Not you Potter, just the other three." He added. I looked at Hermione confused as she spoke up.

"But sir, the second task is only hours away, and-" She began to speak before Moody cut her off.

"Exactly. Presumably, Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go. Now!" He said. Hermione and Ron packed up their stuff before we followed Moody. Once we arrived at Professor McGonagall's office she told us to have a seat.

"Would you care for some tea?" She asked. All of us nodded and took a cup from the tray. There was another girl with us, a younger girl, based on her uniform she went to Beauxbatons. McGonagall began to ramble about things yet her voice sounded faint to me. My vision started to blur and I looked over to Hermione.

"Hermio-" I began to say before the vision went black.

Draco's pov:

We were all headed to the next task: Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Pansy. As we walked towards the black lake, the Weasley twins asked if anyone wanted to place bets. I just scoffed, I hated the Weasley family, but at least these two were tolerable. Once we arrived at the viewing area, I looked around for Celeste. We would sneak out and meet by the pond every night since the Yule Ball. She talked to that tortoise a few more times, and sometimes, I still thought she was just joking with me. Except last night she didn't show. I waited, and I waited, but she never showed up. As I looked around, I couldn't seem to find her, which was strange. I could notice her from a mile away. I pulled Pansy over, "I can't find Celeste." I whispered into her ear.

"Look I'm sure she's just somewhere else, maybe she's talking to Cedric or on a different platform." She said back quietly.

"Oi what are you guys whispering about?" Crabbe butted in.

"None of your bloody business Crabbe" I spat.

"Look, I'm sure she'll be here soon," Pansy said again before walking back towards Blaise. I hoped she was right. Dumbledore began his speech, and the contestants came out. I was still waiting to see Celeste. Soon, the canon went off, and all the contestants dove in, well, except for Harry. Professor Moody pushed him in, causing me to laugh. Maybe he wasn't so bad. Half an hour had gone by, and we were still just looking out into a lake with no sign of Celeste.

"This has got to be the most boring task ever," Goyle said. Blaise and Crabbe agreed with him, but I kept looking through the stands to see Celeste. The beauxbaton champion was forced to leave the task, pulled out from under the water, and wrapped in blankets and towels. I heard her asking for her sister, but no one could find her. Just like I couldn't find Celeste. Then I realized Celeste was gone, Fleur's sister was gone, and so were Weasley and Granger. Dumbledore said something was stolen from the contestants last night, and Celeste didn't meet me last night. I yanked Pansy over quite harshly, and before she could lecture me, I spoke.

"Celeste is in the water. She's who Cedric is rescuing." I said quietly.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Just think about it. Dumbledore said something was stolen from each contestant last night, Celeste didn't meet with me. Fleur's sister is gone and so are Weasley and Granger. Celeste and those three are at the bottom of the lake." I said.

"Oh my god your right." She said placing a hand over her mouth.

"You can't say anything to anyone else," I said.

"Cedric is a great wizard, I'm sure she'll be fine." She said.

"I hope so," I said, looking back at the lake. Another fifteen minutes passed, and there was still nothing. I was getting worried, and Pansy could tell. She and Blaise switched with Crabbe and Goyle, and she placed a comforting hand on my back. They only had fifteen minutes left. As I was ready to say something to Dumbledore, Cedric popped out of the water and held up Celeste. I let out a hard sigh, and she sucked in a breath of air.

"I told you she'd be alright." Pansy said as I watched Cedric swim with Celeste in his arms. He helped pull her up into the stands and they were both wrapped with towels and blankets just like Fleur was. I switched sides with Goyle so I could be closer and hear what she was saying.

"What happened? How did I end up down there?" She asked shivering.

"I'm not sure, but your okay now." Cedric said pulling her into a hug. I didn't even bother watching the rest of the task my eyes stayed on Celeste. She looked my way and sent me a soft smile.

"Are you okay?" I mouthed. She sent me a soft nod.

Later that night, she sent me a letter from an owl. She explained that she was too tired to travel to the pond that night. She even answered all my questions before I could ask. She said she was okay, and Madam Pomfrey had also checked her and all the others. She said she didn't remember anything from last night; she remembered Professor Moody gathering her, Weasley, and Granger to McGonagall's office. I take back saying that he wasn't that bad. I hated him even more than when he turned me into a ferret.

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