Chapter 10: First Day of Classes

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A/N: Thank you to everyone for your support! As a thank you for new followers and my loyal and kind friend Yaoi_lover_4_ever , I will be posting two chapters tonight! Shout out to the following three new followers: dragonthusiast alikainat912 3mberRose


It's finally time for classes to start and I can't wait to learn how to be a witch! I hardly got any sleep last night because of my excitement! Chris, Scar, and I get ready for the day. "Come on! We can grab a quick muffin before we go to class." Scar grins at us and goes on ahead. Chris giggles softly. "She has so much energy..." she murmurs and follows after her.

That's an understatement. I think she may have more energy than me and that's saying something! I follow after my roommates and grab a blueberry muffin eyeing the strawberry ones warily. Like daddy I'm allergic to strawberries so I'll always have to be mindful of them. I take a bite and manage to grab a box of orange juice when I hear a voice call out. "Come on first years! You don't want to be late on your first day!" I feel my excitement grow at those words. It was finally time!

I finish my muffin and gulp down juice before hurrying so I don't get left behind. I spot the boys coming out as well and wave to Danny who smiles back. He seems off like he feels guilty about something... well no time to dwell on that! A few second years are nice enough to show us all to our classrooms. "Oh, you have Professor Sable? He's nice but can be hard when he wants to be." A second year who introduced herself as Ebony says. "Just take good notes and follow along. The first class with him is always fundamentals anyway." She shrugs a bit. "Here we are! Enjoy your first day!" She walks off leaving us alone.

I walk into the classroom and look around curiously. It's a simple room with three chalkboards in the front with a big desk somewhat in the middle along with a smaller one to the side. Seeing the name on it makes me smile with glee. My godfather was a TA for Professor Sable! I have two classes with him so I hope that he will be there when
I cast my first spell!

I decide to sit at the front of the class to be a good little student. There seem to be more desks than students but I vaguely remember daddy saying that we will start to learn magic together with the evil students from year two onward. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing yet but for now, I don't have to worry about it. I push that thought to the back of my mind and look forward.

A middle-aged man walks into the room from his back office. He has curly black hair and strange dark orange eyes. He plays with his beard while watching us thoughtfully. When the bell rings the door shuts automatically and he smiles.

"Welcome class. I see that only one student is late but I'm sure they will get here soon." He says. His voice is a bit gruff and he seems to have an accent but it isn't like daddy's. Daddy is from London and has a thick British accent because of it. I wonder where Professor Sable is from? I don't think I'll get to ask him today though.

"My name is Phillip Sable. This course is going to be more of the basic knowledge and fundamentals of magic. Therefore, in this specific course, you won't be using your..."

Professor Sable is interrupted by a faint knock on the door. I look back with the others as it opens on its own and Ariel steps inside. I see him turn white and he stammers out"I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to be late." I see him wince as I hear some of the boys snicker. I follow his gaze to Danny who won't look at him. What happened? Did Danny have something to do with Ariel coming in late?

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