Chapter 33: How to Prove His Innocence

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I sit down in a seat and shift about not knowing what to do. Everyone is just arguing about me without really asking me anything. I'm a Moonfall so I must be evil and work for the Dark One. I'm an outcast in my family so I can't be considered a Moonfall. All of back and forth and it's just making me more nervous.

Headmaster Magnolia is merely listening to both sides and observing me closely. What is she looking for? For me to crack and show my so-called 'true colors'? But I'm not evil... I'm not mean or working for anyone. I just want to work hard to make my parents proud. I look over to Father and Simon. Father looks so bored and indifferent... while Simon only smirks at me with a dirty look on his face. I grimace and look away.

Simon looks like he's enjoying himself. He always loves to see me in trouble. He gets a kick out of it and only watches from afar with a dark and happy grin on his face. Father though... he just looks bored of this. Does he know something? He hasn't disowned me and scolded me for embarrassing him though.

"I saw it with my own eyes!" I flinch at Ally's voice. "They were all over Samson like that were the best of friends!" She's using my old name now... she must really hate me. Tears burn in the corners of my eyes and I use my bangs to hide my eyes. I just want this to stop... it's not fair. "He probably had them attack and hurt him on purpose too!"

"Hey!" I tense and look up hearing Brandon call out. "If you bring that up then that makes everyone who was attacked a suspect. You, me, Edward and Carmen too. So your argument makes no sense at all." He stands up. His arm is in a sling and a few bandages are on his face too. "And his name is Ariel. Learn respect for once and stop being a whiny little brat!"

I wince a bit. I've never seen him look so mad before the fire in his dark blue eyes burning strong. "You do have a point, young Brandon." I hear headmaster Magnolia speak finally and look up. "We can't say that Ariel was attacked to be a fake victim without saying anyone else could have been as well. So that can't be evidence in this case."

Brandon nods curtly and dips his head. "Thank you for your time." He sits back down and smiles at me. At least he stood up for me. I'm glad that he's on my side. I'm afraid to look over to Ally though as I can feel her glare on me. I swallow hard and look down again.

Is there really no way to prove my innocence without a shadow of a doubt? No one trusts my word... well Jason, Brandon, and Akana do, but that's three against so many. I feel like crying and screaming but it's also so hard to breathe too. Jason calls this feeling high anxiety... maybe I'm stressed too because of what's going on too.

"Does anyone have a solution to figure this out?" Headmaster Magnolia asks. "I don't have any experience or permissions to use magic court magic." She adds and looks over at the other professors who only shake their heads.

"I have experience with that." It isn't a professor who says that. I look up in surprise. Wait... Jason does? "I think I have a solution for this problem too if you'll allow me to explain." He dips his head and shoots me a warm smile. What does he have up his sleeve?



Professor Magnolia tilts her head at me. "Oh? Do explain, Assistant Hill." Finally... I can pull off my idea and get everything back as it should be. "I did my six-year internship under Judge Yearwood." I hear a whistle and look over to Professor Moonfall who looks interested for the first time. Good... this will expose you too.

I walk up to the front and take a deep breath. This is what I worked for all year. I know the truth and now I need to show it to everyone. With this, I can keep my promise to my best friend... that he will return to them safe and sound. I feel a little nervous but also so excited

"During this time, I sat in during his trial where some of the worst criminals were fighting for their freedom." I begin. "Under Judge Yearwood's strict instruction..." I hear chuckles from the professors. They must know of him as well... or maybe they've met him. His reputation is well-known among all magical beings and creatures. Just to work with him was a dream come true... but that's not why I'm bringing him up.

"I got to see firsthand how these trials come. Some can last mere moments while others are days to months. I've heard of some lasting for years too." I go on and start to move about. I don't like standing still for long as I feel like it bores people. "I learned how to prosecute these criminals and even defend those who could be innocent. This is what I'm doing today."

I see Alyssa glaring at me. I know she's mostly acting like this out of fear, but it's still heartbreaking to see. She's going to regret this later but Ari is too kind for his own good... just like he is.

I started to see him in Ari from the very beginning. His shy and kind personality never fit in with the hardness of the Moonfall's. At first, it made no sense. All children are different but I know Silas Moonfall. He would have made sure his children were strong and cold like him. Otherwise, he would have disowned them as he did with a few of his children from his many mistresses.

So why did he keep Ari by his side? He had to be important... and once I saw the many clues, I came up with a theory. Ari had to be very important in the future. If he remained a Moonfall, whatever glory he achieved would remain in that family. Silas is a selfish man who only wants power and glory. This is why he kept Ari by his side, but he can't take away what makes Ari tick.

His shyness, his anxiety attacks, his magic hand, his kindness, his love of sheep, his blonde lashes... even his ability to hear spells as simple words. All these clues made it clear to me who Ari was. Even his love for sheep... and seeing those stray white blonde hairs coming out? I assume a spell is starting to wear off... but that doesn't matter now. I know how I can show everyone what I know. I look over at my friend and smile at him. Soon... he will be returned to you.

I have to continue my explanation though. "In the court system, they have their spells to figure things out. Say there's a criminal that won't confess who they are regardless of how much evidence is against them." I take a deep breath. Here we go... "There is a spell that reveals a person's true self." I see Silas' eyes darken as if he's catching on. "With this, we can figure out their name, who they work for, where they come from... and what they're hiding."

Professor Magnolia looks intrigued. "Ostendo." She murmurs the name of the spell quietly. "I have heard of this but without being part of the court system, you can't use it without permission." She pauses and must see the excitement on my face. "Unless... you were given written permission during your internship."

I grin and nod. "Exactly. I even used it myself during my internship so I have experience using it. It's in my file if you wish to confirm but Judge Yearwood told me I can use it when necessary but only for something big." I look over to Ari who looks scared and nervous. I smile gently. "I want to prove to everyone he isn't working for the Dark One. That he's being framed... and that he isn't who everyone thinks he is either."

Silas narrows his eyes. He must get where I'm coming from yet doesn't protest at all. Of course, he probably doesn't think he's done anything wrong. He's so prideful and selfish... he probably sees himself as a hero.

Professor Magnolia makes my file appear in her hands and putting on her glasses starts to read it. I patiently wait while she does and everyone is so silent. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ari pale and shift around in his seat. Poor thing... such a bundle of nerves and all.

"Alright!" Professor Magnolia suddenly says and makes my file disappear. "You speak the truth, Assistant Hill. Edgar Yearwood wrote fondly of you in his report and permitted you to use what you've learned outside the courtroom." She watches me and smiles. "So go ahead... you seem sure of what you're thinking of so prove it to us. Show us who this child really is."

My heart pounds in my chest and I dip my head. "Yes ma'am. I won't let you down." She lets out a small chuckle. "I've never doubted you once, Jason." I smile up at her and then turn to face Ari. "Please stand up kiddo... and don't be frightened." He does so and holds himself shaking like a leaf. I wish I could calm him down but I know this has to be done now.

"Do you trust me?" I ask. Ari looks at me with wide tear-filled eyes but nods immediately. "Y-yes... I-I do... I trust you... a lot... Jason." His voice is even trembling. I nod and smile. "Then trust that I believe you. This will prove you're innocent." I take out my wand and take a breath. It's now or never... I point my wand at him. "... ostendo."

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon