Chapter 9: Meeting a Big Bully

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I start to stir and feel so warm. I feel like someone's carrying me like I'm a baby again. When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is light blue-green eyes. As I blink out sleepiness, I realize I'm being carried by Jason. "Oh! You're awake. I didn't wake you, did I?" He asks in a kind tone.

I shake my head. "N-no... you didn't." I hold onto his shirt for extra support and look around. "W-where are we?" I look back to Jason who was smiling at me. I still don't get why he's so nice to me.

"I'm taking you to your dorm room. Your classes start tomorrow so you'll need to know what your schedule is." Jason tells me which makes me tense a bit. "Don't worry too much kiddo. I'm sure you'll be a model student and make plenty of friends."

I swallow hard but give him a small nod. I want to make friends too. I hope I can get along with everyone. "I-I can walk... ok?" I stammer making him pause. "Of course! Here you go..." he sets me down and pats the top of my head. "Just follow me. Stay close now." With that, he leads the way.

I follow him and look around feeling curious. It's much quieter now which helps me feel better. I feel dread thinking of the chaos of the next day. Hopefully, people will like me. I'm not mean or scary. I'm more scared of them than they are of me. I take a deep and shaky breath which catches Jason's attention.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. When I'm not teaching, you can come to me if you need a place to calm down. You don't even have to say a word." Jason smiles down at me. "I know what it's like to be a new student in this big school after all. I was one until recently."

I look up at him and see nothing but sincerity. He is so kind... I hope he isn't a pushover like me especially when he starts teaching. "T-thank you... Jason..." I whisper which earns me another head pat from him. I feel like I'm some sort of kitty being petted by my master.

Jason chuckles and stops. "Ok, here we are. Boys on the left and girls on the right." He tells me and walks to the left making me quickly follow after him. "As you are a first year, your room is behind the door with one star." He walks over to the door with a single star and opens it for me. "After you Ariel."

I swallow but nod as I step into the common area. I notice some boys around the big fireplace but freeze when their eyes land on me.

"Oh great, that Moonfall boy..."

"Don't you know? He changed his name!"

"I bet he'll be disowned."

"What if it's all an act? The Moonfall's must be working for the Dark One!"

"He must be a minion."

"I'm sure he's as arrogant and rude as his father."

I hold myself tightly at their words and look down tears burning in my eyes. However, Jason shoots them a stern glare which silences them. "Don't listen to them. Follow me." I do just that but look back and see those boys look at me with dark eyes. They remind me of Simon when he's angry... I swallow hard and look forward.

Jason looks around the rooms and spots the door with my name on it. Two more names are on it as well which makes me even more nervous. He knocks on the door before opening it. "Hello everyone. I've come to drop off your roommate." I peek inside out behind Jason.

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