Chapter 11: illusion?

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I woke up to an empty bet, even though I was not surprised, I still hoped in a way he would have been there. But I did not know why.


"Nephew, the emperor will be visiting Arakis shortly" the Baron said. He was sitting on a balcony.

"What does he want to know, we've controlled and even busted the spice production" Feyd-Rautha walked towards his uncle.

"He wants to make sure he is still in control, after all we were just at war with the freeman" the baron responded. The balcony leads to a beautiful view of Arakis.

"He has no Idea, has he?" the baron turns to look at his nephew.

"No, it must remind you that way."

Feyd-Rautha, we have to make the boy talk before he arrives." the baron added

"I understand" Feyd Rautha turns and exits the room. He walks the halls and goes into the cells room. The guards opened the door.

"Has he spoken?" he asks

"No my lord na barron, we've tried everything he refuses to speak"

"You obviously haven't" he takes out his knife and daggers him in the stomach.

"Open his cell" The door opens and he steps in. It was Asha's brother's cell, the man was still tied and in the same position as he was that day his sister went to visit him.

"They've told me you refuse to speak?"

"I'm assuming he won't be saying much more." Feyd smiles.

"So you are smart after all"

"Did you ever question it?"

"We'll see" Feyd drags a chair inside the cell before closing it behind him. He placed it right in front of the prisoner he sits down.

"I want you to tell me all about the emperor"

"The old man? He still alive?"

"Dont play dump, you knew that"

"Did I?" he looks up, and locks his eyes with Feyd's.

"You think I don't know about you? Your family?" Feyd Rautha says more seriously.

"My family is dead, you're responsible for that."

"Oh, but they're not all dead."
"You think you can play tricks with me? I saw how you murder them, one by one"

"Ohh! I see, that's why you refuse to talk, you think you're the last one remaining" Feyd Rautha says with amusement.

"But you have a sister, don't you?" the brave look of Jamis disappeared and instead sadness and anger appeared.

"So you believe she is dead?" small tears slid down Jamie's cheeks.

Feyd Rautha lets out a coff " That's how drugged you were? You don't even remember?"

"You think I would have fallen for that trick, her visiting me, telling me is all fine. And then walking OUT THAT DOOR WITH YOU, GRABING YOU HAND ?" he enrages which only provoques amusement to Feyd Rautha.

"So clueless for someone who is meant to be so smart. If only Asha knew that you believe she was an illusion, her poor heart will shatter in pisces, even more that what it already is if its possible" Jamis's eyes wilden

"Oh yes, you told me her name, you don't remember ? you told me so much about her" he sais smiling

"No, NO! You're lying"

"Really? Then how do I know her name? You did such a good job in keeping her a secret in case you ever got captured, or her, no one would know who she was. So tell me how else could I have known her name,if you didn't told me? Come on now you know deep down she was here, but you rather believe it was an illusion because it would make everything so much easier for you." Feyd's voice was calm, he was enjoying this conversation.

"Who would have thought that you would be wishing your sister was dead? The one thing you have protected and loved in this lifetime" he smiles down to him.

"Shut up!" Jamis yells.

"Good, you snapped out of your stupid illusion" Feyed Rautha says coldly "know time to talk".

"Cu's if you don't, im sure she will"

"You leave her out of this, she has no idea" Jamie's eyes were dark, you could see the pain and anger in them.

"I'm sure she knows a few things, after all you and I know she's very smart. Im sure she pice things together"

"He will come back, but he wont t¡do anything. He just wants to make sure you both understand he is still in charge" Jamis says looking back at the floor.

"Are you sure?"

"If I was emperor, that's what I would do. I can say anything for sure, I don't know the man."

Feyd stands up and turns to the door.

"Sure, you do know the only one you're lying to is to yourself right?" he opens the door and walks out, he turns to face him and before he closes the door he adds.

"Should I kiss your sister your best?" His voice was purely amused and a smirk painted his lips. Jamis's face turns up to face him in a second.

"You fucking pig, keep my sister-" Feyed Rautha slams the door.

"You" he says to one of the guards. "Tell my uncle he has talked, there won't be a problem. Tell him the emperor is welcome"

"Yes my lord na baron" the guard disappears down the dark corridors.

He goes out of the cell, and stands there for a moment thinking, he smirks and starts walking. 

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