Chapter 39: Blur to the End

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I find the rest of the year going in a blur. School didn't stop just because my twin was found to be alive. I know it got easier on Ariel because he went through so much but for me? No chance! Piles of homework came my way and luckily I had Scar and Chris for help. I barely get to spend time with my twin, but when I do, I can see how uncomfortable he is.

I know I have a lot to apologize for. I turned on him the second I thought he was friends with the shadows that attacked me. In my head, he was Samson Moonfall again, not Ariel. He was working with the enemy who had taken and was torturing my twin. All the while he was... no my twin. I have to make it up to him but I'm afraid he won't open his heart to me.

During Professor Sable's class, I try to talk to him but he just looks distant and lost. Shouldn't he be happy that we're his family? Not those mean and evil Moonfall's? I don't understand that well but I guess to him, they're the only family he's known. He finds it hard to adjust. I can see momma is distracted and dotes on him a lot during their lessons, but Ariel just looks so uncomfortable.

I don't see him in any other classes but during lunch and dinner, he's doing what he's always done... sitting with the beautiful Brandon. It's like nothing's changed when they're together... I feel jealous of their relationship even though I shouldn't. He never turned on Ariel. Brandon was always on his side no matter what happened. He saved him from Connor and his goons too. In the end, I became a bully who thought he was right.

I hate myself for it every day. He's never been anything but shy and a nervous wreck. He's also so kind... and he even reminds me of momma. It's strange because he looks so much like daddy but acts just like momma. I wonder if he's just like him too. Is he special in that way too? He can use hand magic and is like a prodigy. Oh no... I feel like I'm getting jealous again. I shouldn't be like this! I'm sure he's jealous of how I was raised and all but still... he has the right to be after enduring twelve years with those mean Moonfall's!

When final's week comes, I feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Just like with midterms, we had a whole week to study but it was so much more information! Not just one semester but the whole school year? Gosh, it all comes and goes like a blur! One test after another... test, eat, sleep... rinse and repeat! I wish we could just learn magic and not all this other stuff! I mean potion making is already... I've found that I do well with numbers. But history? Magic creatures? Why?!

Maybe it's just because I'm so exhausted... but by the end of the week, my fate is in the hands of the graders. I don't want to repeat a year at all! I'd die of embarrassment and boredom... and I wouldn't be able to have Chris and Scar as my roommates.

So doom's day is here. Scar is hyper and excited as usual probably not even worried while Chris is just pacing about. She's the smartest of us all so I don't know what she's worried about! "Oh, you two did fine!" Scar pouts seeing our grim looks. "Be positive! I wanna see you next year." After we learn our grades, we have one final meal before going back home. Oh, I'll miss them so much... too bad I'm too worried about my stupid grade!

We all go out and I notice the breakfast in the living area hasn't been touched. I guess everyone is scared to see their grades! We drag our feet or at least try to but Scar is forcing us to go faster. I wish I had her confidence honestly.

I see the results papers are already posted but no one is around. I guess everyone is too scared to see. Scar skips on ahead and looks before beaming proudly. "I knew it! I'm awesome after all." She grins mischievously. "Come on girls! You have nothing to fear!" We exchange a look before walking over. I look up fearfully then blink.

I got A's and B's... like during midterms. My history exam has a B- but... I did it. I passed! When Chris looks, I can also see she got all A's. Oh, she's so smart! I hug her then gasp as Scar tackles us. We don't fall but it knocks the air out of me. "See?! I told you there was nothing to worry about!" We giggle with each other. "Come on! Let's go to the mess hall! I'm sure after all that stress you'll be starved."

So we end up going to the mess hall laughing and talking like a bunch of older teenagers. I'll miss them over the summer... but I'll get to know Ariel so much better!



As I look at my results I feel nothing much. It's all average like during midterms and I know they were going easy on me. My brain really isn't meant for hard stuff... but I managed to pass with only one C-. Normally I would worry about what Mother would think... but she's not my real mother... right?

I sigh softly. The last part of the year was just a blur. I don't think I learned a lot after the trial. No one made me do too much and I started being taught more by Jason since Akana is super distracted and emotional. He wants to dote on me but it's so uncomfortable... unnatural. I've never had that sort of affection given to me. I know he went through a lot not having me there... but I can't help how I feel.

I sigh and then jump when I feel someone tap on my shoulder. "There you are," Brandon says and smiles. "It looks like you passed too! Great work... I'm looking forward to attending classes with you next year." I tilt my head. That's right... that's something to look forward to! "Look at that! You finally smiled." He ruffles my hair making me whine. "Come on. Let's go to the mess hall." He says and offers me a hand.

I smile and take it before we head over. It feels so natural to be with him now. Jason now being named my so-called godfather feels so strange to me. Everything has changed in such a short time... the only one who stayed the same is Brandon.

As we walk into the mess hall, I pale as I realize how many people are there. Everyone from every grade is here... and we seem to be separated by school too. I swallow hard and squeeze Brandon's hand. "It's ok. I'm still going to stay with you. Don't panic on me." He murmurs and we walk over to a table. As we sit together, I hear whispers around me. All this time... some things never change.

"They're still together? I thought he was only around him because Professor Moonfall told him to..."

"Maybe not? I've heard he seduced his uncle... maybe he did the same to Brandon?"

"Or Brandon just... likes him?"

"I guess they're dating after all."

Similar whispers continue around me. I still don't know what seducing means... dating too? How strange. Brandon watches me and chuckles. "Still so innocent huh?" He teases and ruffles my hair again. "Brandon..." I whine and touch the top of my head.

The ones who are whispering watch and murmur to each other. It's confirmed? What is? I sigh and watch as the professors from both schools stand up. Father catches my eye which makes me pale and look away quickly. We haven't spoken since that day... maybe when we get home I can...

Wait. I tense up. Go home... where will I be going home to? Will I go to the home I know with the Moonfall's? Or with the Rose's where I don't even feel that I belong yet? I don't want to hurt Akana's feelings but... that isn't my home... I'm scared to see Mother again but... that's home. That's all I know.

As they speak, everything sounds so far away. Even when they finish and the food appears, I can't stop thinking of this issue. Where do I belong? Where do I go? I start to tremble a bit. "Ariel?" Brandon sounds so far away. Am I having a panic attack? I don't even know...

"... Ariel." I tense and look up. "... Father..." Father is looking down at me. He chuckles. "Heh... you still call me that? Interesting... come with me. You can bring your little friend too. We need to talk... your birth parents will be there too," he adds then starts to walk off. I stand up quickly and hold myself. It's like... nothing has changed at all.

"Relax... I'll be there with you," Brandon tells me and I swallow hard. What does he have to say? Why are Akana and Phoenix going to be there too? I start to follow holding hands with Brandon again. All I can do is find out.

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon