Chapter 11: Magic Hand?

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My first class didn't go as I planned. However, now I feel like I can do anything just because of Jason's presence. It's so calming and I feel like I have a good friend. I hope I can do a minor spell in front of him... I hope I'm not being too clingy. I find myself getting nervous but not in a bad way for once.

When the bell rings again, I see Jason coming out. I wave at him shyly and he smiles at me nodding his head. He does the same to the Rose girl since she's waving happily and sets a book down on his smaller teacher's desk.

"For those who weren't in the last class, my name is Phillip Sable. In this course, I will teach you some basic spells. Because there are so many students here, my teaching assistant Jason Hill will well assist me." Professor Sable motions for Jason to talk.

"Hello everyone. I hope I can be a great asset to you all while you're going through your first year. I was a student like you only a year ago after all." Jason flashes a friendly grin that makes me smile and steps back so that Professor Sable can continue.

"Today we will concentrate your magic into your wand to create a glow. If enough can do this, we will try a simple spell. Don't get discouraged if you can't do this right away. Now everyone grab your wands and let's see what we can do." He takes out his wand which looks like an old branch while Jason takes out his. It looks to be made of red oak... I'm not very bright but I did get to read a book on wands and the types of woods it would be.

I quickly take out my wand and take a deep breath. I want nothing more than to be able to do magic at this point... maybe I could show off to Jason... and the Rose girl too. "Ok class let's get started." I'm jolted out of my thoughts when Professor Sable speaks.

"Every one of you has magic so you need to find out how to reach it. You have the medium that chose you. Focus on the energy in your chest. Breathe in and out... imagine a soft light and let it show. That's how you'll be able to channel your magic." He says. Jason demonstrates breathing in and out. I see a light in his chest that moves down his arm and finally, a small glow comes from his wand.

"Just like that. When you get more experience you'll be able to see the magic run through someone during this exercise." That makes me frown. What did I see then? Maybe I was imagining things... "Now everyone try. It may take a few tries but everyone has the potential to do it."

I nod slowly and close my eyes taking a deep breath. I try to focus on my chest as I breathe but my heart is pounding so fast. The pressure is getting to me. I want to show them what I can do but what if I can't do it? Will they say I'm useless? Will they be disappointed? I imagine Jason looking so disappointed and never talking to me again...

"Hey." I feel like I jump out of my skin and snap my eyes open. In front of me is Jason who is smiling at me. "You're doing well. Just calm down ok?" I notice Professor Sable walking around the room to observe the students. I take a shaky breath and nod. "I-I'm... I'm sorry..." I stammer out quietly.

Jason shakes his head. "I see a strong light in you. You can do it... I believe in you. Just take a deep breath and stay calm. You're doing well." He smiles at me and then walks over to the Rose girl to check on her. As I watch them I see the tip of her wand start to glow. "Ah! I did it! Look!" She beams at Jason who chuckles at her. "That you did. Good work, Ally." She isn't the only one who can channel their magic either. I feel my hand start to sweat. What if I'm the only one who can't?

No! Don't be negative not right now! I continue to work on the exercise but I can't feel my magic at all. Am I supposed to? Should I ask? I just don't want to fail! If I can't even do this then I'll be a huge disappointment! More than I already was! This isn't helping my nerves but I can't help it.

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now