Chapter 25: Soul's Flame?

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"Alyssa!" "Ally!" Professor Sable and momma call after me but I don't look back as I bolt. Tears continue to burn in my eyes as I can't believe this is happening! Chris' words ring in my ears making my head spin. What did she mean by marriage? I don't understand! Why would I marry Ariel of all people? No way in heck! I don't like Ariel that way and I don't think he does either! And even if he does... gross! Disgusting!No way!

I get to my dorm room and hide under my covers to cry. The flames around me are gone by now, but I don't feel any better. After some time I hear the door open. "Ally?" I hear Chris' voice but I just curl up even more. I hear footsteps come up to me and that person sits on my bed. "Go away, Crystal!" I snap immediately.

"Ally, baby..." I tense hearing momma's voice and feel his hand rub my back through my blanket. "It's ok sweetheart... don't be frightened." I sniffle a bit and come out from under the covers latching onto him. Momma hums softly and rubs my back as I cry softly. He stays silent while I get it all out and soon I don't have any more tears left in me. I rub my eyes and sniffle. Why is this happening to me?

Momma smiled sadly. "Do you feel any better?" I nod a little and sniffle. "Good... I'm glad." He hugs me gently. "Do you want to talk? Any questions?" I look up and nod. "Y-yeah... w-what's... Soul's Flame? Does it mean I have to marry Ariel? I don't wanna! I want a strong man like daddy." Momma faintly giggles softly. "D-do... you and daddy... have it too?"

He watches me carefully and then nods. "Yes... we do. When we use my magic and touch... we ignite our Soul's Flame." I tense but he continues. "It happens between soulmates... your father and I are soulmates. We found out about it when we were attending Raven's during my first year. We ended up getting married in the end... that does mean you have to though " he says and pats the top of my head.

I feel a little better... but I have no idea what to do. Everyone saw it and heard Chris talk about getting married. "W-why would I have it... with someone I don't even like? Not like that anyway... it's weird. A-and... I think he likes boys anyway!" Momma frowns a bit. "And there's nothing wrong with him liking boys either." I wince as I don't mean it that way, but momma continues. "You may get teased a lot... I know your father and I did back then. We had different circumstances though. We knew each other before we met at Raven's in our early childhood. It was just... natural for us so to speak. He was my first love and friend. That tends to mean more than anything else."

I rub my eyes and look down. "It made me feel... powerful. And Ariel's spell was even very powerful! But... what was that shadow?" At momma's confused look, I continue. "I saw a shadow move and make Danny's spell stronger! If Ariel didn't protect me, I could have been hurt." I hold myself and shiver.

Momma just watches me. "I didn't see any shadow... but his spell did seem stronger than normal." Wait... momma didn't see it? I watch him with wide eyes. "Y-you believe me right?" Momma's eyes soften and he smiles. "Of course I do. You wouldn't lie about that. Maybe someone else saw it." He pats the top of my head and hugs me again. "Don't feel sad and afraid... we'll figure this out." I nod and nuzzle into his warmth.

Right... we will figure this out. We have to! I don't want anyone to think I'm going to marry Ariel!



After Akana runs after Ally, I'm left standing there feeling dazed and confused. I've never felt that much power before... it feels so nice. I look at my hands and watch the flames disappear and with it the powerful feeling too. However, it's familiar... I feel a hand go on my shoulder and look up. "Come on, Ari... let's go somewhere where we can talk." He says and motions for me to follow. I nod and follow after him, but not before hearing the others whisper.

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