Chapter 26: Please Stop with the Teasing...

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After that day, Ally and I have gotten endless teasing from our classmates. Because of this, Ally is ignoring me and staying away. Losing one of my three friends doesn't feel great, but I don't blame her. I don't like the idea of getting married to her, but I don't think anyone will ever want to marry me either.

At least I still have Jason and Brandon... though Jason has been acting strange lately too. He always seems busy and apologizes when he can't help me study or with homework. He does need to do his own work, especially getting ready to give his reports, but still, it feels like odd timing. He's still friendly as ever though so I know he isn't being mean or anything.

As I make my way to the mess hall, I hear students singing about Ally and me being in a tree and kissing. I shudder a bit and go inside quickly. I order my food then I look around before making my way over to Brandon. "Hello there," I say cheerfully and sit next to him. He looks up and waves. "Good day, Ariel. How are you doing?" His usual smile makes me relax. At least he hasn't changed at all. "I'm alright... just tired of all the gossipers you know?" I watch as a cucumber sandwich, some chips, and a lemonade appear in front of me.

Brandon nods with a sympathetic look on his face. "Yeah, I get that. It's almost like they don't have anything else going on." He shrugs a bit. "But people like to bring people down and I'm sure they notice it makes you both uncomfortable too. They get a kick out of it too." He watches me as I sigh and nod in agreement since it doesn't feel that way.

"Yes... probably..." I look down. "I guess... it's better than when Connor was here. It's not like... I'm being bullied again." Brandon nods and sips on his drink while I take a bite of my sandwich. "True... but it can get to that point again. I don't think you'll stand up for yourself either." I wince at that but he continues. "I'm just worried about you. Who knows what will happen if this spirals out of control." He places a hand on mine.

I blink and look to the side feeling my face get warm. "I-it won't get that far... I promise to... d-don't worry too much about me." I say feeling shy. Brandon watches me and nods. "Good..." he takes my hand gently which makes my face get hotter. "I always worry though. What are friends for right?" He smiles at me. "Besides... I think it's silly to think the two of you will end up together anyway. Even with the Soul's Flame... it doesn't add up." He takes his hand away making me miss the warmth.

"What.., do you mean?" I ask feeling confused. Brandon chuckles. "Well... because of who you are." He sees my confused look and blinks. "Wait... do you not know? That you don't see girls that way?" My face pales as he continues. "I thought it was obvious... nothing wrong with it obviously but... Ari?" I'm on my feet before I know it. His hands tremble a bit. "T-that's... not true... not at all... d-don't say that... a-about me..." That dirty feeling comes back. Before I can think straight I turn on my heels and hurry away. "Ari!" He calls after me, but I don't look back.

Why would he say that? He said it was obvious... am I really that obvious? Is that why Mother got me ready to do nasty things to other boys? No... I don't want that! I never wanted anyone to know but him especially! Does he think I'm trying to seduce him too?

I need to get away from here. My whole body feels hot and I can't breathe well. Jason... I need Jason now! I stumble over to the classroom and knock on his office door. Please... please be inside... I can't breathe... I start to wheeze as my panic level increases. The door opens and I fall into warm arms. "Ari...?!" Jason's voice sounds startled but he starts to use the calming spell on me. It doesn't help right away and I feel tears roll down my cheeks.

Jason continues to calm me and gives me some tea once I'm able to breathe right. He sits me down and kneels to my level. "Ari..." he looks like he wants to ask what happened, but he doesn't. He wipes some tears from my face and then sits down next to me. I start to calm down and rub my eyes. Jason isn't a gross man like Uncle Sebastian so I'm not sorry about accidentally seducing him. His presence is always friendly and calm... he's always too kind to someone like me.

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