Chapter 12

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      "Reservation for four, Sainz." Carlos tells the waitress. It was obvious she was checking him out. "Of course Mr.Sainz, right this way." She grabs menus from her stand and glides her fingers across his arm. I see him tense up and take a step back to get rid of her touch. I scoff to myself and feel a nudge from behind. Cass must've seen too. Were taken to a booth near the back of the restaurant. Right beside glass windows that go from floor to ceiling.
       "I will be back in a minute to take your order." The waitress shoots another shot at Carlos by shooting him a wink. Carlos had brought us to a steakhouse restaurant. Carlos and I sat on the same side of the booth together. Cassidy and Elias on the opposite side. "You're with me my little bean" she told him, nudging him into the booth. "Tia" he groans. "I'm not your little bean anymore" his face gets red and it's obvious he's embarrassed. "You'll always be my little bean" Cassidy fake cries and wraps her arms around him. "I got great news for you Eli. All of you actually" he's about to tell us when the waitress comes back.
"Now. What can I get you guys to drink. I'll start with you Mr.Sainz." Her voice all high and annoying. I keep my cool. "I'll have a glass of your best red wine, and then a glass of water please." He says after glancing at the menu. "And for your sister?" She says looking at me. "I'm driving babe, but you go ahead and get whatever you want. I've heard their mixed drinks are good here." He says looking me in the eyes and taking my hand and setting our envelopes hands on the surface of the table. "Hmmm. I'll just have a sparkling water." I say giving her a fake smile. She doesn't say anything else and moves on to Cass who orders a margarita. Elias orders himself a sprite with a lemon on the side. "I'll go ahead and give you guys a minute to look over the menu while I get your drinks." This time she doesn't make a move on Carlos.
"Is someone a little jealous" he whispers into my ear leaning into me. His hot breath hitting my skin like lightning. Suddenly I feel hot. And heat traveling down. It was strange, but it felt nice. I maintained my posture. "Jealous? Of what" I chuckled. "Hmmm. You're so sexy when you're confident. I like this side of you." His voice more seductive this time. I'm certain now. This feeling. I'm getting turned on. He sits back up straight and gives me a wink. I flutter my eyelashes and give him my innocent look. The waitress is quick and quiet handing our drinks. "Ready to order now?" Her voice isn't as high and annoying now. Carlos nods. "You go first Hermosa." I order a simple 8oz sirloin steak. Carlos gets a huge t bone steak. Cassidy being basic gets tenders and fries. And my sweet boy ordered for himself once again getting a cheese burger from the kids menu.
The waitress leaves and I remember Carlos didn't tell us his news. "You didn't get to tell us your great news" I remind him. "Oh yeah. Right. Soo.... I got you guys the VIP paddock passes for the Barcelona race coming up." He says excited. "No wayyy." Elias gets too excited and I remind him to calm down and use his inside voice. "Oh my god. I will be going to an F1 Race" my boy struggles to contain his excitement. "I better do some research so I'm not so out of place there" Cass says. "Oh Carlos. You shouldn't have." I say with a soft smile. "I wanted to. Plus I want my girl there at my home race. And my biggest fan" he says with a huge smile at Elias. "Got any single friends you could put me on?" Cassidy jokes. "Actually yeah." He answers. "Oh no! I was joking." She nervously laughs.
We continue talking about the race and Eli is just over the moon. He starts off with what will he wear and then starts asking Carlos stuff about the car and the team. Our food arrives shortly after and we start to eat and continue our conversations. Dinner was going great. We were all conversing. "So Carlos, our job is having a company party event. Angela was wondering if you'd be her plus one." She gives me a smirk. He turns to look at me. "I was going to ask you but then if we were to go I would need to find a  babysitter for Eli." I shrug. "Ohh. If you want to go I can ask my cousin and manager to babysit. He loves kids. I'm sure you know him Elias?" He asks. "Another Carlos! But you call him Caro right?" I was always surprised by how much Elias knew and how he remembered everything. "Yup! See, Elias doesn't seem mind." He waits for a response. "I wouldn't want to bother your cousin. Maybe next time?" I suggest. "Ok hermosa, whatever you want" and he kisses my cheek.
         We finished dinner and Carlos refused to let me and Cass chip in. We were just waiting for the waitress to return Carlos's card. Cassidy was on her phone when she gasped and got all of our attention. "No way! Bestie you're all over F1 social media content. "What? What do you mean" I say startles and confused. "Look!" She hands me the phone and Carlos and I both look. 
