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TW: Mentions of self harm and suicidal thoughts, I will put a TW before and after the scene so you don't have to skip the rest of it.

Celestes pov:

It had been two weeks since Cedric died. A week and 3 days since his funeral. His funeral was beautiful, but he would have hated it. Cedric lived to make people smile, including his friends, his family, and even strangers. There wasn't a smile in sight that day. A few of his friends had come down from Hogwarts along with Cho. She and I stood next to each other, holding hands while we cried. His closest friend had given a speech; he had talked about memories and who Cedric was as a person. When he was done, he said he missed him and would see each other on the other side. I gave a speech as well and talked about the memories we had growing up. I couldn't even finish the speech because of how hard I was crying. I visited his body every day. His parents and my grandparents insisted that it wasn't healthy, but I didn't care. The day before we buried him, I visited him again. He looked so peaceful, almost as if he was asleep. I had gone through all five stages of grief.

Denial, I refused to believe it. After the initial shock wore off, I refused to believe he died. Every day, I visited his body and just cried. I begged that this was just a cruel joke. That he wasn't really dead. That he would jump up and laugh at me. I'd be heartbroken and angry, but I would have him back. I begged that he was just sleeping and would wake up and hug me. He never moved. I would hold his hand and hope he would squeeze mine. He never did

Anger, I was furious. I was furious at him, at Uncle Amos, his friends, myself, and mostly Harry. I was angry at Cedric for putting his name into the Goblet of Fire. I was angry at Uncle Amos for cheering him on. I was angry at his friends for pushing him to enter the tournament. I was angry at myself for not stopping him. Most of all, I was angry at Harry. How could he have let Cedric die? Harry had helped Cedric, and Cedric had helped him. Why didn't he help Cedric? He said Voldemort was back. If Voldemort was back then, why didn't Harry stop him? That's who Harry was; he was the chosen one. The one who survived Voldemort's attack and was supposed to end him once and for all if he returned. He returned, and Harry did nothing to stop him. Just watched as Cedric died.


Bargaining, I prayed to whoever was listening to take me instead. I prayed that I would do anything to have him back in this world, even if it meant me not being in it. All I asked was for one more hug, and then whatever god was in the sky could take me. Cedric deserved to be in this world, but I didn't. So why did they take him instead of me? I prayed to go back in time and take his place in the tournament. He would be the one worrying, but at least he would be able to live. No god answered my prayers. No matter how many times I kneeled on the ground and screamed for them to listen to me.

Depression, I didn't leave my room for days. The only time I left was to visit him. I didn't eat or sleep. All I did was cry until there were no more tears left. My grandmother would bring me food and tea, but they were all left untouched. Racking up piles of dishes on my desk. She sat with me at night until I fell asleep; I never did. I would pretend so she could get some sleep, but as soon as my bedroom door closed, I was back awake and crying. I started hurting myself again. I wanted to feel the pain he felt. The doctors claimed it was a quick and painless death, but I didn't believe that. Cedric acted tough, but he had the lowest pain tolerance of anyone I knew.

TW: Over

Acceptance, I was still working on this stage. I apologized to Uncle Amos for yelling at him and being so angry with him. All he did was pull me into a hug and whisper that it was okay. That it was all going to be okay. Amos had given me some of Cedric's old sweaters to keep, some of his books, and a few other things. I was glad I had something to remember him by. Two weeks had passed, and I figured I should go back to Hogwarts. I had missed a lot of schoolwork and needed to catch up. Ophelia sent my assignments to me, but I haven't touched them yet. Luna and Ophelia sent me letters every day, and Draco even sent me two letters.

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