• FOUR •

654 21 4

"new circumstances"

Kim Y/n 🌊

Oh gosh take her if you want she's free" Jeon said, pushing me infront, as I looked at him in disbelief, fear taking over me. "EXCUSE ME- HELLO-" 2 men grabbed me dragging me away, as Jeon started walking away.

"HEY HEY! CMON!" I kept yelling, The other moron giggled, "oh wow I'm gonna use you to the fullest." He said, i kept screaming and screaming. "LET ME GOOO! JEON GUY HELP!" wow so much for being my saviour, Oh dear God please help me.

A loud groan was heard, before Jeon punched joonho, and before I knew it, the sound of bullets were heard everywhere, Jeon groaned, dragging me and running and standing behind another truck. He re-loaded his gun.

"Who the hell are you-" I asked, "you don't get to talk!" He yelled, as bullets kept firing at the truck. Taking out his phone he handed it to me. "RUN. CALL THE FIRST NUMBER TAEHYUNG, GIVE HIM THIS LOCATION." he yelled over the bullets.

"I'll cover you!" He said, as my hands shook. "I-i can't-" "WERE IN THIS BECAUSE OF YOU AND NOW YOUR GONNA GET US THE FUCK OUT!" he yelled, as I gulped, "now!" He said, making me run hearing the bullets louder from his gun.

I ran all the way out onto the street, and ran into a mall, with shaky hands i dialed Taehyung. "H-hello?" I said, "hello? A girl? Ooh is Jungkook fu-"  the voice said.

"Jungkook? Y-You mean Jeon?" I asked, "uh yes is everything okay?" He asked, more tensed now as I started blabbering and stuttering on every word, telling him everything and giving him the location. "PLEASE HELP!" i yelled.

"Stay where you are. We will be there." The call ended. I kept tapping my foot. Should I call the police? But what if they're like big criminals oh my god, I can't just stand here while he's fighting there. Should I help him? Oh god oh god.

Soon the phone rang again, I picked up. "Where are you Ms?" A more mature voice answered this time. "T-the um i don't know it's a mall" I said. "Got you. Stay there"

15 minutes passed, as guilt ate me up, for what if he's hurt? Soon 2 guys approached me.

"Ms? Are you the one who called us?" He asked,
"A-are you Taehyung?" I stuttered, he nodded "we got her" he said, into a mic on his shirt, before he escorted me outside. "Wh-what about Jungkook?" I asked. "He's fine." He replied calmly, before placing me in the car.

* ˚ ✦

Jeon Jungkook 🔥
"Son of a-" I was cut off by another bullet hitting the truck, I took a deep breath and re-loaded my gun, this was my last bullets. Walking out, I shot every single one of them, until i was put in a chokehold by Joonho.

With a grunt, I flipped him, as he got back up, punching me, making my lips bleed, ofcourse i reciprocated, hitting and punching him breaking his nose, putting him at a chokehold, but be was smart, he kicked my leg, running out, I groaned in pain, when Jimin Hyung and the others arrived.

Killing the rest of his men. "SHIT HE GOT AWAY!" Jin hyung yelled, making me close my eyes in anger. "Stay calm please" Taehyung mumbled. "Where's the girl?" I asked. "Uh- we sent her home." He said. I looked at mingyu who gulped.

"Did you send her home. Or did you send her to my home?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, as everyone kept silent. I nodded, clenching my jaw and walking slowly towards my bike. "I feel bad for the poor girl we should've just sent her home" I heard hobi hyung say.

Oh she will wanna go home alright.


The doors to my mansion bursted open as I entered, to see Y/n, as I remember, sitting on the couch, smiling with Lily, our house maid. She gulped, standing up and bowing. Knowing she has to leave.

Y/n stood up as I rushed towards her in rage, my anger boiling, ignoring the calls from my hyung I grabbed her wrist tight, making her flinch and a yelp coming out of her mouth. "HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT YOU'VE CAUSED HUH?" I yelled, making her flinch.

"SEE THE MESS YOUVE MADE?! THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT!" I yelled, shaking her up completely, she tried to get out of my grip, but I held her tighter. "NOW YOUR IN THIS MESS, I NEVER SHOULD'VE SAVED YOU!!" i yelled not knowing what I was saying, before Jimin Hyung pulled me back. "Don't be so harsh on her stop it!" He yelled.

I groaned, smashing a vase on the ground, she flinched, tears all over her face but it didn't have an effect on me. I know girls like her, only wanting attention and now see where it got her.
I walked upstairs.

Now that they've seen her, seeing me saving her, they're gonna want her, her life is uselessly ruined. They're going to kill her the second she's out of my sight, just so that they can get back at me

Joonho is not my only fucking enemy.

* ˚ ✦

The door slammed, as y/n sniffed up her tears, the other 6 looking at her, Jin went to her, "I'm Jin, this is Taehyung you've met him, Jimin, Hobi, Namjoon and Yoongi" he introduced, wiping y/ns tears.

"And that. Was Jeon Jungkook. Were mafia okay? And you've just made yourself a big attraction. Especially with him, since, he's our boss. But he's like our little brother" he explained, making y/n panic. "A-am I'm gonna die?" She asked, making Jin shake his head.

"You wont die as long as your with us. Is it okay if you stay here for the nigh-" "NO!" y/n screamed, cutting off Jin, making him frown. "I get it lonely girl big roomz big guys mafias don't worry we won't take advan-"

"N-no I just can't." She said, to her, Her father was scarier than any mafia, he would tie her up, maybe this time he won't even give her food. She was already out past curfew and not in her right mind. Staying over? And going missing for a night? He will kill her.

She can't..that's when her phone rang.

🍙: how have you been? DRINK WATER YALL-

Until next time~

-Ava <3

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