Chapter 13: Learning Magic

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A whole week has passed since our first day and Connor's bullying hasn't let up. I'm afraid of telling anyone, especially Jason. What if rumors start about him too? I don't want to get him in trouble. I hate the disgusting things people are saying about me. What does seducing even mean? And why would I do that to Jason? He's my first friend ever!

I get ready for the day and feel a little excited. I won't get to spend as much time as I have been with Jason but I get to finally learn some magic. Ally's mother will be in today. Maybe her father too? That makes me feel a little nervous but I tell myself he stood up to Father in my defense. He won't be scary... I just have to remind myself that a few times.

I walk to class taking some juice and a biscuit before I go. I always go to class super early so that I don't run into any of Connor's crew. I don't want to be in pain while in class and have to hide it from Jason. Out of everyone in school, the professors are the nicest and Ally is too. She doesn't always talk to or acknowledge me but she never calls me mean names at least.

I make it to the classroom door and spot Jason talking to two other adults. I recognize the blonde man as Ally's father but the other adult is smaller and shorter maybe a whole foot shorter than him and is feminine while also being boyish. Father did call him a freak... is he like me then? I shudder a bit as I don't want to think about it. I feel normal so I am... right?

"Oh, there he is! Come over here kiddo." I jump a bit at the sudden voice and look up. Jason smiles encouragingly and must see my face pale. I swallow hard and walk over. "H-hi..." I wave to them shyly and hold onto the bottom of Jason's robes. "Go ahead and introduce yourself kiddo." I look up at him and then back to the adults. "I-I... I go by... A-Ariel now. Nice to... meet you." I say carefully.

The shorter one tenses up and lets out a small gasp. He holds himself and starts to shake making Ally's father look at him worriedly. "Akana? Are you alright? What's wrong?" He wraps an arm around him and watches him closely. Akana swallows hard but nods slowly. "Y-yes... I'm fine..." he takes a deep breath then smiles. "Hey there... A-Ariel... I'm Akana. I'll be teaching you magic from now on."

My name seems to be what makes him hesitate. I wonder why... then Ally's father nods. "I'm Phoenix. We met before back at Raven Square but I didn't get a chance to talk to you." He smiles at me. His long pointy teeth pop out against his bottom lip and I can't help but giggle out loud. It looks so silly... I then tense when I realize my mistake in laughing and prepare myself for harsh words or a fist. Will he hit me?

"What? Is it the accent?" Phoenix looks puzzled. He doesn't make any move to hit me. He's so big and tall just like Father yet isn't scary at all. "N-no... I-I'm sorry... your teeth... are silly..." Phoenix flashes me a toothy grin. "I get that a lot too. It's nice to meet you, Ariel. You can call me Nix if you like." I tilt my head as it sounds like he said 'Nick' instead but I think I know what he was trying to say. "O-ok... n-nice to meet you... N-Nix... oh! A-and Mr. Akana." I bow a little to be polite.

I feel Akana's eyes on me and look up meeting sad honey-colored eyes. Why does he look so sad? Is something wrong? I hope I'm not the cause of it. "Well, you will be learning from Akana from now on. You don't have to call him mister though... unless he wants to be called Mr. Rose. Or even Professor." Jason tells me while Akana shakes his head.

"No that's fine... Akana is perfect. I'm not a professor and mister seems too formal." He says. "After your first course, I'll come in and show you the basics of how to do spells. You don't have a wand to do certain flicks so you have to figure out how to do so with your hand. I'll show you how to lift items in the air first." I nod since it's the same spell my other classmates started to learn on our first day. Does that mean I'm a week behind? Then I'll just work harder! I start to feel stressed.

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now