   "Carlos Sainz spotted in downtown Madrid with two women and a child. He's holding hands with one of the women who's also holding the little boy's hand. Does he have a new girlfriend? And does she have a son?!"
        The headlines were all pretty much the same. "Oh lord" I murmured. "I'm sorry babe. I should've checked with the restaurant for a more secluded entrance." He tries to apologize. "No it's ok. I know what I'm in for. I just, I'd rather keep Elias out of the media" I explain and I locked eyes with Cassidy across the table. "Here you go. Have a nice night" the waitress interrupts. Carlos clears his throat. He asks if we're ready and we get up. Carlos leaves the restaurant first and pulls the car up. I grab Eli by the hand quickly and rush him into the car. Once we're all in the car, Carlos and Eli start their conversation. My mind wandered. I was worried. Thought in most of the pictures you can only see at the most, half of his face. Mine is clear. I had just hoped the wrong person wouldn't come across the news.
       When we arrive back at the apartment, Carlos and Eli seemed to have bet on who's the fastest off the elevator. Carlos let Eli win and we all laughed letting the little guy enjoy his victory. "Off to bed amor. Tomorrow's the last day of school." I remind him. "Fineee. Goodnight Carlos. Thank you." He stands still for a moment and Carlos makes the move to crouch and hug my little boy. It warms my heart. He releases Elias and Cassidy thanks Carlos for dinner. She says her goodnight and goodbyes and goes to her room. Carlos and I are left in the living room on the couch. "Thank you for today. And for the tickets. I don't know how to repay you. I know they must cost a fortune." I tell him. "Don't worry about it. It's my pleasure, and they actually didn't cost me anything." He says proudly.
        "What are you doing tomorrow?" He asks me. "Work and then picking up the little bean from school. You?" We're sitting next to each other facing one another on the couch. "It's the beginning of my go karting organization. My team and I will be doing a formal introduction. My manager and a close friend will test drive some of the go karts around the track. It's just a little past the city if you want to come. I can pick you up after Elias gets out of school." He offers. "That sounds fun. But I wouldn't want to pull you away from your big day to pick us up. I'm sure we can take a taxi." I suggest. "Don't be ridiculous. It's fine. "Ok" I whisper with a smile. He brings his huge hand onto my thigh. A bit higher than expected and I let out a sharp breath. That warm sensation hitting me again.
I wasn't sure if I just really wanted Carlos, I know I was falling for him fast but my desire to have him was growing. Not having any intimacy in six years probably isn't helping. With Carlos, I want to be touched. I want him. But I didn't want to seem desperate so I would wait until he made a move or showed he wanted more too. "When do you leave for Canada?" I asked him trying to get myself together despite the fact that Carlos's hand on my thigh was staring to drive me crazy. "I leave on Sunday. The team wants me there for the whole race week." He says with a pout. "You don't feel like you want to go?" I ask him confused. "I do. But I don't want to be away from you for long. I'm falling for you, fast and hard. I don't know how I'll do it being away from you and Elias for a whole week." I scoot forward until there's no more space for me to scoot.
I place my hand on his cheek and lean in for a kiss. He kisses me back passionately. It almost seems like he doesn't want to stop. But he does. He looks me straight in the eyes. Those honey brown eyes of his that are becoming my favorite thing to stare into. "Would you want to come with me? You and Elias. Bring Cass too." He blurts out. "To Canada? For the whole week?" I'm shocked. "You don't have to. I'll understand. I just wanted to invite you. You wouldn't have to worry about a thing." He throws in. "A vacation does sound nice. I have vacation days I've been saving. Can I talk to Elias about it? And Cass?" "Of course. You just say the word and I'll make the arrangements." He's smiling now. From ear to ear. "Tomorrow is Elias's last day of school. I'm sure he'd love to start off his summer with a vacation. Thank you. You're so good with him." I tell him. "He's a good kid. Cute and smart. It's hard not to be taken with him. You should be very proud" he leans into me and gives me a kiss on my forehead.
        "I should go, think about Canada. Talk to Cassidy and Elias. I'll see you tomorrow, text me when you're ready to be picked up." He reminds me. "Actually if you want, so it's easier, Elias gets out of school at 3:15pm. You can pick us up from there. I'll just take a change of clothes for him to get out of his school uniform." I suggest. "Perfect!" We stand from the couch and walk to the door. "Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow." He comes in for a kiss and I melt in his arms. "Goodnight Carlos..." I think I love you. I lock the door behind him.

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