Chapter 14: Jealousy and Pain

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I watch momma teach Ariel quickly feeling even more jealous. He was able to lift and move the feather around on his first try! He's having trouble with a textbook now, but it took me a couple of days to lift my feather! I sigh and try not to let it get to me. Maybe it has to do with hand magic... it still isn't fair at all! First, my godfather, and now my parents are paying so much attention to him.

I know it isn't his fault either. He doesn't have very many friends being a Moonfall. With how Connor's becoming the leader of the first-year boys, I can't help but wonder if he's getting bullied by everyone. He hasn't said anything, so I honestly have no idea. I'm sure he will tell Jason at least.

I shake those thoughts away. I shouldn't be spending time worrying about Ariel and my jealousy of his spell casting skills. I have my own to practice! Plus I'm still thinking of what the nurse and headmaster Magnolia said. My twin is alive and in this school? Where could he be though? If he's one of the students... who could he be? I have no clue and it annoys me.

There has to be some sort of clue if he's here! He has to look like momma or daddy... or even me! If we're twins, shouldn't we look the same? I feel someone nudge me and I'm brought out of my thoughts. When I feel all eyes on me, I blush. "I-I'm sorry." The students around me giggle which makes me blush even brighter.

Professor Sable only smiles. "It's alright, but please pay attention in my class. It's your turn to try to lift the textbook." I swallow and collect myself. I hate embarrassing myself like this! "I apologize, Professor Sable. It won't happen again." I step forward and take out my wand.

I have three tries to lift up this stupid book. Chris did it yesterday which made me so happy for her. She's a gifted witch already and very smart. I can do this too! I was one of the first to get my wand to glow after all! I take a deep breath and calm my nerves. I can do this!

I look at the book and point my wand to it. "Levare." I do the motions and focus on the book. It does move which makes me frustrated. "It's alright, Alyssa. Just take a deep breath and try again." I hear Professor Sable speak and look up at him. He's watching me with calm eyes. He never shows disappointment at least not when we students fail to do this.

I nod and take another deep breath. "Levare." I try again and hold the spell. The book shakes for a moment then lifts off the pillow. I beam a bit and continue to hold the spell. "Great work! Just hold it a little longer... then slowly set it down." I hear Professor Sable's words and nod. I follow his directions and slowly let it go.

"Yay! You did it!" I hear Chris' soft voice and can't help but be super excited. Maybe it's not much, but it's the first step in learning magic! "Try one more time, Alyssa. You have one more try." Professor calls to me so I take a deep breath and do it again. "Levare." It happens once again, but this time much easier. I lift it just a little higher but don't go overboard. I don't want to mess up or hurt anyone. When I set it down again, I go over to Chris and hug her happily.

"I'm happy for you." She says and smiles big and bright. I giggle and relax looking over to my parents longingly. Momma is watching over Ariel while daddy is speaking to Jason. I wish they were here for me, but that's selfish too. I know that, but can't stop these feelings.

Then something shocking happens. I watch Ariel do the spell again and just like that the textbook lifts up. I tense and watch feeling a bit of awe. This is his first-day doing magic. How is he so good?

"Oh please... He gets more than three tries at a time! How unfair."

"Yeah, that's right... stupid Moonfall's! Always getting special treatment."

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