Chapter 8: Ally's Wand Choosing

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Like everyone else, I'm in shock. While I did hope that the sweet and shy Moonfall boy would be in classes with me, I never expected to be chosen for the good side, especially after hearing about how infamous their family was while talking to Danny Gray.

I spot my godfather going over to the terrified boy and helping him stand with a gentle smile. I can't make out what he's saying but it seems to calm the poor boy down. People around her were gossiping rather loudly too.

"There's no way a Moonfall would be put in our school!"

I agree but Samson... no the banner says Ariel now so I should call him that... is so sweet and shy. The white sheep in his evil family.

"Something's wrong here!"

Well, I can't agree with that... he looks so pale and scared now.

"He must be working to hurt us all!"

That's a stretch I think...

"The Dark One! He must be working with the Dark One!"

The Dark One? My blood runs cold like always when I hear that phrase. Is he working for them? I'm not sure at all... is he just playing everyone with his behavior? When I look over to Ariel's father, I can see the disgust and disappointment on his face. I don't think that evil man can act in that way.

"See that glare? It must be true!"

Glare? I look back at Ariel but he just looks so pale and ready to pass out. I don't think any of this is true after all. Everyone is just seeing the Moonfall name and nothing more.

My godfather glares sternly at the students making them fall into whispers before he walks out of the wand room with Ariel.

Professor Magnolia... wait when did she come in?!... stands from her seat and clears her voice. "That's enough everyone! Everything is as it should be. There are never any mistakes when you're chosen for schools." She said in a stern voice. That was enough to make all the gossiping stop at least for now. "Now that we have an understanding, let's continue." She says and sits back down.

With that, the next name was called. I take a deep breath and sneak a peek at Silas. He looks angry now but just glares out at nothing. The next student does end up being one for the evil side which gets some acknowledgement out of him at least. He starts to look more like his old self.

Before I know it because I'm lost in my thoughts on Ariel, I hear my name. "Alyssa Rose." I blink and look up. Oh... I feel my excitement peak again! I stand up and walk over to the magic circle. I feel eyes on me and look up my eyes meeting Professor Moonfall's. I tense slightly but he only observes me. Why does he always make me feel like I'm nothing more than a bug?!

I take a deep breath and enter the magic circle. All at once the noise from the crowd vanished and I was in a small study room. I look around curiously and walk over to a podium with an open book on it. Were those potion recipes? I remember seeing some books in momma's study before.

A light suddenly catches my eye and I look up. I see a wand glowing behind some glass on one of the bookshelves. I take a step forward to get a better look but then gasp as it suddenly busts through the glass. I step away from the glass but then the wand comes up to me. It reminds me of daddy's wand being made of the same dark wood but instead of a teal jewel, mine has a honey-colored one that reminds me of momma's eyes.

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