Chapter 12: Is He Actually Alive?

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After my last class, I can't help but think about Ariel. I hate feeling this way but I'm just so jealous! Why does he get to be like momma with a magic hand and not me? Having momma be my teacher would be so much fun! Jason was also staying close to him and encouraging him during class so I could barely get any time with my own godfather!

I sigh a bit and go to the mess hall to eat with my new friends. It isn't just Chris and Scar anymore! I ended up making two more friends: Kelly who has light brown hair and blue eyes who's in my magic creatures class and Brian who has black hair and green eyes who's in my potion's class. I sit with the four of them and Danny joins us too.

"Oh hi!" I beam at Danny who smiles back. "Hello to you too." He says and starts to eat his food once it appears in front of him. We get to order what we want when we get inside no matter what it is and then it appears when we find a place to sit. One of the third years told me after class which made me so excited! I ordered a chicken pot pie with a honey cake for dessert. I hope it tastes just like momma's home cooking!

I take a bite and feel nothing but joy. Magic is so amazing! It looks and tastes exactly like momma's and I just love it so much. I'm glad I won't be missing out even for a second! I talk to my friends about their first day. We all have a ton of homework but it will all be worth it! I want to be the best witch I can be so I'll do my best. Numbers and homework are more my style anyway.

"Hey look! Looks like Assistant Hill is even having lunch with that Moonfall brat." I hear someone say and my eyes follow their finger. I tense seeing my godfather and Ariel walk into the mess hall together.

Ariel pales a bit but seems to focus on Jason when he talks to him. He nods and holds onto his robes as they walk over to an empty spot. I feel that pang of jealousy again as Ariel seems to think Jason's attention only belongs to him. A tiny voice tells me that Ariel has no one on his side but it's still so unfair!

"Ha... I guess he sees Assistant Hill as his boyfriend or something..."

"How gross!"

"I doubt Assistant Hill would do anything gross though."

"Didn't you hear? His mother is a mistress so I'm sure he knows how to seduce people."

I hear upperclassmen talking with each other and I look over to them. Neither seem to hear and they just talk and eat their dinner. As I watch them with jealousy, I can't help but be reminded of how I act with daddy. Well, Ariel's father seems to hate him a lot...

I then realize why Ariel is so clingy with Jason and I feel even more guilty. He just wants affection, and Jason is giving him that through being kind and attentive. I get that's why Jason is giving it to him too! He always seems to know when something is going on with me without being told so he must see that hunger and need for friendship and affection in Ariel.

Does that mean he isn't a bad boy? I wondered if he was just playing people by pretending to be weak and meek. He has to be a beloved child right? But his behavior looks real to me so I'm not completely sure. I'm not the only one who seems to think this either but more students don't believe it and see it as a game.

"He thinks he's so smart but he's nothing more than a Moonfall brat working for evil."

"He should just show his true colors and get out of our school!"

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now