Chapter 1

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Just a little disclaimer this story is 100% fiction!! I am a new Formula 1 fan and I'm obsessed with Mr.Smooth Operator ;) I just wanted to create a fanfic and share it with you guys. Also I know nothing about life in Spain so please be nice 😭 I'd love any feedback you guys have. I hope you guys enjoy the story.

My name is Angela, I'm 23 years old and a single mother to a six year old. Elias is my whole world. It's been him and I these past six years. I work as a secretary in a law firm. My best friend Cassidy works there, she's a lawyer. We live together in Madrid Spain. We're roommates. She's been there for me through it all, always being there for me when I was pregnant and even now helping me raise Elias. I couldn't have asked for a better Best friend.

I'm woken up by my alarm clock on my nightstand. 5:45am. Ughh. I turn the alarm off and force myself up and out of bed. I walk into my closet and grab my work clothes for the day and head to the only bathroom in our little apartment in the hall. Cassidy, Elias and I live in a cute, small three bedroom, one bathroom apartment. It's not much, but it's enough. I take a quick shower so I can wake Elias up to shower before school. Once I'm showered and dressed I quickly style my curly black hair that's my pride and joy into a slick back ponytail. I'm just going over my stray hairs with some gel when I hear shuffling out in the hall. Most likely Cassidy waking up to get ready for work as well.
Luckily she showered last night. It was our routine schedule. Cassidy would shower at nights and Elias and I in the mornings. I open the bathroom door and peek out in the hall. She stood at the end of the hall heading to the kitchen and living room. "Morning bestie, coffee?" She offers with a smile. "Do you even have to ask?! Yes please." I sigh loudly. Back in the bathroom giving myself one last glance in the mirror, I decide I'm happy with how I look and go into the hall and head to Elia's bedroom. I open the door slowly causing it to creak. He's a heavy sleeper so I go in and stand at the side of his bed and give my little guy a shake. "Wakey wakey my love. It's time for school. Come now. Shower and then breakfast." I speak softly. He groans in protest. " Elias Ramos, come on baby. I'll have waffles hot and ready for you." I try and convince him. He lets out more groggy groans and finally picks his head up. "Fine" he gives up and starts to get out of bed.
His curls all messy from lying on the pillow. "This is why bedtime is strictly at 9:30pm. Because then you don't want to get up in the mornings. Let's go! Shower young man!" I chuckle behind him gently pushing him with my hand on his back towards the bathroom. I let him get undressed and in the bathtub. Once I hear the water running I go into the bathroom to pick up his pajamas and put them in the dirty laundry bin in the bathroom closet. I walk back into his bedroom and into his dresser to grab his school uniform out of the drawers. Boxers, White dress shirt, dark red sweater vest, and his dark grey dress pants. I decide I'll let him choose what shoes. I for one thought the school uniform was cute, but Elias thought it was rather suffocating and 'makes me look like a retired 60 year old who plays golf with his retired buddies all day'.
I place his clothes on the bathroom counter and shut the door behind me as I exit to head to the kitchen. As I enter the kitchen I'm met with Cassidy who has a huge smile on her face. She's always very happy and sunshine and bubbles but I knew this smile. "Oh no. What is it?" I ask closing my eyes tightly. "No coffee... I forgot to buy some. I'm sorry." She says with a smile. "It's ok. I'll try and stop by the grocery store on my way home from picking up Elias at school. Waffles?" I offer. "Yes please ! And I promise I'll buy the next bag of coffee." She tries to apologize again. "It's no problem seriously." I laugh. I go into the fridge and get the box of waffles out. Placing two at a time in the toaster. Time passes and I hear Elias running down the hall towards the kitchen. I have just finished getting our waffles nice and hot. Cassidy gets the orange juice and cups out and we all sit around the kitchen island.
30 minutes later and it's time for everyone to head out. "I'll see you soon at work." I reassure Cassidy as the elevator door dings and opens slowly in front of us. I grab Elias's hand and we go in the opposite direction as Cassidy as we exit the apartment lobby. The nice, warm April weather is hitting. We've only been in Spain for 1 year now and I was in love. Madrid was everything. From the beautiful sights to the weather. Thankfully Elias's school isn't far from our apartment building so we walk. It's finally 7:27am and we're outside the school gates. Kids and parents surround the gates as well as teacher standing outside to greet everyone. "Alright papi, behave please. You're almost done with school and then summer time." I tell him. "Can we please go to the Barcelona formula 1 race mama? Please please? I want to see Carlos Sainz. He's from Spain." He pleads shaking my hand like crazy in the air.
