Chapter 6

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We watched the post race show and the interview with the drivers. Of course as winner, Carlos was the main focus. I was so happy for him. "Good job out there today Carlos. It was touch and go at first when you were trying to over take max in the beginning" a reports starts. "Yeah definitely. Max is an awesome driver and he has been dominating for a reason. It's been a real challenge going up against him one on one. For a second there, I didn't think I was going to get past him but I thought back to this beautiful woman I met a few days ago and I think it give me the little push I needed." He responds smiling to the camera and gives a wink." Cassidy elbows me teasingly and raises her eyebrows at me.
A few hours later i get a text from Carlos.
Carlos: Thank you Hermosa. I think it was you wishing me luck today that helped me finish in first ;)
Me: It was all you, Congrats once again. You doing anything to celebrate?
Carlos: Some of the guys wanted to go out to eat so probably just that. Hbu? Any plans for today?
Me: I don't have anything planned. I'll
Probably just wing it. But I'll let you go so that you can shower and get ready to eat.
Carlos: I do need a shower, but I'll call you later when I get back to my hotel room :)
   Me: have fun!
            Elias, Cass, and I spent the rest of the day watching movies in the living room. We ordered some pizza and wings as well. We watched about three movies throughout the rest of the day. Elias fell asleep on the couch, probably tired from watching the race. I chuckled to myself and told Cass I'd be right back. I scooped my little man and carried him to his bed. When I came back to the couch, Cass and I just talked about work and life in general. Of course Carlos came up in the conversation.

    The following weekend...

          The week seemed to have gone by pretty fast. Before I knew it, Elias was up early on Sunday morning setting the Tv so we can watch the race. Carlos was having an exceptional weekend. He'd placed P2 in qualifying once again. Cassidy was up early too, she admitted the races were very fun to watch. I prepared a breakfast feast once again and we got settled on the couch with our food just as the race was about to begin.
         "Vamos Carlos!" Elias shouted at the tv. Carlos was still in second place, Max was a good 15 seconds ahead. Jeez. He really is good, but I kept faith in Carlos. The race was in Monaco this weekend. We were in lap 45 of 78 and a red flag was called after two cars crashed. "It's Alex Albon from Williams and lance stroll from Aston Martin" Elias informed Cass and I.
       After 30 minutes the race was resumed. Carlos managed to catch up to Max but he was defending aggressively as usual. Many failed overtake attempts but Carlos didn't seem to be giving up.
       Down to the last lap and Max had managed to stay ahead by four seconds. Max's teammate, Checo was right behind Carlos. At this point Carlos was more focused defending his position in second place than trying to reach Max. Thankfully Carlos defended well and finished in second. I was still proud of him. He still seemed happy on the interviews and podium celebration. I laugh when Max poured champagne over Carlos's head soaking his hair. He looked good even with his hair soaked. Elias got up to use the bathroom and I took the time to text Carlos. Me: Good job out there Guapo, proud of you!! :)

           A couple hours had passed, it was late evening now. Cass, Elias and I decided to go out for some ice cream at this nice parlor a couple streets down. We all ordered what we wanted and picked a nice booth while we waited. Elias was renting to Cassidy about some project his class is working on in school, when my phone buzzed. A message from Carlos.
   Carlos: Thanks beautiful. I'm happy with my outcome. With the points I scored today, I'm now 12 points behind Max.
     Me: That's good. I'm sure you'll catch up and hopefully even pass him. I'm proud of you!
      Carlos: Gracias hermosa, but I have to go. I'm going to shower and get some sleep. I have a flight to catch late at night so I can be in Madrid by morning.
     Me: Oh wow, you're coming back already? Would it be too much if I said I missed you?
      Carlos: You miss me? Thank god. I was hoping I wasn't being too much missing you. But yes, I'm on a flight home tonight. There's something I want to talk to you about. Can we meet tomorrow?
       Me: I get out of work at 2:55pm but because I go pick up my son from school...
Carlos: no worries. I have to go now, I'll call you in the morning! See you soon. Missing you ;)
Me: have a safe flight and see you soon :)
By the time I look up from my phone I realize Cass must've gotten up and gotten our ice creams. Her and Elias sitting across from me stare at me suspiciously. "Earth to mami?" Elias questions. "Sorry mi amor." I apologize and we all dig in, into our ice creams. We chat about random stuff until we finish. On our walk back to the apartment Elias is full of energy and walks ahead. "So what was that back there?" Cass asks, referring to when Carlos and I were texting. "Carlos is catching a late flight tonight to be back tomorrow. He said he wants to meet, he wants to talk about something." I say nervously. "How you guys been while he's been away" "good, we talk on the phone often and text a lot when he's not in the race car. Maybe he's realizing I'm not worth it. I mean I come with baggage, I wouldn't blame him." I say defeated. "Girl?! You just said things have been going well. Maybe he wants to talk about becoming more??" She says as if pointing out the obvious. "I don't know. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best right?" I murmured.
"Anyway, he wants to meet tomorrow but I don't know. I work and then I'm off to pick up Elias." I point out. "Not too far ahead cariño" I call out to Elias. He slowly his roll. "I can watch him when I get home from work. And don't start. You know I love the little bug. Some Tia Cassidy and Elias time is always my favorite. He thinks I'm cool" she boasts. "Ughhh" I strain. "I insist. Yes bestie???" She sings. "Just this once. I feel awful when you watch him for me. I hate putting him on you." I complain. "I love him. We're a family. That's what family is for" she reminds me. "I'll make sure to figure something else out next time. I promise" I tell her. "Yeah yeah" she says.

