• NINE •

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"In the trees, in the breeze"

Kim Y/n 🌊
I smiled, putting my suitcase in the trunk of the car, I was excited, I've never been alone outside unless it was for school or family functions, with dad gone..it's really been a blast! I've had sleepovers, fun game nights and what not with the guys and lily of course.

And finally I'm going on vacation! Seems like God was on my side, I was about to say no for the vacation, since dad is coming home tomorrow, but mom called and said he wasn't coming until next weekend. I was so happy.

"I'm going with tae" Jimin said, and slowly everyone started taking their seats, as I stood not knowing what to do. "Oh Rosie and all will meet us there" Jimin said, I just stood there, looking at them start the cars. "W-wait where do i-"

The sound of the engine revving, caught my attention, i turned around to see Jeon on his motorcycle, as he stopped and gave me a helmet. "You're unfortunately coming with me." He said, making me pout.

"Don't fall off, cause I'll save my bike before you" he said, as I sat behind him. Suddenly the bike jerked forward, as I held onto him tightly. I had never been on a bike before. But how bad could it be? Right?
"Stop panicking y/n" I heard Jungkooks say as I yelled every once in a while he took a turn.  "LOOK OUT!" I Screamed making his bike wobble slightly. Before he growled and stopped at the road. "Yah! Do you want us to die? Stop acting like a child!" He yelled, as i looked away, my hand on my chest.

My heart was beating really fast, as the roads, and buildings soon turned into trees and grass, i smiled feeling the air hit my skin. My heart instantly calming.

Slowly i settled, holding onto Jungkook tightly, as he rode out of the city.

"I've never felt this calm before." I said, as nodded. "Me neither." He said, slightly glancing at me through the mirror.

"Why are you in this mafia thing?" I asked, as he spoke. "My grandfather, and his father and my father started this empire. Originally in Italy. And I'm carrying it."  He said, "don't you ever wanna be something else?" I asked, as he stayed silent for a moment.

"Um..I've never really thought of that, ever since I was a little kid, it was like my future was destined. I was told that I would carry the empire and I had to." He said, as I frowned.

"I believe that some people try to write our destiny, but if you really look at it. All of it is just leading us to our actual destiny" I said, trying to make as much sense as possible.

"You're a peculiar one i must say." He said, as I giggled. "Are we gonna take 3 more hours on this bike?" I asked, as he chuckled. "No, we will stop at a convenience store and switch."

And after 30 minutes we did. Entering the store, I smiled at the cashier, before picking up some strawberry and banana milk for Jungkook, along with some cookies and chips, soon I payed for it and rushed out.

Sitting in the car, with Namjoon and Jin oppa behind us, Jungkook drove, opening the banana milk I placed it towards his lips, as he looked at me confused and then at the road.

"I know you like banana milk so-" I said, as he pushed my hand away slightly. "no i don't." He said, as I nodded. Keeping down in the cup holder, before looking out the window and eating my cookies.

How dare he reject my offering huh? Grumpy oldie.

* ˚ ✦

Jeon Jungkook 🔥
My hand on the steering wheel, but my eyes were on her, every 5 minutes, who am I kidding, every 30 seconds. I looked at the rear view mirror, trying to get a glimpse of her beside me. I looked at the banana milk in the cup holder, and saw namjoon and Jin hyung asleep.

She looked busy, looking at the nature and smelling the breeze, has she never been on vacation before or something? Picking up the banana milk without letting her know, I drank it all in one gulp while driving, and placed it back.

Soon it was evening, looks like the roads were longer than I thought and we would be here and extra hour. My eyes landed on y/n beside me who was soundly sleeping. A small smile formed on my lips.

She was a peculiar one indeed, her whole showing up and staying was peculiar to me. A girl saved by a mafia, and then staying and visiting him and his six friends after almost dying in a shoot out.

I chuckled slightly to myself. What the hell was life doing? My eyes landed on her arm, it looked like scars, slowing down the car, I held her wrist in my hand, as I saw the marks better, what the hell? That's when y/n woke up and pulled her hand away from me.

"How did you get those? Are they from those boys?" I asked directly, as she shook her head. "O-ofcourse not! Lily and I were making pancakes and i-i um i um i accidentally burnt myself." She said, i didn't buy a single word. I'm Jeon Jungkook remember?

But i didn't push her to talk. Why was I do worried anyway? At my age I could have a daughter her age. What am I saying? Fuck I'm losing my mind. I sighed, "alright " I said, as she seemed to relax a bit, pulling her sleeves back down.

"Do you ever..feel as if..everything was going to end?" She asked suddenly, as I looked at her. "Sometimes." I answered shortly, as she nodded. "I feel like that all the time. And that's why i don't want these three days to end" she admitted. As I sighed.

"As long as your with me, they won't end."

* ˚ ✦

"Sir sir! Apparently Jeon and his gang are no where to be traced!" The boy spoke to his boss, who was smoking a cigar, his boss snickered. "that little bastard." He said, before looking at the board infornt of him.

The board containing, pictures and information or Jungkook and his whereabouts. His eyes landed on y/n, as he smirked. "Ain't she pretty?" He said, as the boy nodded. "One of a kind. She's Jeons latest." He said making the old man chuckle.

"I want her. I bet you every damn dollar. She's his weakness and I'm gonna squeeze it out of him" the man snickered.

"So what do we do Mr Black?" Asked the boy, as he smiled. "Find Jeon. Be stealthy, but don't catch them now. Give them time, so that when they fall. It hurts" he said, throwing a dart right at the red centre.

"War isn't over. The battles have just begun."
🦖: sleepy amhgvbudv

How was your day??

Until next time ~
-Ava <3

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