"I can't promise anything but I will try. As long as you keep up the good behavior and grades". Of all sports, he's obsessed with the Formula 1 races. From the fast cars to the different tracks. That's all he ever talks about. His room filled with posters and the little amounts of official merch I can afford online. "Off you go now. I'll be back to pick you up later. Te amo." I remind him. "Love you too mami" he happily replies and sprints to the school gates. I look at my watch, 7:32am. School starts at 7:45am, I wait until I see him fully inside the school gates and turn back in the direction we came. The law firm office where Cassidy and I work at is only 15 minutes from the apartment. I really wanted my morning coffee so I pull my phone out of my purse and call Cassidy to let her know I'm stopping at the nearby cafe to buy us some coffee.
Our boss is very lenient and understanding with me about Elias. He lets me go into work an hour later than everyone so I can take Elias to school, he also lets me leave work an hour early to pick him up from school. If it's really busy and I work on weekends he lets me bring my sweet boy to work as I can't always find a babysitter. After a brisk 20 minute walk I'm nearing the cafe. I love that everyone in Madrid was so nice and sweet. Lots of people enjoyed walking all throughout the city to their destinations. Some took taxis, others the metro. Once inside the cafe, it's surprisingly not too busy for this time of the morning. I order a cup of coffee for Cassidy, our boss and some other co workers. I hear a lot of commotion coming from outside the cafe but don't pay it any attention as the barista calls out my name. I grab my cup of coffee as she tells me the rest of my order will be out shortly. I give her a smile and thank her. I take my cup and take a sip. "Ow fuck." I burned my tongue with the scalding hot coffee. "Idiot. Of course it'd be hot" I murmur to myself.
        "No worries, I always do the same." The deep voice with the hottest Spanish accent I've ever heard catches me off guard. "Huh?" I blurt and quickly turn to find the owner of the voice. Ohhh. My. Lord. If Elias were here, he'd be over the moon. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I just couldn't help but overhear, I too forget how hot fresh coffee is and burn my tongue" he chuckles. "I'm Carlos" he offers me his hand. Carlos fucking Sainz. "I'm Angela" I go to shake his hand and he grabs it. He brings the back of my hand to his face and kisses it. I've listen to Elias talk for hours about formula 1 and his favorite driver, as well as seen all the videos and pictures he shows me. "Nice to meet you" I speak out before he thinks I'm weird just standing there. "Angela" the barista yells out. "One sec" I politely let out to Carlos. I turn to the counter and grab the first bag with the four cups of coffee in the cup holder before I grab the second. "Need a hand?" Carlos gently offers. "I think I got it" I say all flustered. "Here." He says and takes a bag from my hand. I quickly put my coffee cup into the bag I'm holding so I can take the other bag from Carlos. "Thank you" I smile.
          Damn, this man was handsome. I'm sure he knew it too. He was tall, fit, very fit. His fluffy and wavy hair was just perfect, yet I somehow knew he didn't put much effort into it. His mustache and stubbled facial hair, he was perfect. Hand sculpted by god. "No problem" he responded after he'd caught me staring. He must've been what all the commotion was about a couple minutes ago. Who wouldn't go crazy over him. I think I was starting to. "It's been lovely meeting you, I have to get to work." I softly speak. I decide to start walking towards the cafe exit when I I hear footsteps coming closely behind me. "Wait! I'm just going to be straightforward, would you like to get dinner sometime?" He asked nervously. If I didn't know any better it would seem as if he's blushing. His beautiful golden, honey brown eyes staring into me. "Umm I'm not sure. I mean... it's just... late evenings can be kind of busy for me. But I can see." I awkwardly smile. "Or coffee? Some brunch?" He suggests. "I'm off of work on Wednesdays. That could probably work for me." I suggest.
"Could I get your number? So we can stay in touch and schedule a date?" His Spanish accent really coming through. "Ohh. Sure" I fluster. I felt my cheeks heating up. I was praying he couldn't see me blushing. I give him my number and repeat it once's he's typed it into his phone. "Perfect. I will be in touch. It's been nice meeting you. I hope I'm not making you late for work" he apologizes. "No worries. Until next time" I say as I exit the cafe. No way that just happened. Elias will be so jealous when I tell him. Cassidy will probably go all crazy saying I should go on this date. 'You're hot. And young. You need to go out more' bla bla bla. She's always telling me stuff like that. Without even glancing at my watch I quickly pick up my pace and speed walk to the office. Passing our apartment building and weaving through the people walking to their destinations as well. After about 15 minutes I get to work. I get into the elevator and go up to the 12th floor. I greet everyone I pass by and walk into my groups section of the floor and hand out the coffee. I make sure to knock on my boss's office and go in once given the ok to enter. I go back out to my cubicle to set my purse down and walk over to Cassidy's big girl office. I don't bother knocking and burst in. "You are not going to believe what just happened."

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