The next day...
             I had just dropped off Elias at school and was walking in the direction of work when my phone started to ringing. I scramble in my purse to see who's calling.
     Incoming call: Carlos
      I answer quickly.
      "Buenos días" I happily greet him. "Buenos días, just calling to let you know I've landed. I'm on a taxi going home now." He drags. "I'm going to take a nap and set an alarm for later. What time can I pick you up?" He sounded nervous. " 6:30pm ok" "That works. I'll see you then, I'll leave you to get to work. Have a great day." "Thank you and have a good nap" I return.
I continue my walk to work. Once entering the building I get on the elevator and press the button to go up to the 12th floor. I greet everyone I walk by and get to my cubicle. Already there's a stack of papers waiting for me. I don't waste any time and get right to it. I'm mainly filing papers then making copies today. The time flies by and the stack is finally shrinking. I'm taken by surprise when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Angela, could I speak with you please?" It's my boss. "Sure thing." He waits for me to stand up and walks towards his office. I follow behind and he gestures for me to take a seat. "Angela, I know you've only been working here for about a year, but I can't help but recognize the hard work you put in. You never complain or ask for time off. I was would you like you become my personal assistant?" He offers.
            "Woah. That's very kind of you Pablo. What would my day to day consist of?" I'm not sure how to feel. It would be great to get promoted but if my day to day will be the same, is it worth it?  "It would still be almost the same just, a lesser workload. You'd only be here to assist me. We can discuss more in details, how does dinner sound?" He asks. For some reason I couldn't help but feel that there was more to asking me out for dinner. "Oh I'm sorry, I already have plans tonight. Can i just think about the offer? I will have an answer for you tomorrow morning." I try and be polite. "Oh. We can do dinner some other day and you can take more time to think?" He tries to suggest. "I can't I'm sorry. You know I have Elias." I try and throw him off. "Ok then. You can get back to work." Just like that he ushers me out of his office. Cass is waiting for me at my cubicle when I return.
       "What was that?" She asks raising a brow at me. "I think he was trying to offer me a promotion, but asking me to dinner at the same time. I obviously rejected the idea of dinner and said I'd think about the promotion."I shrug off. "Weird. I mean who can blame him if he's into you, you're hot" she winks at me. "You're too much. Get back to work" I shoo her away laughing.
        The rest of the day went by smoothly and then came the time to clock out and pick up my little bean. I say goodbye to my co workers and Cass, I opt out of saying goodbye to my boss and head to the elevator. It was a nice walk to the school. The sun was out but there was a nice breeze so it wasn't too hot.
       When I get to the school gates, I stand under a nearby tree and go on my phone. I decide on opening Instagram and looking up Carlos. Of course he had millions of followers. He has so any fans, some even had fan accounts all about him. I was scrolling through his feed. Man he was hot.
        "Mamiii" Elias pulls me out of thoughts and I quickly shove my phone in my purse. "Amor" I greet him with a hug. I take his hand and we begin our walk back to the apartment. "So what do you think ma? Will we be able to go to the Barcelona Grand Prix ? Pleaseeeee" he jumps in front of me stopping me in my tracks. "I don't know Mi amor. How much are the tickets?" I ask sighing. "I don't know" he shrugs innocently. "I will look into it, but I can't promise anything amor. You know we don't have a lot of money to spare. I will see what we can do ok?" "Ok mami" he says softly and we continue our walk "oh Tia Cassidy will babysit you tonight. I have to run an errand.." I let out. He just nods without asking any questions.

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